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Posts posted by Twilice

  1. I play less and less element td, wy is that?

    I am that kind of person who if I play alone, it must some sort of campaign with an "epic" story involved. But if I play with several people I want to have some sort of thrill.

    Playing guitar hero for example you must quickly use combinations with your fingers, often very very fast which gives a good feeling if you manage to do it.

    In meele games you must outsmart and outmicro your opponent in order to win. It is fun, but it is very booring to lose a ladder game just because you lay down so much effort in microing and constantly keeping track of your bace and you still lose. But it gives a thrill when you get the feeling that now you totally tricked your enemy and is going to win, while you keep the tempo upp.

    Element TD is a different kind of TD, usually td's are to kill some time and relax or to mase. But the thrill with this map that got me playing it was at first trying to learn all the combos, which combos worked good toghether and etc. And you still had to keep the tempo up because of that interesting interest timer. That gave me a thrill. And you had some players to play with, you could play to win, to rush the opponent which is what this map is somewhat based on. A versus TD which you play solo.

    But I get the feeling I have lost the "thrill" of it.

    Sample replay of last game.

    Element TD whats about it.w3g

    I still play some Dota, but I try to only find -cm modes. The other modes aren't funny because there is usually much less teamwork in it. It still gives me some thrill to use a combination of nukes and fooling your enemy using the fog of hills, running around close close to the trees. Killing an enemy hero with less then 10% hp. That gives alot of thrill, it's alot of action and alot of thinking and out-smart your opponent. (no it's not a comercial, just examples)

    To sum it up, when playing element td it feels like playing Meele games vs computer and you use whosyourdaddy.....

    even though you don't manage to level 60 which I usually don't I guess, making the game harder would only larger this player scale.

  2. We would need new elements.

    - Water -> Plasma/Ion/Phase?

    - Fire

    - Darkness -> Void

    - Light -> Psionic

    - Earth -> Composite

    - Nature -> ?OrganicStuffFromZerg?

    I don't know which elements is in starcraft 2, but I heard they were going to add ALOT more off stuff that were not used in ladder into campaign and into the editor. So maybe the elementals can be keept.

  3. Look about the first minute. You can se the TD map they chosed were Element TD

    EDIT: just watched the whole video, we must get element td into starcraft 2 :P but it wouldn't fit.

  4. It looks abit "laggy" I quess it is because of the way it is triggered, but ice seems really nice and schrapnade you don't notice it that much. But you will notice on oblivion alot.

    It doesn't soom to weak for a 1500 range AoE tower, but it doesn't seem to be homing enough, it works a little like old schrapnel....... otherwise it seems fine.

  5. The douse ability is given to the tower when it attacks creeps, after succesive hits the ability gains a level on the ability.

    You can manually cast that spell on the tower, this spell deal AoE damage but not the ordinary attack.

    (I hope it helped)

  6. If it is possible the 5 attacks being able to attack the same creep. (like say vs bosses)

    I think the weaknes lies there. And maybe a really small buff on damage.

    If not possible reduce to 3 targets and give it a little bigger buff.

  7. Firing a bomb stunning everything in a small AoE.

    Summon Goblin/or whatever this "goblin" goes around in the enemy base attacking towers scaling to level, if a tower is killed it is sold by 100% the "goblin" is permanent until killed by defending towers.

    "ultimate" summons all elemtals at your opponent which he has already killed. Also interest should be some kind of enemy :P

    Illusionist creates nearby illusions of creeps taking 200% damage. Cooldown 1.5 seconds. Lasts for 30 seconds or until killed. Has the same hp as a creep*3-5

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