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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. A single sword like blade rotates around the tower, like the beam of a radar. It damages what it touches. Dmg and speed could change. For example: The player could control the speed of the towers rotation; the slower it rotates, the higher the dmg. This should result in a higher dmg/sec over the same area for lower speed, so that only a very slow blade will do significant dmg. Should rotate clockwise (to minimise abuse at 7, would work best at 5 then). Could be microed to hit the same target multiple times on one rotation, by slowing down and letting the creep pass by, than speeding up again to overtake it, and letting it pass again. Could also be displayed as a beam of energy (think light saber), a ball and chain like construction, or so. Edit: For clarification, this tower operates like a fan with only one blade. It hits everything the blade touches.
  2. Dark Magic Tower (Magic 2.0) This tower creates floating balls of destruction. They are created at a constant speed (e.g. 1 per second, could be slower or faster). If the tower has a target to fire at, the ball is fired immidiately. But if there is no target the ball gets stored, and circles around the tower. There can be up to three stored balls (could be more, or less, we can test that, could be more for a higher tier). The balls are target seeking and aquire a new target when the current target dies. The "new target aquiring range" can lead to the effective firing range of the tower beeing greater, even much greater, than the range of target aqusition of the tower. If a tightly packed group of dark magic towers spots a creep, they all fire their balls. If the creep dies, the remaining balls work their way up the creep wave, until either the creeps or the balls run out. If a ball of destruction can't find a new target to aquire within it's individual target aqusition range, it vanishes (with a sad howl?). This results in a tower that has a great initial dmg, which drops after the first burst. Great against elementals, very cool with slow placement, weak in a fast game as a main dmg tower, excellent as a leak catcher.
  3. Problem 1: I consider a build with only one type of dmg (for example only water) as to weak. Also, I consider a build with only dmg types that don't cover each other as slightly better, but still to weak. (For example only fire and water dmg.) My suggestion: Each 4 ele build should have at least two different dmg towers of one element that is covered by at least two different dmg towers. For example: Two different dmg towers with earth dmg and two different dmg towers with fire dmg. Less good would be: The covering ele only needs one dmg tower. Problem 2: I consider a build that fullfills the above criteria (that is, it's elements cover properly) still to weak, if it does not offer both single target and splash for both of these elements. My modified suggestion: Each 4 ele build should have at least one splash and one st dmg tower of one element that is covered by at least one splash and one st dmg tower. For example: One splash and one st dmg tower with earth dmg and one splash and one st dmg tower with fire dmg. What happens if we don't use my suggestion? We might end up with builds that force me to go st water and st light, with no splash option. Or I may even be forced to go st light and st fire only. Edit 01: Karawasas suggestion doesn't follow my suggested rules, so it has ldwe with no d and only one w dmg tower, and dwfn with only one fire dmg and one one nature dmg. Edit 02 - As a clarification: I'm trying to find a defined goal for a tower redistribution, and I try to adress a ballance issue. I assume that builds that meet my criteria will (allmost) allways beat builds that don't. So I see this as a sort of minimum requirement.
  4. If the money is less on lower difficulties, doesn't that make them harder? What we want here is nerfing the ability of a lower diff player to put pressure on a high diff player, right? The game on easy should be easy, but the player playing on easy should not easily race a player on, say, hard. -One way could be to prevent a lower diff player from finishing the wave. So the first player playing on the highest diff of the match finishing spawns the next wave. (Example: Players are playing on ve, ve, e, e, nm, nm, vh, vh. Only the 2 players on vh have the ability to start the next wave. If they both die, the right to start a wave early is handed down to the players on nm, and so on.) This could also be changed to "the players of the highest 2 difficulties" (vh and nm in my example), or even to "the players of highest diff or one diff below that" (only the guys on vh in my example, because they are two diffs ahead of the others). -Or we could use variable timers, by measuring how long a player on vh actually needs for each wave in a real game, and force that onto players on lower diffs as a minimum wavelength. (Example: We play testgames and figure that a player on vh can finish wave 15 in 45s, and wave 32 in 75s. A player on nm finishes wave 15 first after 20s, and he will get a timer of 25s, or maybe a bit more. A player on ve finishes wave 32 in 15s and gets a timer of 60s, or maybe a bit more.) From my experience, the time difference between a player on vh and ve increases over the game, so a fixed time difference would only be ballanced for a part of the game. There is probably more possible, but I have to sleep first.
  5. Oh man, I'll have a go at this in a few days, too busy right now.
  6. Cisz

    What Changes?

