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Everything posted by WindStrike

  1. If you have a spiral type maze, I'm going to recommend the last one (EFDW), as it will give you Flamethrower towers (EFD), which become extremely deadly with spiral type mazes. Essentially, you'd place lots of flamethrowers in the middle of the spiral, and then place the rest as Haste towers (EFW, great anti-single target, which compliments your heavy splash build). Regarding support towers, that gives you (as Ayr said) Muck and Erosion, which you'll probably want two of each on either side of the maze. Also, if you don't already, hang around in the Element Tower Defense channel on B.net more often. I don't (can't) play as much as I used to due to school, but there's usually some other regulars in there.
  2. WindStrike

    Masters Mode

    A suggestion - requires an minimum XP of 1000, that way complete morons don't try it out pre-emptively and complain that the game is too hard when it is indeed one mode designed to be the hardest level of Element TD. Yep, idiots like that exist. I know that the NA community for this game really isn't particularly large and is only recently growing, so a Masters Mode wouldn't necessarily be appropriate for the NA side, save for the handful of veterans capable of trying it. However, it does have a much higher following in EU, and with it most likely lots more veteran players (I guess Twilice would have a much better idea of this). I imagine having a mode like this would also encourage more participation in tournaments, seeing as it would utilize a scoring system that encourages all factors of the game without placing one above the other - wave completion speed, networth, and lives. This would also satiate the need for a game that actually has an ending. I've seen a number of players that, while they enjoyed the fruit round out of hilarity, might've enjoyed an actual end instead. It is, after all, more satisfying to complete something rather than playing 60 waves only for the sake of a "high score" for wave 61 while waiting for an inevitable death. It is important to make additions and balance changes to the game that appeal to new players, which has progressed a lot in the last week or two. However, the veteran players truly should not be neglected, and I for one would love to see a mode like this in the game. Also, know how single-target seems to be less focused on in the game? Those bosses practically force single-target, though it's probably possible to get by with little of it (cough, infrared + pure natures, lol). I'm also fond of the abilities, though I'm unsure on the transfer ability. In a way, it can be extremely dangerous; likewise, it can be completely harmless. Then again, all abilities are like that... except for healing. That one is always dangerous, no matter what your defense is.
  3. I take it that Gaia's Wrath and Spew Acid have infinite stack on the damage now? Sounds nifty. Speaking of attack animations, I noticed that Flamethrower tower spins to attack in the direction its facing. However, Haste and Infrared don't do this due to an issue in mazing. Is there way to add those animations back to Haste and Infrared without that issue in mazing returning? I figured if one of them can do it (Flamethrower), the rest can. Also, I thank ye for the fruit round very, very much.
  4. 10% of what? 5% of what? Could you expand those out a bit just so we can see all the numbers and understand it a bit better? You kinda paraphrased it, and I'm only understand about half of that.
  5. Why not use the scoring system from the previous tournament? As it is right now, it's just a matter of "which build is the fastest build", which honestly, there are not many builds that are particularly fast. Granted, previous tournament was kinda like that, but at least it held some value to the other factors.
  6. Quark tower hits nicely, Electron... has some sort of blind spot. It's odd in the way it hits. Atom, I have no idea because by that time, I usually have multiple. I'll see if I can get just one by itself to try and test things out.
  7. WindStrike

    Showdown Mode

    Perhaps there should be a small mineral bonus at the end of each round. It wouldn't add up to nearly the same amount that you get from killing each wave normally, but it'd provide a bit of a comfort zone. Not something to really rely on though.
  8. COME AT ME, BRO! NA, WindStrike.294
  9. WindStrike

    Fruit Round

    Towers currently invalidated or hurt by current fruit setup: EphemeralTorrentHailLight and Dark towers (Nature is superior in all ways for fruit)CannonMagnify (if you abuse its extra damage off the range)PerpetualObliterationCelerity Pretty much, towers that are long-ranged or are intended for double pass (except Runic and Electricity). Towers buffed or just straight up superior by current fruit setup: InfraredPoisonHasteRunicVapor I vote waves like Venny suggested.
