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Public Beta Suggestions

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Currently, mechanical levels are very difficult. My Suggestion: Decrease the length of Invulnerability by 0.5s and decrease Mana Regeneration by 50%.

The mechanical composite level on extreme mode (level 32) is next to impossible to not leak on. I have tried multiple tower combinations of what I thought would almost definitely do the trick. I got he most success on a consistent basis with a Nova, Tornado, Sludge, Electricity. Another one that worked pretty well was Nova, Electricity, 2x Tornado. To my surprise, and possibly yours, the following towers were very ineffective: Quaker, and Tidal. Together I assumed with a full charged Tidal and Quaker AoE I would take down the level with easy. This was really not the case. Impulse tower also had a difficult time. I'm going to try Nova, Electricity, Tornado, Tidal (Full Power).

Either way, after completing level 32, I didn't need to build any new towers until level 37, the next mechanical level. Yes, mechanical levels are difficult and they should be, but they definitely need to be toned down a bit.

Also, Composite levels I find are also much too difficult. I would consider changing the damage coefficient to 80% up from 75%.

Tower Suggestions:

Gunpowder Tower (and it's upgrades): Increase damage.

Disease Tower (and it's upgrades: Increase range on the flies. Currently it is 300, which is far too low.

Poison Tower (and it's upgrades): Consider giving "Contamination" a 5%/10%/15% poisoning slow.

Quark Tower (and it's upgrades): Change to "Shifts this tower through space to target location. Does X% of current health in a 500 AoE upon landing. 1000 cast range."

Mushroom Tower (and it's upgrades): Give it a base attack speed of 1. Down from 1.5.

Spout (Hydro lvl 2): Increase air time to 2.5 seconds, and to 3.5 seconds for Geyser (Hydro lvl 3).

Electricity Tower: Lower damage on this tower to 400. Down from 500. Inrease damage on Lightning (Electricity lvl 2) to 3000.

Change Flame and Ice towers (and their upgrades) so that they change targets every new attack.

Kindle Tower: Increase damage to 250, up from 150.

Vapor Tower: Increase damage to 1000, up from 750.

Immolation Tower: Increase damage to 5000, up from 3750.

Most of these changes are to address the issue of how under used Dual Towers are. I rarely ever see any Dual Towers other than Electricity early game, and Well/Forge for buffs.

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some of the suggestions can be taken into consideration.

mech levels can be difficult but imo it's not too difficult. wave 32 in extreme i managed to noleak it with variations of roots, muck, zealot, well, blacksmith or something like that.

we had a discussion whether composite waves were too strong but the general consuses was keep at 75% although some did suggest 80%.

also most importantly, get out of the 3.0 mindset. got to change the way you play in some ways for 4.0

on to tower suggestions.

disease tower is axed and replaced with another tower already.

hydro's ability for next beta no longer stops movement. the unit moves through the air instead of upwards and staying there.

not sure if ice and flame change targets automatically but this can be solved in a way by placement. the top right corner of IX and bottom right corner of III.

quark might be replaced or changed in some ways.

poison tower with slow would disrupt the balance of the slows distribution in the game. or that's what i believe it would do. since the slows have been balanced and spread out over the builds. correct me if i'm wrong

gunpowder's damage was already buffed before.

check the dev forums and beta forums.. i believe there's changes made to make duals more viable.

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very interesting changes...especially hydro, that surprised me a lot. jinx is the new hydro LOL ^^;

i don't think poison giving slow effect is the right way to go. I feel like it does need some kind of buff though. In random it's useful for say, water undead waves, but after a certain point it does no appreciable damage at all. This is the same problem with kindle...its not really that bad at all, but towards later it's usefulness decreases rapidly.

Then again, in late game, past round 40-45 or so, i guess NO towers should really do appreciable damage, otherwise it would be too easy.

it's an interesting dilemma, and i'm not sure how to actually improve it at all. Right now it's certainly acceptable though--in lategame situations now the support towers are still good but you need heavy heavy damage in the form of pures, or massing upgraded triples/etc.

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just checked the changes and found out i made some mistakes

disease, jinx, gunpowder and quark all underwent revisions or changed totally.. so no, jinx is not the new hydro.

and poison, along with the other spell towers, are changed so that they can be buffed by well and blacksmith..

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One mayor important thing, is you can't change a level 2 tower, it is the level 1 tower times 5. (some slow skills and buffing might not be times 5 like well tower, but it is times 2 every uppgrade)

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check the dev forums and beta forums.. i believe there's changes made to make duals more viable.

I don't believe I can check those forums. Also, if you guys need Beta Testers I'd be willing to donate some time.

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very interesting changes...especially hydro, that surprised me a lot. jinx is the new hydro LOL ^^;

New... Hydro? But the jinx splash damage

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But the jinx splash damage

current jinx and hydro both have singletarget damage, but their effect does splash when it lands. (for jinx it moves forwards then lands back where it was struck, for hydro it moves up then lands back on where it was struck)

However, that's fixed for next beta no worries, no more "stunning". except perhaps tornado body blocking (which isn't really s stun, more a slow.)

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except perhaps tornado body blocking (which isn't really s stun, more a slow.)

I think that shoult be fixed too. (Make tornado flying?)

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Guest badbader88

I enjoy playing this game. Really, who doesn't... Anyways, i play with very hard mode, random and chaos (no, no extrem mode for me:P).

Anyways, usually when randoming, i wouldn't get level2 and level 3 elementals, which makes it very hard to get past level 50 without huge leaks. What i'm suggesting, why no have an option to buy lumber? 10k for 1 lumber would do the trick. I dont like massing towers, i play with 5 towers during the first 35 or so levels.

I also suggest a minor addition. Why dont you insert a box that tell you how many creeps you currently have in the maze? (I dont this is very important, but it would be cool to have it)

Thank you in advance.

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Guest DevouringOne

The option of buying a lumber is impossible because if you can have 12 lumber that means that you can build all double and tripple element towers or you can build 4 different pure elements... and this will be very, very bad... for the creeps :D

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