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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. Twilice

    Renaming lumber

    As long as you don't steal mine xD I use the inprented "mana" icon for lumber and changed the text. And I use the inprented "diamond" icon for gold and changed the text, and the gold credit collor (it is blue) I suggest using one of thoose.
  2. Twilice

    Weird Builder Bug

    I think it is fixed for 4.0. We are aware of this, but thanks anyway.
  3. Twilice

    [request] userbar

  4. This really pisses me of !!! I've posted 3 long post. But they aren't seended, It says 'Page not found' and they disappear. (this is only for today.)
  5. DÓH!!!! Everything I wrote disappared when I typed submit. (reason, page cannot be found) Had some ideas will try to remember most of them. Put a random builder to sleep for 3-8 seconds. Put a random tower to sleep for 2-5 seconds. Boost a speed of a targeted creep by 10-30% for 5-10 seconds. Reduce damage by 10-25% of a targeted tower for 4-12 seconds. Reduce speed by 10-20% of a targeted tower for 4-12 seconds. Give a targeted creep the evasion ability permanent, 10-40%. 10-20% for elemenetals.
  6. Is it your model or who should get credits from it?
  7. Twilice


    UareAnoob!!! here's a question for you: What happens when you max everything out WITHOUT Cheats? P.S. there is a real bug in this game, when you enter whosyourdaddy all your towers will deal 100 times more they usually do it's a mayor bug that only occurs offline. I'm just kidding with you
  8. You should be able to see the other players. Almost all abilitys should be random Ex. put a random builder to sleep, if you would target a builder it could get pretty imba.
  9. Twilice

    Jinx Tower

    Well I think there are just some builds that have god slowing. We have allready seen that we have not enough "god" builds or slowing the map is allready extemly hard and if it is unbalance we just change it back or change ability.
  10. Twilice

    Jinx Tower

    Here's my idea, make the tower attack faster (single target) Have all towers in an 250 AoE of that unit to have 20-40% to be teleported back 3 seconds in time. Summary: Tower is single target, but spell effect is AoE but works about the same as before.
  11. Twilice

    Voodoo Tower

    Should be working more like Dotas AoE maledict but autocast.
  12. I love Blizzard as it is. I don't think it's a god idea Are they going to change the name or will it still be Blizzard?
  13. Karawasa have allready started a topic about this, you should check it.
  14. If the "yin and yang" tower morph into target tower I'm pretty fine with it.
  15. Twilice

    Spout Bug

    Me and Rodead tried a quick test. I tried spout, seemed god at first but later on the bug occured. You could think its better because the units get stuck but no, they wont be tossed into the air and wont deal the AoE damage. (I think, feelt like that got replay here: http://rapidshare.com/files/73423945/Be ... o.w3g.html) Did not work on undead units, maybe because they reincarn when they die and leave no body. Also if you leaked a unit once it seemed to be bugged. I actually don't know wy the bug occurs.
  16. Trickery is dark and light, (I don't like the copy idea) and it could be something like Ying and Yang tower. (got no ideas tought )
  17. Hail Tower: Hmm, do I get this right? You mark a target location? And random meteors will strike at random point in that lokation?
  18. As for the death tower. It almost kills a unit in 1 shoots. but after that shoots it will almost not deal any damage, so increasing the damage is not a god idea. Lower the damage maybe lower the range, and change the vaules it deals. Hp of unit * 1. (50%or less=1 100%=0.5) thats the consept and a new info text could be, The closer the unit is to death the more will the tower deal. (or something)
  19. Involves pretty much selling in same random, so thats micro in one way.
  20. Jinx. Shoots very fast (not like water but pretty fast) deals small damage. attack is fire damage, has a x% to infuse the fire ball with light or darkness. If infused with light it will explode on impact dealing damage and slows by a little bit. If infused with darkness it will create a Fire path, creeps that walk over it will take burn damage. (maybe hard to code, Ps do you understand what I mean?)
  21. Yepp it's hard I know. I cleared the map once (and first of all without cheats) and I don't even remember how.
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