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Everything posted by DDRKirby(ISQ)

  1. oh man, shredders on vh extreme random... i can only imagine...
  2. yes, i already watched it. but i'd rather just have one copy of my map, thankyouverymuch. as for the replay, gj, though tbh i wasn't sure who i was actually supposed to be watching at first. I wasn't a big fan of your exact tower placement but that's kind of a minor detail. you didn't do any of the crazy sell/rebuild interest abuse that I always do but that's a style preference. you got lucky and got randomed all 6 elements from the beginning, whoo...i would say you needed more different kinds of support towers though, specifically flame/ice (esp flame for damage amp) would have helped a little. hydro/jinx can also help to slow the creeps down even if they're already at the slowest creep speed allowed. also good job trying to catch that one fire wave (the catapults) with the well+drowning tower, I liked that.
  3. please make sure you follow correct map folder/name guidelines next time: http://www.eletd.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=282 (b^^)b
  4. watch replays, browse the strategy forum, read the tower placement guide. VH mode is not something that can be done on the fly, it's designed to be so that you really have to know what you're doing (b^^)b
  5. sooo pro. watching it now. btw lvl 7 i would opt for cannons or something; super arrow just seems like a waste on that.
  6. just keep in mind that wave timing is completely different when playing in a competitive multiplayer game (where you have players playing at 4 and 5) versus playing singleplayer (where you can play at 6/9 or sell rebuild through the entire maze). so it's always going to be different in SOME respect. If you wanted there to be less variables, then you would only allow singleplayer, since then there's no possibility at all for other players to affect it. But, somehow that seems unnecessary...
  7. (from other thread) whoops. sorry, I forgot about that. It was just natural for me to respond to a replay in the same thread that the replay was posted in ^^;
  8. very interesting changes...especially hydro, that surprised me a lot. jinx is the new hydro LOL ^^; i don't think poison giving slow effect is the right way to go. I feel like it does need some kind of buff though. In random it's useful for say, water undead waves, but after a certain point it does no appreciable damage at all. This is the same problem with kindle...its not really that bad at all, but towards later it's usefulness decreases rapidly. Then again, in late game, past round 40-45 or so, i guess NO towers should really do appreciable damage, otherwise it would be too easy. it's an interesting dilemma, and i'm not sure how to actually improve it at all. Right now it's certainly acceptable though--in lategame situations now the support towers are still good but you need heavy heavy damage in the form of pures, or massing upgraded triples/etc.
  9. 4 picks is really hard...almost all the builds don't have enough slowing to be effective. I'm not a huge fan of FLNW since I don't really like Tidal that much and I don't feel like impulse really synergizes that well with nova and windstorm. But I can see why it works. I've tried FLEW but without too much success...
  10. even when u disable graphical effects/etc? (i have a high end system so i'm not sure whether it's the graphics, or the triggers and computation that actually causes the lag)
  11. you mean "thread" not "forum". old all pick scores were taken off because ap rules were changed to 4 picks normal or 5 picks if on cm. therefore the old records are obsolete.
  12. It's more important to build the right towers, than to abuse interest. take it from me, the premier interest abuser ^^; it is better to just place the right towers, than to sell/rebuild a bunch of the wrong towers--you will either end up leaking or spending too much money anyways, which defeats the original purpose. @ Cisz, my replay is in the Hall of Fame thread, if you haven't seen it yet
  13. seems good but then i'd have to move it into place more often.
  14. DDRKirby(ISQ)

    More Levels?

    and the 2k+ replays, again, could be shortened significantly if ronald hp rose at something like 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 kills, etc as opposed to at 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000.
  15. DDRKirby(ISQ)

    More Levels?