  10. Flamethrower tower (and flamespewer) is doing double damage of what it says. Might wanna fix that... badly.
  11. Polar is WEL, not DEL, lol. I haven't given the patch a shot yet, but I look forward to trying it soon.
  12. If you're not seeing anyone else play the map, it's likely that it is indeed a map that already has solo functions. o_O The map could use more players definitely, and you can usually find other players on during the evening and night-times, but not so much during early mornings or afternoons (NA).
  13. WindStrike

    Maze Redux

    I personally liked number 3 the best, though it may be because it provides adequate spacing between the points. Number 5 would be next, though I'd recommend spacing it out horizontally some more. Numbers 6 and 7 is one that looks closer to the original EleTD path design, though that is not the intent or purpose of maze mode. As for Number 2.... hahah, Gem TD. Not a bad thing, but EleTD should be it's own thing, even if it is simplistic.
  14. Below is a list of every tower in the game with some sort of lag issue. The ones listed as "slight" are negligible, though anything higher needs some adjustments in some way. Earth: Slight lag, too many rocks Periodic: Impact effect has slight lag Disease: Slight lag Muck: Slight lag Incantation: Slight lag Erosion: Slight lag Jinx: Slight lag Ephemeral: Slight lag Undead Creeps: Flashy revival effect causing slight lag Towers that are bright: Torrent, Polar, Life, Ice, and somewhat on ElectricHigher levels are usually brighterSlight lag on these Ion: Slight-moderate lag, when they stack on themselves or over other effects, it causes more lag Obliteration: Slight-moderate lag Torrent: Every time it levels up, slight lagWhen it's at max level and is constantly firing, the level-up effect constantly goes off and moderately lags. The effect should probably be made smallerWhen its effect actually goes off, causes heavy lag Fire: Attack effect causes moderate lag Jet: Explosions cause moderate lag Poison: Moderate lag, not as bad as Jet or Fire but noticable Quake: Moderate lag on shockwave, about the same as Poison Cannon (Not Grenade): Some graphics lag, some performance lag Vapor: Moderate-heavy lag; it might be the tower's explosion effect that's directly over the tower, didn't completely test this one honestly Barb: Moderate-heavy lag Infrared: Moderate-heavy lag, it's definitely the stacking impact effect, as it lagged even after I sold the towers and until the impact effect stopped The award of best lag wagons go to... Hail: Even when its effect isn't activated, it's kinda laggy. When its effect does activate, owwww. However, it is completely graphics lag. Ice: By itself or spread out, it does nothing, but the second you start stacking those explosions, have fun battling lag. Runic: The more creeps it hits, the laggier it is. It ONLY lags when using its effect, and it's not noticable until you have at least one level 2 slowing causing the creeps to stack a bunch. It's arguably worse than Vapor used to be.
  15. Making a new suggestions list since old one is well... cause I can. Anyhow, asides from the lag issues brought in from 1.5, I'mma shoot up the other issues. Loading the game takes forever. I know there's a patch note that said it made it faster, but as of 1.5, that's the exact opposite. I don't know if whatever you did make it slower or if it was 1.5, but you probably wanna look into it anyways.A few of us did Teams + Wars mode and got the two following issues:Until the first damage reduction increase, creeps were at 0% damage reduction instead of 50%.Increase the cooldowns. A lot. Our networths were anywhere from double to quadruple of normal wars the entire game. Probably wanna drop the starting minerals down as well. 90 is fine for wars, just not team wars. In related news, the cooldown increase you made for Maze + Wars works great. Supposedly, 1.5 is so screwed up that Phoenixes don't fire while moving. Tested this myself.... it's that bad. I'm really surprised they haven't hotfixed that yet considering that's the standard game. I'll add more things down the road, if I find them. Thankfully, it's getting harder to find more and more issues with the game. EDIT: You know the sprite thingy that shows the path in maze mode? That thing periodically gets in the way when building the maze or switching things out, and some people have gotten killed from it. While it's great for the newbies, would you be able to add a -sprite toggle option that turns it off or on? EDIT2: As per this replay, I suggest that 1v1 match cooldowns increase to 12/24/36 seconds. Dear god networths. Also, when bounty stopped going, interest still kept going, which needs to stop, lol. Many patches ago, about the same time you released maze mode, you made an improvement to the game's lighting systems. Can you look into that change as of 1.5 and see if that's what's causing all the lag? I noticed the laggiest towers are the ones that are flashy, and that lighting change from that patch might be backfiring at the moment.
