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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. In my first public game of 4.0, teal had his essences placed too low. Screenshoot. Replay. 1787 Etd_4 vh rnd_ d.w3g
  2. I liked the 3.0 days where I could win on vh rnd vs ve pick players. I'm hoping the new timer times will make this possible again.
  3. Ok, Jolin012, Sancdar and I did some testing, and here is what came up: 1100 range does allow 2 towers to hit the upper lane, but barely so. It seems I prevented them from firing wiht an unlucky combo of lag, micro, and range. My suggestion is: Change 1100 to 1125 for all towers that have 1100. But it's not important enough for 4.0, so it's for later. So don't chnage the ranges for 4.0.
  4. Nono, don't get me wrong. I have a youutube channel and like tons of td videos out there. I know how to use camtasia. And that's why I ask: It is possible to record tft with camtasia? Because I tried and it didn't work at all.
  5. Cisz

    Bot Development.

    serdelus - Trust MagicalHacker to design the first point system to properly avoid that.
  6. Cisz


    My best rewplays are for the 3.0 version of eletd, and on 1.20e of tft. Ask again in a week.
  7. I tried to record tft with camtasia and failed. You can do this? Tell me how please. Example please.
  8. Cisz

    Bot Development.

    I disagree on two sides. Imo winning is highly related to skill. Getting a high networth is not.
  9. Cisz

    Handful of suggestions

    About 1. - AP has a huge advantage over rnd, as you can plan ahead your entire build. So I guess to keep mixed randomeness possible this is not going to happen. About 2. - The menu is much faster. It's fully hotkeyed, and if you play a mode that you know the hotkeys for, commandlines are less efficient. We don't settle for the best, we want to be better. About 3. - I don't play the pb a lot lately, but isn't there a "refer" button fer each single choice? About your bug list: - Earth armor priority - Finally fixed. - Laser tower stunning - Not entirely fixable, but less of a problem nowadays. It's a combination of a tft bug and lag. - Game crash on to high count of ronalds - Will never be fixed. It's a tft bug. Play on very hard man. - Undead level lags - Mostly fixed (less of a lag). - Multiple Aoe towers lags (kindle/ roots etc.) - They do? Not sure if that's different now. Same here, your welcome.
  10. Cisz

    Blacksmith towers

    In the public beta there are some dmg towers that don't get properly boosted, but I forgot which ones. Magic should be one of them. Maybe someone else can give you that list. But in the 4.0 all dmg towers (and no support towers) will benefit from smith, well, and trickery.
  11. Cisz

    the new forum

    Interesting, because I just dowloaded the Tropical tag 3.0 without any underscores.
  12. Cisz

    the new forum

    Hey, great. Now I only need working "unread" functionality, and I like the new forums.
  13. Cisz

    the new forum

    ..like the underscores in filenames for example?
  14. Cisz

    tips for noobs

    ..but to answer your question: No. You know, we are working so long and hard on this map to make each and every tower usefull for some situation. Arrows are better for some stuff, and cannons are better for other stuff.
  15. Ah, now I get it, each level has a different text. Didn't know that.
  16. Douse tooltip reads: "This ability needs to be charged before you can use it. Every 3 attacks will level it up, increasing damage dealt. Ten levels." Nothing about damage there. This is important to know if its a long pass tower or not.
  17. Douse should state a dmg value.
  18. Wrath says it "stops" while it maxes out after 14 attacks.
  19. When I upgrade a radius tower, the resulting orbit tower will be on minimum range again, so the previous setting is lost. Afaik the tower is supposed to keep the last setting.
  20. When I upgrade a trickery or mirage tower, the resulting tower will allways be on autocast, so the previous setting is lost. Afaik the tower is supposed to keep the last setting.
  21. Magic towers don't get enough mana to use their special, just like mushroom.
  22. Evaporate is described as "burns", maybe change it? Chokes? Engulfs
  23. Right now it says "stops after 8 attacks", it should be "maxes out after 8 attacks".
  24. Tips 11 and 17 should be changed imo. Tip 11 lists ice as a slowing tower, and tip 17 says you should get a lv3 ele for wave 40. My suggestion for tip 17: "Towers of higher levels are much stronger, so instead of getting many weak ones, level up a few."
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