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Element TD 4.0 Public beta - hot or not?

Does EleTD 4.0pb deliver?  

52 members have voted

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What do you think about this 4.0? Is the direction ok? Is 3.0 past now?

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Guest emjlr3

50 views and not a single comment....hmmm....i think its Hawtttttt

you need an option in between a and b

It is better then 3.0, but still needs some work

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Interesting results so far. I'm surprised about the high ratings. The 4.0 seems to catch the people pretty well.

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Guest Weezell

been playing for a while, just found the forums, anyway...

In my opinion, 4.0 is a good improvement, just needs a little polish.

great tower ideas, and it feels very fresh.

overall, great job guys :D.

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Guest Timberwolf

Of the options I'll take "It's better than 3.0, but needs a lot of work."

I think it has the potential to be better then 3.0 once the rough edges are smoothed out, which is exactly what Betas are for, but it's not there yet. But of the available options this fits best.

The mode redesign is really great. That's the best improvement here to me. I didn't mind hero mode but having it go away hasn't cost the game anything at all, and the new stuff that has been added is excellent.

I'm still re-learning a lot of the towers, but it feels overall significantly harder than 3.0 to me. I think some of the towers probably need a bit of balancing out but the ideas seem pretty solid. The fact that Nova, Storm and Gold towers no longer run over everything in the game is a massive improvement, and there seem to be a lot of cool options in there for builds. Will have to fiddle more and see how it goes.

The ronanld round is still nothing I care about, but whatever.

This version seems to run slightly slower for me with a lot of players than 3.0 did (I have a pretty old system which is probably one of the reasons I still play WC3). I'm not sure why exactly. I'm sure you programmer types are keeping an eye on that sort of thing.

It doesn't yet have the polish of 3.0 but 4.0 can be better than 3.0 was, which is really saying something.

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Guest noob4life

I agree with the wolf.

Still learning the different towers. I hosted a few public games the day after you all released it, and the response was fairly mixed.

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I like 4.0 more than i thought i would do from the very first, never thought i could leave 3.0 behind. But now i believe i can as soon as we completed tourney...

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Jolin is right.

I think the new stuff of 4.0 is less newcommerfriendly, it takes some time till you get used to all, but there is no doubt that it is better than 3.0.

I think the results are excellent, It would be mad to believe that we could release the beta and wouldnt need further polishing; bearing this in mind the first impressions of ppl seem to be 5 points of 5.

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Guest Antisun

ehm, first post i think :D

when you loose and trickery tower just turns back to normal, the tower is not destoyed like all other tower. BUUUUG!!!!!


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ehm, first post i think :D

when you loose and trickery tower just turns back to normal, the tower is not destoyed like all other tower. BUUUUG!!!!!


Post it at the bug report. Btw welcome to the forum.

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Guest inDe_eD

I think 4.0 is ALOT harder and newbs who play the game for the first time are probably not even going to win on easy. Barrier and reincarnation (especially barrier) make things alot more complicated than most people are used to. It needs work for sure, but the only thing i dont like about 3.0 is the slows are ridiculous, but in 4.0 they are useless...

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inde_ed, have you already tried out playing VE?

It's like cheating yourself endless money, it is a damn easy difficulty. You don't need to do anything except saving more then 20% of your net worth as cash and sooner or later you win, leaking a few sometimes, but you win.

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Guest inDe_eD

meh, fine. But I hosted this many many times and I choose normal/all pick and im the only one who ever wins on normal everyone else in game loses. Sometimes I dont even win if there is like a hard wave or mechanical or undead.

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Guest CountVlad

i find it way better... it's more challenging.

very good work indeed.

and slow towers are not that useless...

i actually did pretty well with a mix of all slow towers plus some Voodoo towers even if i'm not a very good Ele TD player (no i'm not saying that it is the best build around).

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Guest K.Oz

4.0 is impressive in this one aspect...

You took one of the best TD's ever made and totally ruined it in one fell swoop. So uh, yeah, nice job.

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So, any reasons for this opinion? What does it miss now? What's in there that shouldn't?

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Guest ma23

tower rebalancing.

it seems all "good" strats have the same towers

roots lvl2, muck lvl2, nova, windstorm for slow.

voodoo lvl2, corrosion lvl2, enchantment for buffs/debuffs. (ill let blacksmith and well go since they are a double tower and dont work on everything)

with all the above towers, any aoe tower becomes very strong with quaker making a lot of appearances. (the periodics become ridiculous)

with all those in place there are only a small amount of single target towers that become viable like zealot and impulse.

i think that the slowing amount of each additional slowing tower is too great. im not exactly sure how the formulas are calculated for this game. but for simplistic sake, lets define the base movement speed of a creep as 100 and the slowing amount of each tower type is 15%.

these are some possible ways to calculate a creeps speed

1 tower = speed 85

2 tower = 100-15-15 = speed 70

or = .85^2 = speed 72

or = 100/(1.15^2) = speed 76

3 tower = 100-15-15-15 = speed 55

or = .85^3 = speed 61

or = 100(1.15^3) = speed 66

im fairly sure the 2nd equations are used which would give 2x lv2 and 2x lvl 1 aoe slowing towers a creep speed of 35. using the 3rd equation the speed would be 45. the first one would give a speed of 10 which just sounds wrong.

either the slowing amount needs to be revisited or how it stacks should be changed. i dont mind the single target slow of flame and ice at all.

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Guest Issunboshi

I like 4.0PB. I think some towers need more power. I've only been playing FDNL. I find most of the fire duals except lighting to be pretty weak. Magic Towers are ridiculously overpriced as it doesn't do an appreciably better amount of dmg compared to the 175g dark tower (can't think of the name atm, agh!) and loses it's range. Kindle towers only do about ~750 damage by the time creeps run out of range. I don't really like flame towers either, the slow isn't worth it imo.

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You are right, this is still a beta. But let me point out some things:

Kindle tower burns everything within range, and with serious slow thats an entire wave. Magic does a lot more dmg/cost than dark if used correctly. Play it at 4 (you know where 4 is?) with some slow, or at 9-6. And kindle does increase the dmg taken.

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Magic at 4? really? I would think that it runs out of mana too fast to really be effective at such a quick 2-pass. Though I guess in multiplayer it's at least better than 5, eh...

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Guest Issunboshi
You are right, this is still a beta. But let me point out some things:

Kindle tower burns everything within range, and with serious slow thats an entire wave. Magic does a lot more dmg/cost than dark if used correctly. Play it at 4 (you know where 4 is?) with some slow, or at 9-6. And kindle does increase the dmg taken.

eh I usually have all of my towers around 5. that's a pretty interesting revelation. I didn't even know there was a tower numpad lol. neato! ha

I only consistently get to around 41 on VH with AP. Shows what I know :lol:

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Huh? Magic on 4? I thought... on 3 or 6 or 9... Most of my towers are placed on these point

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"At 4 with some slow, or 3/6/9" he sais, meaning 4 becomes a longer 2 pass with some slow (takes more time for the creep to get to 2nd pass, so magic gets more time to rest(recharge))

and else play it at around area 6 and it'll get rest without slowing towers.

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Ooops, forgot to read that "slow tower" part...

Well, I agree with Cisz now

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