  16. Whee, more random suggestions. Machine Gun Tower: A fast firing tower that accurately hits a single target up close but spreads to hit multiple targets at ranged.Focused - 8 rangeSpread - Above 8 range and up to 16 rangeYou would be able to manual target long-range targets so that it does its spread fire. However, as the standard behavior is to attack the enemy closest to you, keep in mind that by default, it will attack enemies right next to it with anti-single. Rainbow Tower: Available when you reach Level 15 (XP). Replaces the Periodic Tower of Elements such that it fires 6 attacks simultaneously, each of a different element. Technically, it's identical to the Periodic Tower - this one just has style.Someone else suggested this actually, I just don't remember who. Railgun Tower: Has a static field that lightly damages everything within 8 AoE of the tower once every 1.5 seconds. Every 10 attacks charges this ability by 1 level, up to 10 levels. This tower's ability can be expended, firing off a powerful single-target shot at up to 22 range away. This tower would indeed charge faster than Torrent tower simply due to how it is, but seeing as its ability is single-target and isn't the type of tower that would solo waves, it's probably fine that way.If the shot kills the target and the level of the ability was 10, the corpse is sent flying off the map (for the lulz). Remote Tower: Place a beacon up to 12 range away from this tower. A beam will constantly bounce back and forth between this tower and that beacon, constantly damaging every target in between. Each consecutive target hit will take less and less damage. This resets when the beam hits either the tower or the beacon.Whatever its elements are, don't do Light or Dark. This is not the type of tower to combo with Trickery in the slightest. I may have said "Beam", but honestly, I'm thinking this is more of a Midlew-type tower, so maybe Earth/Nature. Any chance you could change the model for the standard Earth tower? Its model just seems dull and lacking compared to the other tower models. I don't have any suggestions off the top of my head unfortunately, but I'll look into it.
  17. Magnify Towers are like the single-target version of Quark Towers. They're one of the best single-target towers in the game, dealing Dark damage and requiring a dual combination of Fire and Dark. Oddly enough, as hard as it is to place Quark Towers (click here), there are less optimal spots for Magnify. Similar to Quark, Magnify starts at 8 range and increase its range all the way up to 22 and can likewise decrease it back down. The difference is that it loses damage with higher range, whereas Quark does not, and that's because of the difference in how they hit. 8 range - Full damage, 16010 range - 85% damage, 13612 range - 70% damage, 11216 range - Half damage, 8022 range, Quarter damage, 40 Placements Now, most of you see that this is an 8 range tower, and with microing on its range increase ability, you supposedly get in a little extra damage by reducing its range until the creeps are right up to the tower. So it works "alright" just about any spot. However, if you read my guide on Money and Life Tower Placements (click here), there's a sniper spot that pretty much makes this the highest damaging single-target tower in the game except for pures and the fruit round. Those four positions at the bottom-left are the best spots for Magnify. Set them on 16 range (half damage) and they'll chipshot creeps coming in from the middle for a good while before they come back down to you. Below is an example shot of the damage from chipshotting. That's pretty much at least 25% of the wave's health gone from chipshotting, making it a lot easier to take them all down when you drop the range of the Magnify Towers down to 8. Something to note about Magnify is that its beam hits the target instantaneously. Not only does it mean there's no wasted shots ever, but it's impervious to getting blocked by mechanical invulnerability. Placing them on a peninsula too helps with that. If you want more Magnify towers, place 4 more directly below those towers. To chipshot with those towers though, you'll need to place them on 22 range (quarter damage), which is still worth it. I wouldn't get any more than 8 magnify towers, despite how awesome they are. You'd be better off getting more of your other towers at that point. Unfortunately, Magnify loses its chipshotting on the Fruit Round, as they come in endlessly. Nonetheless, it'll still do decently for Fruit Round, so there's no need to sell them. Tips I have a really good build with Magnify towers that is probably more stable than any of my other builds. I'll post a full guide on that build later, but for now, here's a quick rundown of it. By wave 30, you'll have access to Level 2 of the following towers: Magnify (Dark) - Dark + FireCannon (Earth) - Dark + EarthForge (Support) - Fire + EarthFlamethrower (Fire) - Fire + Earth + Dark This build has towers covering each other so well that it's disturbing. While the end result doesn't really get the most fruit points, you can pretty much guarantee getting to the Fruit Round with all 50 lives. Using the Magnify spots, use them to chipshot creeps and then slaughter single-targets, especially