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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. Twilice


    I can help with anything with the map, maybe not JASS haven't tried that. But I am a better then avarage when it comes to triggering.
  2. This is ideas to make the single target towers a bit better. Add 2 damage to nature towers. Add 1 damage to darkness towers. Reduce damage to light towers by 2/3 and make them attack 3 targets, then add 1 damage. I know many will disagree to this. But It wouldn't take so long time to change this and make a small Beta. I can even do this myself. It's better to try it then youst say: No that won't work.
  3. I have never had a problem with Cataras, but now I have seen others who have. Many of you maybe don't like him but I will still be his friend. But we don't even know what they are arguing over unless we se a replay. In sweden we often say "tand för tand, öga för öga." And that actually means "tooth to tooth, eye to eye." But what it is saying is that treat others that you wan't to be treathed. So unless you wan't the game to be competive and fight about it, you youst play and do your best. I don't think the competive should go down, or maybe a mode were we have more competive then now and another one who is less competive then now.
  4. No comments. You guys are youst yourself. ((Okay 1 small comment) Youst try to be more polite to eachother and by that I mean both of you.) Peace out
  5. Yea the X2 Tower defence is pretty fun (Only the original X2)
  6. But sounds could be used anywhere else.
  7. What about making either light or darkness attack 3 units using barrage? Rework the damage ofcourse. Comments? (I wanted a Other Poll but I couldn't add that sorry.)
  8. Twilice

    clay tower icon

    Whats you all talking about? The clay tower icon, what is this *breasts* your talking about? I youst see 2 mini mountains "rightside down" and some ground, all made of clay ofcourse.
  9. Maybe, but your talking about getting the map less competive right? And if you youst relax and don't care so much what others do, then it would not be a such competive game? I play a lot and they always rush me, but I don't think its a competiv game I youst get better counterrush them.
  10. Still think your mean and need to check out a - How to be polite guide. Tip - Try to talk to somewhone about your childrenhood did something go wrong and youst made you extra angry? If then can this be changed.
  11. Zoator and Ryoko. Maybe gem. But all others have gotten mad and imbalanced. (Took green TD a great example for this.) Like green TD 1 player tought wtf this is to easy. Lets raise the hp by 300%. Then another player edites it, and think o noes this is to hard lets make some new towers, and imba ones. O no i made the towers to god. Well its okay ill youst give the creeps 100 armor each. And in all the green TD's I've never seen any green TD with the poison towers fixed. They all say they bounce, But they doesn't.
  12. ........................ I tottally agre with kingzor, and now I really se wy your not the shaman. Here is the first step to be more polite. Step 1: Even tought you won and he lost and hes a bit angry and so on and so on. You still can't do or say whatever you want. So the first step is to admit that you were unpolite. Step 2: You Do Not need to do this at all, and this is youst tips. So don't get on a rage when you see this.
  13. Well it didn't go out so well, but atlest I now have a minor expirience in recoloring objects I can show you my minimap I've done for a time ago from now. __Before__________and______After_ ->
  14. Please tell me did it work?
  15. I found some sounds also: Internal\Sounds\Ambient\DoodadEffect\Warlockappears.Waw Internal\Units\NightElf\Herowarden\Herowardenpissed2.waw Internal\Units\Orc\HeroShadowhunter\Shadowhunterpissed4.waw Internal\Units\Human\Heromountainking\heromountinkingyesattack2.waw Internal\Units\Undead\banshee\bansheeyesattack3.waw
  16. I think you can force a player to write a text. Ex. A player writes whosyourdaddy -> Force that player to write whosyourdaddy. A player types greedisgood -> then reduce that players gold and lumber by 500 A player types greedisgood X -> then reduce that players gold and lumber by X. Have to be some way to check if you play multiplayer, so you don't lose gold youst by typing greedisgood for fun.
  17. I think this is the right model? http://www.hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/models/907/
  18. DanG! I hate to admit it but I am not a god painter.
  19. I will edit the night elf consol (or atleast try) but I wonder wich ones do i need to change?
  20. Twilice

    Hero Mode

    Before I liked playing hero mode, but no more.
  21. Twilice

    [BIG Idea] New UI?

    Yay thanks ......so wich one to use? Vector for best qualtiy?
  22. Twilice

    [BIG Idea] New UI?

    Raster and Vector grapichs? Whats the difference. I want a program to make it a bit watery for my flooded TD. Edit: Is there a try limit or is it 100% fre?
  23. Twilice

    Aura Towers

    Thank you thank you. There you have another reason not to have auras in the game. But this is youst our personnaly toughts.
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