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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. Either reset it to how it worked with 3.0 Or double the sequence speed and half the damage. As i see this is like Nove without slowing, (if you whatch it closely) so it would be more spreaded. In Dota, the storm seeker has an attack that seems pretty much like this one but diferent lookings. But you could have youst 1 flame at the time the unit take damage. So its not constant, and you can more easy se what unit is taking damage. P,S, please also fix the range.
  2. Whatever you say or think I will still think that wc3 is fun. And what game is alive then according to you? Starcraft? Omg!
  3. What version? 3.0 or shall we wait for a public 4.0? (public beta)
  4. Twilice

    The forum bell

    1.Ringa,ding,ding 2.yeah, Moes tavern 1.Is there a surname sexual, and a firstname homo? 2.Is there a homosexual in here? 1.Muahaha.
  5. Twilice

    Tidal Tower

    This tower seems pretty god and balanced. But there should be some way to auto attack the skill, like the tower uses the spell when it reaches maximum or you could implant what level you want it to explode. This would be really god.
  6. I were youst kidding. (but it would be pretty nice )
  7. I forgot the most important thing!!! Now that I cleared the map first, I should get a personal builder
  8. It's seems that you have fixed most of the laggs, yay. But that is not the important thing This is the important thing: http://rapidshare.com/files/55473476/13 ... t.w3g.html I made it I killed THE EVIL CHILDS without any cheats. (altought I got a very bad start.)
  9. http://rapidshare.com/files/55359504/ki ... g.w3g.html Indle Tower doesn't have a looking now, but thats not the point. It feels that the range is only about 4. And it's not like the old towers, the damage only occurs every 1 second in an area. But the old tower made all creeps in the area get 100 every 1 second. Didn't understand? Well hard to explain. The new one is more like a nova tower that doesnt slow, every 1 second the tower erupt and deal 100 damage to all creeps in an area. And the old one its like every unit get their own flame on them, dealing 100 damage per second to all the creeps that have entered.
  10. Isn't this for the game report index
  11. Twilice

    EleTD Logo

    lightning could be light.
  12. Ha Ha. Same as for me, but I couldn't stand it so I sold the tower.
  13. I don't understand how to use the IRC channel. (not only me, I've had several peoples asking me if I know how to use it.)
  14. But if you are offline that sure means that you are playing Solo. (unless you play in multplayer)
  15. No I didn't have mech or undead. It were Normal Armor Battle Golems. (But they both sound and looks like mechanicals.)
  16. hmm I have never had a lagg in solo. But still I have only played it Not online 2 times. But I played solo Online pretty much but no lagg for me.
  17. Heres another replay on me trying to make to the ronalds for the first time. (using only 3 elements, might go 4 next time but mainly 3) Edit: I forgot the replay (hope its the right replay.) Replay: http://rapidshare.com/files/54412472/all_pick.w3g.html Hydro should have a higher chanse of errupt like 30%. And lower their erupt speed, (they are tossed a shorter time making it a less disable) Maybe earth is god as attack. But it seems pretty odd making it a pretty much water tower. Rage should have a bit shorter cooldown on his skill. (forgot to test, can I have it auto target?) (Make the triple element golems earth instead? Rage and Golem are both attackers without heavy special attacks and both have nature damage)
  18. Same for me but level 22. Replay: http://rapidshare.com/files/54398625/Mayor_Bug.w3g.html
  19. Yup. Undead needs to be nerfed somehow. But I don't understand your list, sorry it's so much togheter and small fonts.
  20. Yup. But I want someway to show that you are a Beta tester, cause if I say that to others they don't believe me Actually I don't requre something big all Beta testers name in quest? or something to show it. (I want others to know that I helped a little bit)
  21. That is not only for Beta 3 it were in Beta 2 also. Must have it in some of my replays?
  22. http://rapidshare.com/files/54188058/Te ... s.w3g.html I got no comments to say. I got some ingame, remember this is youst a test.
  23. I could not save a replay for the part2 (blizzard bug) But I came to level 56. (the undead illidans) And I got my first pures.
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