the Level 3 bosses (which you'll want to rush and have Level 3 of Fire, Earth and Dark by 450). Cannon towers cover the weakness to Light beautifully, and Flamethrower makes Nature rounds a joke (cough, 40 and 50). And then you have your Forge towers buffing their damages. For 4th element, go Water to get Erosion and Muck as supports with Haste as another good anti-single target (better for Fruit Round than magnify; once you cap on 8 magnifies, you switch to these). Your pure towers can be whatever you want, though I personally place Pure Darks on the right-side, same places that I'd place Gold towers. The only way you're not gonna get the chipshot damage in is if some jerk decided to camp the entrance with Ice Towers (guide will be posted on that later), which is hard to do, so it's unlikely. I hope this guide helps, and I'm hoping to see more people abuse that 16-range sniper spot in-game.
  18. The quark tower is not as quirky as it sounds, though it can be. Its damage type is Light and is designed for weakening creeps, though it often kills everything in the early waves. To get a Quark Tower (Dual Tower), you'll need Earth and Light. Essentially, it spawns two orbs opposite of each other that rotate in a circular orbit around the tower. Each orb has 3 AoE, so you get a fair amount of leeway with positioning. The specialty of Quark Tower is that it can expand or contract its range. The standard is at 8, and it can go up to 10, 12, or 16. That said, this guide doesn't not cover everything about the Quark tower, as I have not fully learned it. But this guide does go through the 8 range spots. Range Comparison: Fire Tower - 8 rangeNature Tower - 10 rangeEarth Tower - 12 rangeDark Tower - 16 range Placements Due to how this tower hits, you can't simply place it anywhere and expect it to do well. Now, while it does hit everything in a circle, it's actually not very good in the middle. Why? Take a look at this: The placement I have for the Quark tower is the top-left peninsula. If you look at the orbs and their direction, they're going clockwise, and that means a lot. Since the creeps there are moving in a counter-clockwise path, the orbs will hit them more. If you place in the middle, the creeps will travel with the orbs and thus not get hit nearly as much. For maximum effect, build in the spot seen in the screenshot first. If you're running Nature and Fire as well, your Nova tower would go directly to the left of that Quark Tower. All remaining ray towers show the other good spots for Quark Towers. The grenade towers show not-so-good spots for Quark Towers, as they won't hit the path as well. If you fill up there and fell you need more Quark Towers, either use the bottom-left peninsula or try the two 16-range locations I know. If you contract them, they'll hit targets on the inside a little bit, then expand them to maximum range (16). The one on the bottom will hit the bottom side and the right side. The one on the top will hit the right side and the top side. Honestly, I'm not too keen on these spots, but I'll leave that up to you. If anyone finds anymore spots that are good, feel free to post in reply and I'll update this post. For maze mode, Quark Towers ARE quirky. I'll post a guide up on that one later... once I do more experimenting. Tips I'd run this tower in a 4-element build (like all dual towers) going for Earth, Light and Fire first. By wave 30, you'll have access to Level 2 of the following towers: Quark (Light) - Earth + LightElectric (Fire) - Fire + LightForge (Support) - Fire + EarthMoney (Earth) - Fire + Earth + Light For placements of the Money Towers, check out this guide here (click here). Electric towers use practically the same spots as Money Towers. For multiplayer, you'll want an even balance of the three, with Quark Towers weakening things up front (top-left peninsula), and then the Eletric/Money towers sharing the kills. Money will be great against the Healing rounds, and Electric, as its Fire damage, will cover Money towers against Nature rounds. Additionally, the extra minerals from Money towers will help out a lot in the long run. For Forge tower placements, place them somewhere where they hit as many towers as possible (up to 4). As of the most recent patch to EleTD, Forge, Well and Trickery towers are now 12 range, so this should be easier. As for your fourth element, go for Water or Nature. If you go Water, you'll get Erosion and Muck as supports with Haste as a great anti-single target tower. If you go Nature, you'll get Nova and Incantation for supports along with Quake, which is great for AoE, though it's kind of redundant with Quark towers. Regarding what pure towers you should use, go with Light and place them in the middle (towards the top end of the middle). Most of your other towers are AoE or multi-hit, so Light will fill your anti-single target, regardless of whether you have Haste or not. I hope this guide helps. I don't recommend putting Quark Towers in any double-pass location, but on the flipside, seeing as I haven't mastered all the ranges on the tower, it just might work. Also, if you're playing and see that your towers do 50 damage per orb, they're probably gonna get nerfed to 40 damage per orb... cause they're bloody cheap right now.
