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Posts posted by Twilice

  1. All you nagg is about testing ^^

    Ask yourself what are 6 elements supposed to be?

    Hang on to the game, get a pure essence build periodics and MASS support it with everything you got?

    For me 4 element is the opposit way farm interest in beggining and hope you farmed enough until late.

    What if you got water tier 3 in a 6 element build? Would you build pure water or periodics? If Periodics is the tier 3 wasted or would you mass refined water then?

    I think a goal setup for what we want should be needed, not just test does this work?

    It is lake baking a cake, lets say we want home made chokolate and we just try something out, it tasted fine but it is not chokolate it is strawberry cake. (strange things may happen....) I am just trying to say, if the just becuase a map is "balanced" does it mean it is a good map.

    I would more like to se the competive way, is 6 elements supposed to be a quick finnisher for rushing but suck lategame, or is it a build that is easily rushed, but owns lategame.

    Sorry, to much jippery japperish as usuall from me, but we need more cordinated testing together like we used to do.

    EDIT: I think I went a little bit offtopic

  2. They have said they made a quick fix for b-net.

    But not for local area networks. That also mean, if the hostbot uses LC or something else there is slight possibly that it may be a bad map. But I don't think we should be "super" scared ^^.

  3. Try using only hail vs bosses. Not a big succes.

    Each creep can only be hit by 1 attack at a time. But 5 creeps can be attacked at the same time with the ability.

    So on a single creep the extra attacks will be wasted.


    Did you test all towers in solo? Because towers are being tried to be balanced competiotion wise.

    Since some towers are easier to rush with (quaker, quark for example) Since they have a very short range. But if they will lose their advantage if you start leaking 1-3 creeps at a time.

    The 1500 range towers are usually more powerfull, but it's harder to rush and you can be rushed easier.

  4. Supporting towers are not supposed to deal great amount of damage. More to support the other towers you already have.

    I don't know about the stacking problem though.

    It is good that you make such a thing like this, but think about it. If you nerf diseases AoE damage (which is partly the only damage it got) It would be (1000-750)*5*5 = which is a over 6000 damage in nerf while the tower itself now deals 1000*5*5 = 25000.

    I don't dissagre with you on some towers, but the numbers should be changed more carefully.

  5. I might need to add, I got new info as karawasa said they have a temoporary fix for this when you play on battle.net. So you should only be in troubble if you download the map somewhere or play in LAN games (also like LC host's)

    But you must actaully run the map in order for the virus or whatever it is to start its effects.

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