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Posts posted by Twilice

  1. I I said, can't you change the actaully color values so you get a blue flame instead of a red.

    Then I think it would work fine.

    It might not work if it only have a certian color. (like poisions attack)

    P.S. When I used the whosyourdaddy cheat and killed the ronalds to fast my wc3 just crash.

  2. It should have been fixed for 4.1 as Holepercent said.

    But next time if you find a bug, please post in the "report bugs" section. If I had moderating options I would have moved it there ;)

  3. Mhuahahaha I have finally bought myself something. I have bhought a new comp, not the newest ultra gaming computer but a budget version self picked by me (most my brother) and I hope the parts will come tomorow so I can build it asap!

  4. Played random public game, I started in the first water area. I immideatly turned weather off.

    It didn't work, I had so much troubble with lagg/delay I had to commit suicide and just watch the other players. (the I had about constant 30fps)

  5. Well, I have said it before. I have had no problems with the weather. But the water areas make my computer drop 33% of its current fps. (not on any other maps)

    EDIT: I mean maybe that can cause it aswell? But I am still trying to figure out wy the water in element td laggs, and only in element TD

  6. I refer to this: http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topic...58&sid=3000

    Do not play maps that you don't already have. For example, do not download a new version of dota directly from Bnet it might be a virus.

    So this means ONLY download new versions of element TD here, epicwar, hiveworkshop. (or other trusted site)

    This means, that a hosting bot is higly insecure to download a map from. If you want to download a new map only get them from a trusted friend. Do not trust a map to only be a "underlined" map and redownload it, now it is VERY important that everyone use the same filename thus we know we already have the map meaning we can be sure it is not a virus.

    Short terms:

    - Avoiding new maps, unless downloaded from a trusted site.

    - Avoid hosting bots, specially if you don't have the map.

    - Keep the same filename as everyone else.

    Examples of Correct filenames of some popular maps:

    - Element TD 4.0

    - DotA Allstars v6.59d

    - BTanks859

    - Battleships Crossfire4.31

    - Pudge Wars Advanced v1.21

    - Soldiers v3.09

    Is there some other map you want me to lookup/add please tell.

    P.S. Blizzard is apperantly working on this, I sure hope they work fast......

  7. First I would like to know which titles there are and when you get them.

    I forgot exakt numbers, but which are supposed to be stronger? Tier 3 dual or Tier 2 tripple?

    Because I was a Tier 2 tripple and now I am a Tier 3 Dual.

    I think maybe the numbers of posts need to be remade a little. But I would need numbers to look it up.

  8. An example of high risk - high return scenario.

    First take interest - farm

    take your element - continue with arrow farm

    take your element tier "2"!! - farm with that tier 2 without overbuilding (Fire, Nature preffered or water but with mass cannons level 16)

    next take whatever that former element is bad vs example if you took light, next take nature- continue to farm as before, but either build elemental arrows or amped elements vs the harder element .

    Take an element of your choise and hope you farmed enough gold

    This is how I se it in teory, I will test it and bring a replay.

  9. My replay is coming in a few seconds. Just a few levels left and I havent uppgraded to my pures left and have 13000 gold.

    It was my second try, it was very hard using only a laptop mousepad.... much less micro then I wanted.

    BTW I used none tripple supports. (and was almost a 3 element build)

    EDIT: here is the replay - no slowings used, also no tripple supportings were used. 34 ronalds.

    4.0 No slowings _no tripple supports_.w3g

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