  19. Essentially, an alternate for each combo tower. I may end up doubling up on some of these suggestions for towers. Some may need shifting around. Stuff like that. Another alternative to the slow towers - having a target backtrack down the path for a bit (or teleport, whichever it is). It would definitely be single-target, and just like the suggestion for stun, a target that has been backtracked or teleported cannot be affected by the same thing for x amount of time. Also, I screwed up on the Focus Tower - it resets every time it switches targets. Earth + Water = Hydro Tower: Warcraft 3 rip. When this tower attacks a target (single target, Earth damage), it has a chance to send the target flying into the air. When the target lands, everything in 4.5 AoE takes damage. Earth + Water + Nature = Golem Tower: Warcraft 3 rip. This tower can move freely. Water + Nature = Leech Tower (Support): As this tower does more damage, nearby towers within 8 range get an attack speed boost. Caps at a certain amount, depending on its level. Fire + Earth = Rumble Tower (Support): As this tower does more damage, nearby creeps within 8 range lose damage reduction. Caps at a certain amount, depending on its level. Fire + Earth + Nature = Leech Bomb Tower: Fires a leech on a target. When that target has lost 33% of its maximum hit points from the time the leech has latched on, the leech explodes, dealing massive damage to everything in a 6 AoE. If a target dies while there are still leeches attached, the leeches explode but only in a 3 AoE.Yeah, I'm not sure how to get this tower to work properly. I'm just throwing ideas around. Fire + Dark + Nature = Curse Tower (Support): A target becomes cursed. When targets in a 4.5 AoE near the target take damage, the cursed target also takes a portion of that damage. Water + Light + Earth = Frostbite Tower (Support): Inflict negative regeneration on a target, causing it to lose 1% of its current hp per second for the next 10 seconds. 3% at level 2. Nature + Light + Earth = Toughen Tower (Support): Increase a target's damage reduction. However, two nearby targets (within 3 AoE) lose just as much damage reduction. Fire + Water + Dark = Corroding Tower (Support): (I can't think of a name) Fires continuously at targets within a 4.5 AoE, lowering their damage reduction at an increasing rate (similar to Void Ray). Caps at a certain amount, and the effect lasts until 5 seconds after not being fired at. Fire + Light + Dark = Spread Tower: Fires a single-target Dark attack that hits at up to 16 range. Has an ability that halves its damage and allows it to attack everything within 10 range of the tower for 3 seconds with a cooldown of 6 seconds. Earth + Nature = Spine Tower: Fires a Nature attack at a target. That target takes minimal damage - however, spines shoot from the target to all other targets within 3 AoE, dealing a large amount of damage. A target hit by a Spine Tower cannot be hit by another Spine Tower for 2 seconds (to prevent a Spine Tower from focusing on one creep with nothing around it cause the creeps are already dead). Fire + Nature = Cross Beam Tower: Don't cross the beams!Colossus rip. Fires two beams on both sides of a target, which both cross through each other (to each other's beam positions) over the course of 1 second. Each beam has an AoE of 2. Water + Light = Frost Ray Tower: Void Ray meets Torrent Tower. Fires a beam of ice at a target that increasingly does more damage (the tower is 10 range and has no damage cap). Meanwhile, Frost Ray Tower's mana builds to 100. Every 10 seconds, it gains a powerup level. When you activate its ability, ice explodes from the target it's firing at, hurting everything within 6 AoE.The mana gain is constant and is based on its attack speed, not its damage. Water + Light + Nature = Wave Tower: Fires a single-target Water attack at a target with 12 range. For 3 seconds, it can fire a AoE wave (think Warcraft 3 EleTD 3.0 Poison Tower that fired out waves). Has a cooldown of six seconds.
