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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. First impressions before having played the thing: -Thanks for autocast on on trickery. -Hydro stacks now? Cool if true. -Dark, gold and life all have 1100 range and 1.5 secs now, bad idea imo. 1100 allready has a too small coverage in many cases, and somebody pointed out (can't find the post atm) that with 1100 range the tower needs to be fast to do damage. Else creeps can run by and the tower never fires, like on fast waves with a small coverage. So there is a very good reason not to do that precise thing you just did. Like 3 times. -Why the summoning slower again? Nerfed the tower on random again? Or did you give in to the complaints about heavy micro? -That's a big boost to drowning. More hits/sec means more rolls for instakill. Dunno if thats needed, but hey, I barely use the thing yet, so it might be needed. -Why boost laser? It was strong allready, now I'll be able to dominate the world. I mean map. -It's not in the changelog, does flamethrower still mass kill a wave? As in "the explosion is napalm too"? So it can chainreact an entire wave? Edit - Karawasa stated on the irc that chain-napalm-wave-destruction is gone.
  2. Another great achievement.
  3. Why? Don't you think it's annoying to them if they have to post again and still have no effect?
  4. My current meaures are: On the first offense I warn and delete all posts. On the second offense I delete all posts and the user. My thinking behind this is: If I wait with the ban till the second spamming, they have more work to do. And since I check the forums more than once daily, the spam level is practically zero anyway. So as a result I hope to raise the cost for spamming. What do you guys think?
  5. All this info is allready avasible under the builders "Tip" ability.
  6. Cisz

    Lags on Undead waves

    Hm, interesting. Maybe I am wrong about the host computer beeing the cause then.
  7. Dang, forgot euroBattle.net, I add it now..
  8. Same here, b-net and sp. Edited vote.
  9. It does not, only in single player. Maybe its broken, maybe there allways is one player that forces everyone to watch the damn thing all over again. I played it like 70 times online, and it never aborted. I think it really has to be either a voting or the host decides, or voting and the host can override it. If we go for "if there is one funny guy who thinks this is a clever joke"-method, it will probably suck. And yes, I completed it a lot, normally no leak and with any hero. I usually dont use hero towers. Did you know there are two versions of the map? One is (or maybe was) available in the map vault of b.net, it's a very hard version. And the other one was included in tft, and this one, the easier one, I no-leak. The harder version I barely survive.
  10. Cisz

    Lags on Undead waves

    I guess what 13est is trying to say is: There are lag problems in the 4.0pb, the version you are using, but we allready use a more refined version in our tests. And the 4.0 will be much less laggy. Lag is usually caused by a host with a not-so-great computer. Do you experience lag when you host yourself?
  11. I played a lot of BlizzTD, and the tutorial never aborts early.
  12. Cisz

    IRC Meetings

    Saturday just started (2am in gmt+1). As long as the ground is dry, I'll be online.
  13. How did you get enough beta testers to test this?
  14. Played 2 pubbies with jolin, sucked, but hey, started to practice again.
  15. Thanks for pointing that out, I joined b-net imediately.
  16. So now we are talking about taking a splash tower and making it multishoot. Hm. What's the difference to a splash tower?
  17. Cisz

    Laser tower...

    About the range - I agree with Karawasa ( ). Impulse does over 4000 too, you need to micro it.
  18. Ya. Basically they suck vs elementals, and don't get better with clumping. So they are worse than splash and worse than st when doing the same damage.
  19. Cisz

    IRC Meetings

    We will have to do a tower by tower analysis at some point anyway. We won't be able to properly ballance this thing without even knowing what ammount of dmg the towers actually do (that is by testing them, not just reading the stats). Maybe the st/slow issue made me afraid that there is more lurking outside. Maybe we lose slow or st. Or the dmg type distribution could invalidate the elements for support duals. I remember arguing with MrChak, where I wanted to go with ld, wf, en, but he said "ld, ef, nw will work, what can possibly go wrong". Maybe it goes wrong. That could lead to either a map slightly of ballance, or a total redesign for like 30% of the towers. I'm scared, I want data.
  20. Karawasa mentioned that "it moves", but realistically, it does not move at all. Imo the only way to change this is to make it either much faster, so it can fire at the same wave again after it has passed by (for more than a two pass), or to make it switch ledges, which ammounts to a teleport. Call it hook, I call it "making it move in a relevant way". As for the dmg increase/time: I have the feeling that if this is a small effect, it's not worth the effort to code it, as it basically just is an st tower with no rebuild ability or use in most random. And if the effect is big enough to be notable, I'd say the resulting tower is either unballanced or to weak. Compared to a standard st tower: -If golem ends on a slightly buffed dmg and starts on a slightly nerfed damage, the effect is basically not there. -Start on notably nerfed dmg, ending on slightly buffed, to weak. -Anything ending on notably buffed, to strong. I have the feeling that with a growing golem there is no zone where the effect is still there, but not messing up the ballance, as the intended behaviour of the tower (grow in strength over time; that is a changing dmg/gold/sec) is threatening the ballance in itself. Imo only the ending or the starting state of the tower can be ballanced, the other will be out of ballance, or maybe both. That's why I ask: Is there more to this tower than a changing dmg/sec/gold? If not, I request a new tower. So why not nerf/keep moderate the dmg change (assuming we revert to a 3.0 golem) and increase the movement speed? That would be a unique feature to this tower, that actually rewards micro. Teleport or huge speed buff maybe?
  21. Multishoot has a very bad reputation on the 3.0. I'll explain when I return.
  22. Cisz

    IRC Meetings

    I can usually be online around gmt+1 6pm-11pm, most days more, some days less. Things to do from my point of view: -Golem, imo does not work yet, like "not work at all". Maybe add teleport, or a serious movespeed boost? -Resolve or accept the slow/st issue. At least get a proper understanding of what this means to st. -Go over all the towers in one list, to assign to each one a dmg/sec/$ value it should have, and test if it actually does this. That is: Plan a dmg/sec/$ = X for ice. Calculate the needed dmg Y that we expect will actually result in X dmg/sec/$. Give ice dmg value Y, make a version with damage value Y and test if the resulting X is what is should be. Do that for all towers.
  23. The main problem with a growing tower is that it is to weak early on and either just about right later on (which makes it suck before that) or a bit too strong (which makes it to bad first and to good later on).
  24. And I mean: Maybe the bug is not important, as the tower is not worth working on it. If it would work bugfree, it is an st tower you need to mass to make it worthwhile, right? So is that concept interesting? Don't we need another tower here? Or has anybody ever done something that implies that this tower has the chance to be anything other than a boring st tower?
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