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Posts posted by Twilice

  1. Could this work in maybe an easy and cheap way? Giving them an orb of slow which gives them an a buff that doesn't do anything, then search for the buff. And it is a free psudo-system? Or I might be thinking wrong.

  2. So alot of new tower abilitys, but reall which towers are getting those new abilitys? It seems like your already coding for compitability with towers.

    Would be alot easyer to come with ideas overall if we knew more which towers are out and which ones are in :P

  3. ah, another good point :P

    And a unit life is also counted in real numbers right? So you don't have to turn it back to integer.

    P.S. chain reactions were cool....

  4. I would rather have the hero be able to kill towers aswell as tower kill the hero.

    Some notes, if a hero kills a tower the tower is sold.

    The hero should be the builder and when the hero dies the builder dies. (but the builder can't be killed in your building area, and you can't be builder in other areas)

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