  20. Could just alter it so that a target stunned by that effect can't be stunned by that same effect for another 10 seconds or something. That'd prevent massing. All you have to do it set the times equivalent to slowing creeps down by 10% or 30%. Now, to prevent "all of the creeps stacked in one spot", the attack itself would hit say, creeps in a 3 AoE. Its effect will technically hit creeps in a 4.5 AoE, preventing all creeps within that area from being stunned. No stunlock, no infinite creep stacking. It'd probably be about the same level as current slowing towers. Regarding the Prism tower, its times could be altered to 15 seconds for the base instead of 1.5 (that way, it'd still attack creeps). Its effect is intended for burst fire through one tower while there are multiple around. When its effect targets a tower, it automatically figures out how many other nearby towers there are and fires through those. The beam is actually instantaneous (eliminating the projectile speed issue where it might hit the tower when it can't be buffed). 1 tower buff would be a blue beam; 2 towers would be a green beam; 3 for yellow beam; 4 for red beam. Also, the intention of these towers wasn't to replace existing ones. It's to provide "an alternate". I blame the one that asked me to fire off a bunch of tower suggestions for these "alternatives", hence why I included the elements. EDIT: I thought about it some more. You actually don't need the "4.5 AoE" non-stun. There's way to do infinite creep stacking with the current slow towers, so it won't matter. Just so long as there's a no-stun time after being stunned. Say the tower hits at 1 attack speed and stuns (at level 2) for 0.3 seconds. From the start of the stun, the creep cannot be stunned again for another 1 second.
  21. Now firing off potential ideas for towers for some possible reason. Some of these are ideas from this thread already. Earth + Light = Focus Tower: Using Warcraft 3 version, this would be a short-ranged single target tower with Light damage that gets stronger every time it attacks. Caps after a certain amount of attacks. Earth + Light = Beam Tower: Fires a straight line. Anything that's inside of that line takes damage, especially if it stays in the line. Short-ranged with Light damage. Fire + Nature + Light = Shockwave Tower: Similar to the Nova tower, this would hit everything in a 10 radius. However, it would instead stun everything for .15 seconds every 1.5 seconds (respectively, .45 seconds for level 2). Fire + Water + Light = Storm Tower: Use a controllable storm that fires a bolt of lightning that chain hits up to 4 targets within the storm. Those 4 targets are stunned for 0.2 seconds every 1.5 seconds (respectively, .60 seconds for level 2). Earth + Nature + Dark = Spike Tower: Hits everything within 6 AoE of the target with spikes that deal moderate damage and stun all targets for .15 seconds (respectively, .45 seconds for level 2). Earth + Water + Dark = Slime Tower: Fire a ball of slime that stuns everything 3 AoE of the target for 1 second. A target stuck by slime is unaffected by all slime for another 10 seconds (respectively, 3 seconds for level 2 every 10 seconds). Light + Dark = Prism Tower: (Yes, I'm turning this idea into a support tower) Fires a blast of energy at another tower. The tower will do 15% more damage for the next 1.5 seconds. However, the more towers it fires through, the more damage the tower at the end does. The towers it fires through must be within range, and it cannot fire through more than 3 towers.1 Tower - 15% / 30% / 90% (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3)2 Towers - 30% / 60% / 180%3 Towers - 45% / 90% / 270%4 Towers - 60% / 120% / 360%The tower itself fires every 1.5 seconds. If it fires through one tower, that tower can be immediately buffed again. If it fires through two towers, the one that actually got the buff cannot be buffed again by Prism Tower for another 1.5 seconds (meaning it will serve as a tower that the Prism can shoot through). Three towers, 3.0 seconds. Four towers, 4.5 seconds. This way, it remains equal to Forge/Well/Trickery on both the scale of buffing one tower versus buffing four towers. Fire + Dark = Arcane Tower: Warcraft 3 rip. When it attacks, it gains mana and does a mediocre damage single-target Dark attack. When it reaches maximum mana, its attack becomes super powered, dealing massive single target damage for a short period of time. When that period is over, it must restart from 