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Guest dyehardz

Request new Starting Level (26) + extra levels

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Guest dyehardz

At beta4, I always play in short mode because

it is very boring to play from level 1 to 15.

In my opinion, level 16 to 25 is still boring.

The game start interesting at level 26 above.

How about : short mode start at level 26?

Or ... user can choose STARTING LEVEL :

- normal (start @ level 1)

- short (start @ level 16)

- extra short (start @ level 26)

That's 1 of my request. Pardon my english.

I hope you can understand what I wrote.

==[new addition - Apr 5, 08]==

Maybe with this short / extra short we can have more levels before Ronalds? for example :

- normal (start @ lvl 1) -> end @ lvl 60

- short (start @ lvl 16) -> end @ lvl 63

- extra short (start @ lvl 26) -> end @ lvl 65

new extra levels are there to compensate those missing early levels.

what's your opinion?

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no probs with the language, but the idea ain't too attractive to me, but maybe there are others who agrees lvl 16-25 can be too boring.

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Guest dyehardz

I edited my original post.

please have a look.

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I don't like that extra levels, and I don't like to even play short mode but:

The game is too long to play, so I am a great fan of having short mode (even though I'm not playing it enough). So I would vote yes for having a "very short mode" in the "special mode" section of the game types, allthough I would rarely use it.

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This is certainly an idea to consider. I would probably choose level 31 as extra short (so you can eliminate either 1/4 or 1/2 the game). The foreseeable problem would be deciding how much gold to give players on extra short.

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extra short mode would be welcome but definately not extra levels. the whole point of short mode is to end the game faster. adding extra endgame (and harder) levels defeats the purpose of short mode.

deciding on the gold would be a challenge. even the current lvl 16 short mode gives slightly more gold than average playing.

another suggestion was the sandbox mode which would also serve this purpose to a certain extent..

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Guest dyehardz

for current lv16 short mode, I think 900 gold is ok.

(or maybe you want a nice number for example '911'?) :P

deciding gold for lv26 or lv31, why don't we help by

provide 'net worth' from our VH games at lv26 and lv31?

(I'll give mine later)

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900 is to little. I can do 1000 gold till wave 16 in a normal multiplayer game, so I loose to much if I play short mode.

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Guest emjlr3

would also have to give extra time I think to allow people to get their build as they would like it before spawns start raining down upon them

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Guest dyehardz

here some of my net worth at lv30 playing VH rnd short :

- 6300 (interest at lv10)

- 6782 (interest at lv15, root towers are wonderful)

- 5800 (no interest)

- 6735 (interest at lv5 & 30)

- 5600 (no interest)

- 6140 (no interest)

- 5700 (no interest)

(actually, I note these just before lv31 started, not after lv30 completed)

I propose : 6000 gold

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Remember that networth is something else than gold. 6k gold is 4500 networth, but maybe you didn't spend all? or was playing random?

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Guest dyehardz

I always playing random.

I don't like 'sell only get 75% gold' at pick.

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Well, I think the main idea behind requesting shorter mode & extra levels is, that players (me too) find these 11 picks usually low. Count the number of topics related to this issue: pick at every 3-4 levels, 80 levels, extra random picks at every X levels, whatever.

The game does NOT have to be longer, but shorter. However, some more fun should be added. Great, we have tons of towers which are pretty unavailable, only twice in our game life. (Say, level 3 duals. I'm sure I've built not more than about 5 of those... 15 variations.)

So, I think Short mode is (for me) much more about avoiding the starting boredom* and I'm content with it; however, I'd gladly accept some more levels in exchange!

* I think these levels are pretty much viable with a building script bot.

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Guest kevs926

how come people say 16-30 is boring, if it's vh ap then it could be boring but if it's vh rnd cm it won't be boring.

anyway, i can't really appreciate the idea since im not playing multiplayer

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is that the level range where you just solo everything with nova? I forget.

because of interest abuse, no games of TD are ever boring for me. well, except for the 1000+ ronald ones. those are the most boring. =(

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Guest Timberwolf

If people think the game is too long, drop your standard difficulty by a notch (at first) and play extreme mode. Problem solved. Really great fun with 8 people involved. About 10 000 times more interesting than short mode too. And if extreme mode still takes "too long", maybe tower defense isn't for you.

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here some of my net worth at lv30 playing VH rnd short :

- 6300 (interest at lv10)

- 6782 (interest at lv15, root towers are wonderful)

- 5800 (no interest)

- 6735 (interest at lv5 & 30)

- 5600 (no interest)

- 6140 (no interest)

- 5700 (no interest)

(actually, I note these just before lv31 started, not after lv30 completed)

I propose : 6000 gold

6000 it is, testing will fix it. Thanks for the base.

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