    More modes. (Takes a deep breath.) Limited building areas for example (no-two-pass-tuesday), or shorter creep path length, with an exit maybe to the right of 6 or under 2. Exit could be moving over time, or jump for each level. Is the "whoever wins the most waves wins the game" mode in allready? How about a money race mode (first to have 30k cash or so wins). How about a 8 towers or less mode. Could be "evil 8 towers or less" mode, that allows you to buy a ninth tower, but kills you if you do. Fun modes like "undead only". How about a no-sell mode (taken from mpdtd). Could eletd be turned into a cooperative circle td if the creeps leaked to your next living neighbour? Would need to be reballanced for that maybe. (Same-)random positive and negative effects, like loosing cash ("all players loose the poorest players current cash in gold"; only if that is quite a bit ofc), raining collectable coins (your worker has to collect em for extra cash, maybe they disappear after a bit), extra element picks (maybe in a crate that you have to collect, or maybe for each 5th crate you collect), loosing an element pick (probably only ballanced on sr games, with all players loosing the same pick), double bonus hours (that is double interest, with a cheesy gameshow tune maybe), snack attack (worker gets a timebar and has to collect a burger before it finishes, else he gets stunned/slowed/other negative effect), build-freeze (no building for a while, maybe a wave), snowed in (worker is slowed), lights out (no vision for a while). Effects could be displayed one wave early, so you can adjust; maybe a joker effect that turns into another one when it is executed, to swart you pre-planning skills. Stronger displaying of the ongoing game. Display opponents actions on your field (like if someone finishes a wave you get a big graphical feedback, like a flash or glow, and a big noise, like a honk; different effects for leaks or interest gains of over 100 and 1000). List the waves as a display of creeps with mousover stats (could fill wave by wave during matches of rnd). Soundeffects for creep types (growling for undead, maybe racecar engine for fast). Maybe a display of events under the wavelist, like player death, player won (all ealse dead). And a ladder. Oh, and no weapon/spell/hero mode. And cake..
  7. Cisz

    Same elementals?

    We had this "add more elements" discussion several times before. I havn't taken a look at if a 7 ele map would even be ballanceable (that is all builds have proper support), but I can tell you that we havn't gotten enough decent towers to fill more than 6 eles so far. And we have very high standards when it comes to what considers a decent tower.
  8. Ah, thanks, found it. EU Cisz.995
  9. Where exactly do I get the code? I play single player only so far, and havn't seen a number displayed anywhere.
  10. Cisz

    Welcome to SC2!

    I'll go and try to get a copy now. Edit 01 - Ok, now downloading the english version. About 3h to go. /me ticks.
  11. Cisz


    Oh, thats a complicated question. Basically each point of armor adds a % of health to the creep, as in: HP = BaseHP * ( 1.05 ^ (ArmorLevel) ) (5% Health per Armour point in that example.) So you need the % a point of armor adds, and afaik that was changed in eletd (so it's not the same as in the normal tft ladder).
  12. Cisz

    vh ar some ronalds

    Hey binks, welcome to the forums. So, you want to know where you are on "da scale"? (Man, we need a ladder..) Most eletd players (and I mean like 90%) don't even attempt vh, so great job there. You tower choice was about perfect, and the result shows that you used your elements well. If you want to become even better, maybe you can improve your short/mid range tower placement. Your darks and gunpwders were on spot, but I suggest you don't place fire or magic on long pass. You can win a game that way (obviously), but I think you missed out some networth and lost lifes you could have kept. I guess you can improve your total damage output by 5-10% here. I'm not sure if you know the terms I use, so Another thing is, that all of us could play better, if we only had faster fingers. You have problems with nature waves in that replay, allthough you have the elements for flamethrower. You attempt to build some of them for nature waves, but you don't have enough free money or build to slow, so you end up leaking. If you had infinite speed, you could ofc sell some other towers to free money for fire towers, but who has infinite speed. I suggest that you cover your weak element permanently. In this example: why not keep some flamethrower all the time? DFE (as LWN) cover each other perfectly, so with a strong damage set like this, you don't have to switch damage types. Also speed related is interest farming. If you were equipped with cyborg hands, you could sell and rebuild more, to make wore money by interest. I can't give you the advice to "be faster", so I don't have a clever plan here. Maybe you can get a pair for X-mas?
  13. Cisz

    Hard to play/Boring

    The map is meant to be harder now, because back in 3.0 the better players would finish allmost every vh rnd, even on ar and in a public mixed diff. We are working towards a ladder, and what good is that if every game is decided at ronald? And don't call 3.0 ballanced. Gem stun abuse? lfwd and lfwn containing all the good towers, while edfn sucking like hell? Slow/splash > all? We worked hard to get rid of those terrible things, and for good reasons. Don't mix up "I can beat it" with "it is good" or even "it is ballanced". We try to create a map that has more than one way to win, and where all towers have their use. We created mech specifically to counter slow/splash builds, to give st builds more value. It's a different map now, and a more complex one.
  14. Cisz

    Do Nova towers stack?