0 mana again. Fire + Earth + Dark = Flames Tower: The area it fires at leaves lingering flames that do damage over time to anything staying in the flames. Earth + Dark = Splitter Missile Tower: Fires a missile at a target with then splits into two more missiles which then splits into four missiles. The first two missiles will only fire if there are more targets within 3 AoE of the original target. Likewise, the following missiles only fire if there are more targets within 3 AoE of the first two missiles targets'. Dark + Nature = Sap Tower: Opposite of the Disease Tower (thus why it'd be there in place of the Disease Tower - can't get both). Saps the life energies of a target, dealing more damage base the more hp it has.(Current HP / Maximum HP) * # Earth + Dark + Light - Void Ray Tower: Void Ray rip. Fire a beam of energy focused at one target, intensifying the longer it attacks the target. Caps after three seconds of firing. This resets when it changes targets. Dark + Light + Nature - Siege Tank Tower: Starcraft 1 rip. Fires a Dark attack that explodes in a 2.25/4.5 AoE upon impact. It's very powerful, but it only fires every 3 seconds. Earth + Fire + Light - Bank Tower: This tower builds up a kill counter. On every interest, your interest is increased by a % based on the tower's kill count. It resets to 0 on every interest. Light + Nature - Safeguard Tower: Every time this tower kills an enemy, it adds lives equal to (50 Lives / Current Lives) * 0.33. The closer you are to 0, the more lives it will add upon a kill. You cannot gain more than 5 lives per kill with this tower. This tower cannot push you over 50 lives either. Water + Fire + Earth - Zealot Tower: This tower fires knives at one target initially. Every time it fires, it gains a knife, allowing it to fire two knives at two targets, 3 for 3, 4 for 4, etc. This is capped within a 6 AoE area of the target. Water + Fire + Nature - Phasor Tower: A short-ranged version of the Celerity Tower, this does the exact opposite - the closer the target, the more damage it does. These are intended as alternates for the existing towers, doing something similar to what the original does but in a different way. Some of them are, on the other hand, completely different. I'll add more down the road, too tired right now.
  22. Man, these are never gonna stop, are they, lol. The quake buff in the previous post isn't really necessary fyi. I'll leave that buff up to you. The flamethrower tower (after a bunch of buffs) is in line with other towers; in fact, maybe it's better than others, I honestly don't know. However, because its effect has the same AoE of its attack, it feels kinda... pointless. Would you be opposed to buffing the damage to 150 (75 per stack of Napalm) and then making the standard attack do only 1.5/3 AoE and then the Napalm 6 AoE? I have no idea if that'll make the tower stronger or weaker, but I just think that Napalm needs to have more of a purpose, because right now, it feels... it might as well just be part of the standard attack.Annnd if Flamethrower switches to 1.5/3 AoE for its standard attack, I vote Obliteration goes to 2.25/4.5 AoE, damage dropped back down to 360. Perfect management, its DPS will be slightly higher than a flood (using 2.25/4.5 AoE) while having higher range. Maybe its damage could drop a little more, but Flood isn't supposed to be perfect in everything it switches to; in fact, most damage towers are better that Flood in its respective category, which is fine.A comparison between the current Obliteration and Flood (using 1.5/3 AoE):Obliteration - 311.11 DPS, no manual reloadObliteration - 350 DPS, perfect managementFlood - 454.54 DPSCurrently it's straight up trash. It may seem nice and powerful in the early waves, but keep in mind that EVERYTHING is pretty much strong against the early waves.How much does Celerity's DPS need to go up? Quite a bit. A 25% increase is probably accurate, because that's how weak it is right now (and why it's currently useless lategame, and why it's not that useful mid-game without the right build). Of course, keeping it at 0.66 with that would keep it overpowered for the mid-game, so increasing it to 1 speed or possibly even 1.5 would be necessary.Mildew might need a buff of some kind. I'm not sure, as I'm going to test it out more later today and try it place it where my Ice god-spot is, but it just feels outclassed by all of the other dual towers. A few patches ago, you made a very unnecessary buff to a certain