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Posts posted by Twilice

  1. So I started picking on it a bit, mostly the thinking part and some variables.

    But I couldn't really figure out a way to "lock" a certian object to another object.

    I wanted my class basicTower to have a pointer that pointed to class normalCreep so it looked like this:

    normalCreep *target;

    Even if I included normalCreep into basicTower it didn't work, and if I inherit normalCreep it will only inerhit the variables and functions and that wont help me. Since I will need this for the missiles as well it's a pretty large step.

  2. We are supposed to do a project for our programming course, and I have already started to think about it. It must involve at least a few things. (I am not sure what yet, but I am pretty sure linked list's and inheritance)


    So it is not going to be super advanced (or well for me it could be :P) but here is the plan:


    To make it more original the player chooses the amount of creeps he/she wants to send at a certain level, the minimum amount of creeps you can send will be increased over time. So if a player hesitates to send creeps he might get overrun in the end, but if he sends to many he will get overrun right from the beginning. The game will not be multiplayer that is far to advanced for me as it is now.


    I want a basic tower which everyone of my other tower inherit and the towers I wanted is:


    Single (target)

    Splash (ground)

    Linear (ground)

    Bounce (target + slow)


    *Slow is based around the speed of the creep (and if I got time and "skill" around which bounce of the tower), the reduction will be (0,95-0,15x) where x is the base speed of the creep.


    The towers will probably just fire at the creep closest or lowest hp, if I got time I might try to give them different search functions like bouncing attacks the fastest, splash and linear the closest and single the lowest hp. (I will not keep track on which creep has moved the most, or actually that won't be so hard to program now when I think about it since they will travel the same path, the single tower could fire at the one traveling the longest)


    The missiles that need it also have search functions, splash in a circular, linear in a well... linear :P and bounce will bounce of the closest.


    Creeps will walk around a simple map.



    Since I don't know how to make it work like a standalone program you have to have visual c++ and the allegro library "installed". But I haven't even started yet, I might have taken water way over my head. But it will definitely be interesting to work with.

  3. It's hard to see them like that, is there a way to "zoom-in" in the overview manager?

    It looked pretty good from what I could see though, but they lack the flexibility from wc3.

  4. Excelent news everyone, chat channels are released. I don't really see a reason to have a channel at this moment. (until the beta is out, or else I will just feel lonely in an empty chat :P)

    Anyways, the name of the chat is:

    Element TD

  5. I don't really know what the problem was with the old mushroom tower was. But whatever it was the new mushroom tower is far worse. They are so weak unless you build them in the corners (just like the old sun tower) and then they are just medicore because it doesn't utilize their full length.

  6. Ah, sorry. I am quite bad at reading text as well as writing texts.

    But I am sure that if you play VH SR (same random) it's not about luck at all, it's purely about skill. Now of course our goals in a game might be different, but I still think that the real thing that counts is to outlast your opponents in multiplayer. There are many ways of doing this, but the most standard competive is VH SR because it is both micro and macro oriented (in the ecenomy).

  7. Then again. Most of you seem to play only solo. I could say that is equally lame as you say all pick is lame. You want this game to be tough? Play in multiplayer.

    Challange accepted if you find / use some kind of delay reducer.

    Also when did I say that all pick is lame? I think you misunderstood what I was trying to write. It is not about a single build, it's about using all of the builds and knowing their limitations. (which I by far do not know, but I used to know them a long long long time ago)


    First, I dont use any type of third party software when playing wc3

    Second, if you require this delay reducer why dont you get it and use it?

    Third, I dont understand why we even arguing about this. Its clear to me that our opinions about this game are quite different. You see skill in VH random. I see luck in VH random. No amount of skill will help you with absolute trash set of elements.

    Here is an actual multiplayer scenario

    wave 48, LNFFWD$LN and 23k gold total

    Any suggestions?


    No you still missunderstood what I wrote, I am not saying all pick doesn't equal to skill. I mean that very hard (for me) ronald kills are worth much more then on very easy. For me it is like saying that a rank 1 silver is better then a rank 89 gold.

    Then it's ok if I host instead? (if I can fix that)

  8. Then again. Most of you seem to play only solo. I could say that is equally lame as you say all pick is lame. You want this game to be tough? Play in multiplayer.

    Challange accepted if you find / use some kind of delay reducer.

    Also when did I say that all pick is lame? I think you misunderstood what I was trying to write. It is not about a single build, it's about using all of the builds and knowing their limitations. (which I by far do not know, but I used to know them a long long long time ago)

  9. Right...

    The goal is to not "find the best combination ever" but to rather "using the current combination of your current towers to the best possible way".

    Knowing the weakness and limitations to your elements. Meaning you should be able to win the game either you use DFNW or ELNW builds the best possible way.

    Ok, here is another example. It is like saying that a rank 6# Platinum is better then a rank 66# Diamond in their corresponding divisions.

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