    you're assuming that the difficulty increases as the game goes on. In reality it's closer to having a high difficulty level throughout. Really now, who wants to sit through 50 easy levels twiddling their thumbs before they get to the good stuff? Besides, think of how much harder it would be to balance. By level 75 the rest of the levels are either way way way too hard and the setbacks start compounding, or they're all easy because you have a great setup and you can just wallow in interest. Not to mention, the entire map layout would need to be redesigned, otherwise you'd run out of tower space fast... though, Ronald needs to be changed so we dont have to ronald hunt for 3 hours xD
  16. any reason why my 2262+ record isn't up yet
  17. ...but i'd still sell and rebuild all of them anyways to abuse interest~ xD
  18. 1. i realized this after a while and did indeed build impulse there. however toward the end of the replay i ended up replacing with eternal towers. 2. quaker tower is a great tower. however against ronalds the effectiveness is not quite as great since i'm taking down ronalds one at a time. Also lvl 1 quaker really does insignificant damage at that point. it was much more beneficial for me to focus on polar/voodoo combo as well as slowing and mass jinx to prep for periodics which did the main damage. 3. he hasn't gotten around to it yet.
  19. yes, my replay is posted in the hall of fame. http://www.eletd.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=881
  20. answered in reverse order. 3. periodic is almost always better. maybe if you have pure earth against a light wave, then it might be better, but in most cases periodic is better. And against ronalds periodic is MUCH better. 2. normally you have 2 unless you get elemental essence (2 pures are automatically given to you near end of game). So it probably happened that you got randomed essence as one of your picks, thats why you could build 3. 1. of course, on SR it really depends on picks, but in general if you're using anything for damage it better be something that does a LOT of damage. lvl 1 quaker towers, for instance, would NOT really be effective at all. also depending on how you're planning to kill them, splash damage may not be quite so effective. The majority of damage output would -probably- be coming from periodics or pures, so make sure they are always buffed and you have damage amp+slow around those. Also, polar is great against ronalds, and ice age is even better. If you have all elements you can even combine with voodoo for even more fun. Keep in mind that since slow is capped, if you want to slow down anymore you're gonna have to use mass hydro or jinx. Hydro is cheaper so its easier to spam all over the place but jinx is actually a little more effective since the chance to proc is 33% as opposed to 25% (yay for jinx towers~). Another tip, if you build such that the ronalds never get to where towers at - can reach, you can either build well/blacksmith at - (which will effect towers at 8 and 9) or you can build long range towers at - (like light towers, or impulse, or gunpowder). Another option is to build something there to catch leaks--for instance in my 2k+ VH SR CM replay I ended up building eternal towers there, that way every so often I would actually gain lives from leaks XD. That game was ridiculous, I had covered the entire map with towers and I still had 150k gold left...
  21. unless it's The Dark sector
  22. VH SR CM 4.0 pb 2262+ RONALDS can't attach replay since it's 3 MB. the link is here: http://ddrkirby.googlepages.com/5-1-08-DDR...naldseleTD3.w3g Would have been much much more than 2262, but I had to alt+tab to check what my homework was and warcraft 3 CRASHED. luckily my friend was watching and managed to save the replay up to that point. Didn't even get ice age towers. Had more than 150k gold left over at end, couldn't find any way to spend it. End setup involved lots and lots of polar+voodoo, lots and lots of JINX (hehee, my favorite tower, better than hydro if you have the money), standard slow+debuff towers, and 2 periodics. Also there were eternal towers at - so that every so often I would actually gain a life or two. Enjoy. I would have liked to topple Cisz's old record of ~4000 ronalds but that was on ap normal anyways so I still feel accomplished. You can judge for yourself how many ronalds it would have stopped at if not for the unfortunate crash. I'm probably much better at random than pick, simply because my build speed is so fast... obviously, ronald needs to increase hp at more regular intervals, otherwise ronald hunting eats away hours and hours...xD
  23. "stop-attack" bug in my experience is very rare, but when it happens it's really a WTF >=X moment.
  24. u could always watch replays and see what people have come up with ^^ For level 9 I usually use a tight group of 4 or so super cannons, with temporary building in between interest. Unless of course you got fire, then you can use that. when elemental towers only do 50%, dont use them ^^; If you're talking about rounds 7-13, you'll have to improvise something, either using super arrows or super cannons. Since you probably won't be able to one-shot a creep, you may want to spread the damage out, that way you won't get wasted shots. Or just use cannons. This also happens if you get +interest as your first 1 or 2 picks. I think there's a replay somewhere around here showing how to beat first 20 or so rounds if first 3 or 4 picks are interest.
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