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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. Twilice

    Sandbox mode?

    I like the mode you stated, but instead have 5 golems so splash towers have an effect, I don't know where to put this in the game. It sounds like a good idea, but to implent it into a good way is hard, you cannot have it in the start. And in the end there are ronalds. Huh? Wait a second, what voting area? Are you talking about version 3.0?
  2. Thats what I mean, the model periodic tower uses has no "overhead".
  3. Very nice indeed, sorry that I couldn't help you out the other day. I'm suer there are other ways to work around it. Btw, is it your map? I could maybe help you in other ways if I could get a look at it.
  4. I don't know about how to fix it, but I know the problem. The model of periodic doesn't have any sprites for the buffs Blacksmith and Well has. (P.S. sorry if I messed upp with the words)
  5. I got some pictures. But I haven't installed a TGA file opener yet, and this weekend me and some friends of mine is going to have a LAN.
  6. You can do it on magic allready. Just right click it.
  7. Twilice

    Infinite Ronalds

    100% agree with Cisz, try playing in Very Hard using the same strat.
  8. It feel so much gray, and every darkness icon and darkness text is purple. Just a little bit purple. But it feels to close to white should be purple and maybe a bit darker. You cannot make it any darker now, you wouldn't see it, but if you add a bit purple you could make it a bit darker and it is more compitabel with icons and text.
  9. That is a great idea orb3r. Then the time the list is showing can be a bit increased without having the list in the way. The other idea is good but faar to complicated. I really like orb3r's idea. I hope I didn't get you wrong. You meant having 2 Tower querys right? 1 for duals and 1 for triples.
  10. Nvm, I think I fixed it. Actaully I think the computor bugged itself to have some icons 100% when the computor had 125% so when The computor had 100% some icons had like 75%.
  11. 1440 * 900 -- 17* widescreen. Using 90 DPI. Laptop, before the picture and everything were fine but not now.
  12. Well, yes But I have all replays for the ronald hunt entries thats all I got.
  13. After Formating the computor (as you problary allready know by now) Well there is 1 last thing I need help with. Some things on the computor have gone VERY BIG, this forum has been very big. Most buttons on most programs (internet explorer 7 favourite icons for example.) The "text" that come upp when you right click seems oddly big to. It gets more and more annoying. I have tried to fix this by changing resolution but that doesn't work. I think it has something to do with my DPI (don't know what it is) But when I change it all icons become very small (don't remember about explorer.)
  14. Darkness should be more purpleish according to me.
  15. Recyle bin..................
  16. Yes, using all 6 elements seems much stronger then using 1-5 Elements. I have watched all 3 new replays for the ronald hunt and everyone of them used all 6 elements. I also noticed that there is not much duals used exept supporters (well, blacksmith, trickery.) Mostly it were duals at the very early begining, and were later uppgraded to tripple. My conclusion: 6 Elements need nerf Duals need buff ?somehow make it more balanced? The question is how to balance these things. Make tripple slows less effect the more of them you have? (of diferent type, not same type)
  17. Is it really possibly to replicate a game? With all the timers set at right time, towers at right place and other stuff.
  18. I cannot have more then 3 attachments. What should I do? Should I delete that post and well, have it like this: Once a record is judged it will be permanent. But that is no good if the rules are changed (wich I'm thinking off, will see how this is going first before changing rules.) Well for now I will just keep all replays on my newly formated Computor.
  19. No, and yes. I saved all neccesary Element TD replays. (but when I think about it I forgot to save all bug replays.) I got all replays for the Hall of Fame but no replay else.
  20. But doesn't he have the unprotected version of Element TD 3.0? Well he should have.
  21. No, sorry not yet. Only the states modes count for now. If it gets more popularity I might add more Hall of Fame modes. P.S. Cisz I didn't know there was sush a rule, good thing I know now, I will add it to the rules P.S.S. How can I add a name to the link? So instead of all those numbers and letters it says Replay Rules: by Cisz.
  22. I had it going. But it feel very buggy at the install. You know when you install it is like in the loading screen a blue bar that indicate how faar you have come, right? Or atleast it used to be so for me. But there wasn't a bar. Anyway I got the install running but it took unusually long time. But it runs faster ingame as I have no shitty space taking programs.
  23. Shame you didn't ask yesterday. I have just formatted my computor and no longer have the picture as wallpapper. But Karawasa should have it.
  24. Well I just had to format my computor. Nothing seems as it was before now. I am trying to install wc3 but it just keep going and going but still it's still 0%!!!! I'm freaking out.
  25. Twilice

    4.0 Ronald counts

    The ronald counts on very hard could be posted at the ronald hunt Hall of Fame list.
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