    Lifesaver, I do sooo agree with you about the "only tds" part. Maybe SC2 will be better..
  15. Cisz


    Hello goeido, welcome to the forums. It took me ages to learn all the secrets of TDs and eletd, but maybe I'm just, you know, stupid.
  16. Ah, come on. It's a good job, grats.
  17. Hey, that's a lot of ronald. Seems you have been watching a replay or two. Stun and loop leaking for money, poor ronalds.
  18. Hey Robust, welcome to the forums. Samerandom is a great mode to improve, as you can allways check who did best and try to figure out what worked. In my opinion, you can benefit from learning more about damage and armour types, making the best use of splash, and by better quaker placement. Let us take a look at an example: On wave 21 you have two mushrooms and a focused earth against fire undead, and Nersha uses 3 mushrooms. He leaks 13, you leak none, allthough your towers allmost cost the same. Why is that? My guess is that mushroom (nature dmg) only doing 50% damage against fire creeps will have something to do with this. My advice is, that you should treat every damage type you use as a weakness. If you build mushrooms, you have to fear fire. If you mass focused earth instead, nature will eat you. On random you can exchange your towers for every wave without loosing gold, but that requires very fast fingers. Another option would be, mixing different types of damage. This works especially well if you use damage types that cover each others weaknesses. For example, if you are using mushrooms, you should add something with water damage. In your game you had no water at wave 21, so mushroom was a risk. Since you had earth and the cover for its weakness, which is fire, a mass of earth towers and a few fire would have been a better sollution in my opinion (in a 3 to 1 or 4 to 1 ratio). That is, if you don't want to rebuild a lot ofc. Another thing to learn here is, that focused earth has splash damage, while mushroom is a relatively slow single target tower. And let me tell you this: Slow single target towers with nature damage are exactly the worst kind of towers against fire undead creeps. Undead waves are designed to destroy single target builds. If you rely to much on single target, undead is your enemy. Going all splash may be even worse, as healing, mech, and fast are your problem then, but a no-splash-build will prove tricky in the long run. I say, undead is best tackled with splash. Conclusion for this part: By just replacing one mushroom with a splash tower that did more than just 50% damage to fire, you avoided 13 leaks. I would say, this is worth investigating. Now for tower placement: If I should hazard a guess as to why Nersha won this game, it would be his better quaker placement. There are bad a good placements for each tower in eletd, and I mostly agree with his way to place quaker. Quaker has a mixed attack, it does single target dmg and every now and then (33% chance) it does a pulverize, which hits everything in range. In my experience this special attack does most of its damage, so I try to maximise the number of creeps that are hit with that. The range of quaker is very low, only 500, which makes is impossible to cover a big area (like with nova, windstorm, radius and so on). So the best I know is to place it where the creeps have to walk around it, like a bend of the path. Just check what Nersha did. Btw, I would move the quakers one towersize away from the end of the ledge for a bit more coverage. That's about it, only two more little things, which are not so important for now: -I consider blacksmith, well, and trickery to be very powerfull boost towers. Each of them will give +25% power to 4 dmg towers even on their lowest level. Thats one extra tower per four towers at the cost of 500. -Nersha had more gold than you. Look at this list of networth values: Wave - You - Nersha 26 - 2989 - 3212 29 - 4243 - 4421 31 - 5236 - 5601 35 - 7924 - 8418 38 - 10798 - 11789 He did that by building less towers than you and sometimes by selling and immediately rebuilding towers, so he made more money by interest. Hm. Did I write too much? I did write too much right? Sorry that I wrote too much. I probably also managed not to write the things you wanted to know, so tell me what I forgot.
  19. All I know is that this is an old bug. I'm not sure if this is a problem of tft itself or of eletd.
  20. I keep loosing interest in eletd from time to time, but I allways come back. 13est - would a league give you a feeling of "showing those young show offs how to play"?
  21. Thanks for your patience dominator. Are you using an automatic translation? Maybe just type in your native language, and someone in this forum might be able to translate it better? We have people from sweden, singapore, the philipines, germany...
  22. It is soo much better. Sorry if I sound like I don't like the old version, but I don't, so that's how it comes across.
  23. Cisz


    Or I could mail them?
  24. Cisz


    If we don't do sc2-eletd, someone else will. I don't like that prospect at all.
  25. I suggest that we largely change the way that DP is operated. I would prefer the towers to stand in one horizontal line, and each vote beeing displayed as a big fat red marker in front of it. I also suggest that all results are constantly visible as the draft proceeds, so in the elemental phase the duals should still be visible. It probably makes more sense to display the objects still in play, and not the removed ones. And I would like warnings before random removals occur ("To few towers selected." or "avoid multiple votes on one tower to prevent random removal"). If I want a certain tower in play, random removals are very dangerous and I should avoid them, right? Also, I suggest that random removals are announced when they happen, so I can clearly tell which towers were voted and which ones were not. So far dp is a very confusing and random process for me. Help?
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