tower. I ignored it because it was a 10% buff, but then you buffed it again. Now it's just an absurd tower. Cannon towers (Dark + Earth, not the Grenade towers). They probably should be dropped back down to 11 or 10 damage. You have no idea how strong those towers are when placed correctly because I usually combo them with Magnify and Flamethrower. It's actually a bad idea to place them in the middle. Rather than using their range to pick off targets, think of it this way - their range is used to get additional damage in, and when the creeps get close up, they rack up the damage. I'll try a dedicated defense out later today and post a replay of this up, alongside a Mildew replay and a replay showing off Vortex hax. EDIT: Apparently, cannon towers suck by themselves, but they are god with other towers. I'd still recommend dropping them to 11 damage, but your call. Also, level 2 mildew towers... they are buggy. See attached replay. And please drop them to 10 or 8 range, they keep firing at the same target at 12 range, which is bad, because it hits nothing else when it does that. Element Tower Defense _2_.SC2Replay
  23. Tweaked the ability mapping. See attachment. Switched Quake/Money (Quake is Healing, Money is Mechanical); switched Disease/Obliteration (Disease is Undead, Obliteration is Mechanical); switched Perpetual/Mildew (Perpetual is Undead, Mildew is Image). Additionally, I decided to try 1v1 Wars mode out with the 200% bounty scaling. It was nowhere near close to enough, and we came up with a better consensus - time scaling on the cooldowns. You know the bounty scaling is 200% in a 1v1? Do that with the cooldowns, so it'd be 10/20/30 in a 1v1, rather than bounty scaling. Now the cooldown scaling should only apply to 2 and 3 players. The bounty scaling going for more than 4 players is perfectly fine as was last discussed. So below is a breakdown of everything: 2 Players - 200% faster cooldowns (10/20/30)3 Players - 133% faster cooldowns (13/26/39)4 Players - Base cooldowns (20/40/60) and 100% bounty5 Players - 80% bounty6 Players - 67% bounty7 Players - 57% bounty8 Players - 50% bounty If you want to see just how slow the 1v1 match was yourself, see attached replay. Granted, other player initially was trying to interest abuse, but even when we both built maxed out, it was still waaaaay below, because we couldn't even kill our own creeps. (Attached replay name should say "scaling", not "time scaling", oh well) Ability Mapping 2.docx Please add cooldown timescaling.SC2Replay
  24. Kay, dunno what happened, but my previous post got nuked. Anyhow, regarding the 10 second vortex, it should probably only last 2 or 3 seconds. As it is, it'll suck up practically the entire wave and then release it all at once. Aka, splash wins by default. Otherwise, things look pretty cool. Can't really give my opinion on it until I've played it.
  25. More balance suggestions, two of which have been suggested before in various places. Now that Quark actually hits stuff, nerf its damage from 60 to 45. It's terribly strong right now, lol.Buff Obliteration to 450 damage from 400 damage, same cooldown. Heck, you could have it go all the way back to 500 damage; keep in mind that when it was at 500 damage, a lot of other towers were fairly gimp and have since been buffed, making the current Obliteration Tower feel very meh.That, or make it a 2.25/4.5 AoE tower.Buff Quake's single target damage to 250 from 200. Keep its AoE damage the same, it's perfectly fine.Runic Tower seems to only be useful when its ability is going off, and unlike Hail Tower, the ability only lasts for 3 seconds. I'm fine with this; however I believe Runic's standard attack should be buffed instead. Rather than its standard attack being a mediocre 1.5/3 AoE splash attack, my suggestion would be to make it a stronger, single target damage attack. While it wouldn't match other single target towers like Flood, Haste, Ephemeral, and the like, it would still be pretty respectable. Its ability would then switch it over to what it currently is now.Shift Celerity back to a 1 attack speed tower with higher DPS. Right now, it slaughters through 50 with the right build, but once it gets to 55+, it just feels completely useless. While some towers ought to be somewhat more useful than others during the early and middle waves, there shouldn't be any tower that gets invalidated during the final 5 waves and fruit wave, except Money and Life.
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