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Guest lorem ipsum

Healing-Waves to strong

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Guest lorem ipsum


I think healing waves are to strong. To do no-leak on healing waves is very difficult. Specially if they are level 40 or higher its's hardly possible to do no-leak.

A possible soulution is, to reduce the healing rate to 1,5%.

What do you think about that?

ps: Please excuse my bad english.

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I agree. My suggestion: Healing and fast back to pb values plz. :)

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yes.. in extreme mode, if you build at VI, come second pass, the creeps are back to full health including those that left the first pass kill zone with 10% hp.. overpowered..

fast is not as much a problem as healing.. but the wave can be overpowered when the defense is weaker, more so when randOOmed..

but if i'm not wrong 1.5% healing can't be programmed or something..

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Guest lorem ipsum
fast is not as much a problem as healing..

i think so too.

Healing and fast back to pb values plz.

would be a good solution, but imoh fast is ok. difficult... but ok.

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I agree. My suggestion: Healing and fast back to pb values plz. :)

I think fast is ok. (It should be a bit difficulter to kill).

But healing is really overpowerd.

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yap, back to pb values. it is currenlty too strong in >75% of all cases. and it shouldn't make that many types of defenses have it their greatest weakness. it's ok that perhaps a lifetower singleplayer build where ya kill the creeps by leaking half then killing all every time, or some tower that deals it's damage over 60 sec without doing a killl until that or something. like mass obl of microed impulses or something, but currently healing is a great problem to almost all builds. the ability of drowning would be an exception. So - get it back the way it was in pb, and only those extremley unstrategical builds vs healing will have geater problems there, wich is how it should be.

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Either have the healing lower hp then the rest of the creeps and have a pretty fast healing so it makes more micro.

But right now they are extremly hard, water murguls healing, and dune worms.

Back to PB values indeed.

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Back to PB values indeed.
I agree. My suggestion: Healing and fast back to pb values plz. :)
yap, back to pb values.

I thnik the PB value is too small. The b11-b13c value to high.

I guess we've to find a way in the middle :P

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hm, i think they're not too high, try playing new flame (or corrosion) one at 4 one at 9 and one at 3 and you'll notice healing is far too hard and if you go pb it's not too easy.

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Unfortunately for healing there is no convenient or practical way to do 1.5%. The consensus appears to be reverting it to 1%, which is fine by me.

I think I'll also do the same for fast waves, i.e. 375 to 350.

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Ok, that will do fine. But keep extreme as it is now (exept the healing)

Extreme speed units has 375 ms and the ordinary extreme units have their current speed.

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