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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. Okay nerf all the other imba towers like money, storm and many others. Or should I say techtrees with permanent slow imba armor reduce and thoose things.
  2. Twilice

    1 More lumber

    There were alot of talking in the old forums, and it got, how do you say it. Over the edge, to splashy with dreams, Living in a fantasy dream with a mega cool tower that killed everything. Maybe not what we want. But thats the impression I got from the old forums.
  3. I'm doing a map of my self. And i wonder what is Jazz, it is a computer language and etc etc. But how does it work? And what do you mean with the triggers, are you gonna set them to start after 2 secs of the game, or what do you mean. I'm youst curios, and i might do the same thing with my map, maybe.
  4. A chain lightning tower.
  5. I wonder if I will ever notice that the sludge had disappeared Almost never use sludge and clay. I can micro but in TD's im to lazy Only doing it in Ordinary games.
  6. Twilice

    Tournament No.1

    I hope i can play at that date, I don't know. But i sure hope so. Is it going to be random or same random?
  7. All kind of games, Ordinary games 1v1 - 4v4 At 2v2 - 3v3 Dota, Element TD, Gem TD. My Own map. 13attleships Crossfire. Pass the Bomb. Many many more
  8. YOU DONT HAVE A TV!!!!!!!!!!!! ???? O now I see this guy ->:twisted: came and stealed it, instead of your soul?
  9. Twilice


    A suggestions for the ice tower, is to add slow the more you uppgrade. Instead of having all 3 levels the same slow.
  10. Twilice

    1 More lumber

    You could get 1 lumber at the start of the game, or something else. 1 Extra lumber at level 30 for getting past half of the game.
  11. Well i like both ideas. It's fun to micro. but it is also fun to only play dont care so much about selling and rebuying. So my suggestion is Add it as a mode.
  12. Yes when cisz uses it, and builds many supporting towers. But think of all the not so well playing players. They need to be able to play also. I say set the damage to 325 or something. or 300 with a little longer range. 400 is youst to much.
  13. Twilice


    A now i see you have to put it: Now i see.
  14. Twilice


    How do i get them to work?
  15. Twilice


    This one were really strange, I found a way to resize my image so it would fit the maximum of 128*128. But when i made it small i couldn't save it as a gif so instead of i think it was 56 kb it went 406 kb. And that were to big But I could open the file in internet explorer to check how it looked. And then do as any picture in internet explorer, copy and save. Then I had the picture in gif and a smaller picture. So I tricked the computer.
  16. This looks much better, with the elements overiding eachother a little bit. The Final also look pretty god, but i still think: Is it really a god idea to have the Final word in it allready? What if we want even newer versions. Then many will think its a fake maybe.
  17. I know a way of getting the ice slowing uppgraded with each uppgraded tower. Want to hear? Ok here it comes: Youst change the Orc bat rider liquid oil, attack. To no damage and to work on creeps, then add a buff to it set the speed and etc, etc. I think you know the rest.
  18. Well I don't know how to make a scatter poison attack without any triggers. But if you succed with one, could I please use it in my TD? And now for suggestments. Don't change the death tower, its fun to play with in random. But I'm in for to delete the gold tower. Not the elektricity it is fine, maybe only change elements. The ranbow is pretty god for random two if you have a well with you.
  19. To much letters, system shutdo.. z Z z No it was a joke, I actually read the whole posts. I might not understand all rebalancing things. But I think i understand. But I can help test i play alot of diferent games. And I know about how hard and so on it should be. And ofcourse i played Ele TD much before so i know about how it was. But the number one and two: Don't have any kind of permanent slowing, And no - 40 armor.
  20. Twilice

    Hero Mode

    This maybe sounds like an odd idea but, wouldn't it be cool to go sooloing all the levels with heroes ddxx. I like the hero mode, I think that they are here to stay, many players apprichiate them and specially the auras. I 100% agree with MrChak.
  21. Yes finally, I tried to make this thing started in the former forum. but not so much succes. Should cost same gold, (you don't get 100% for selling them if you uppgraded the costy way.)
  22. Twilice


    Can any one help me with an avatar? I know what avatar I want, but I don't know what to do next.
  23. Yes i do like the Darkness icon, and how it turned out. But the fonts as allready said are to big. And does it have to have the text "final" in it? Couldnt it be another text, like New Era, or something. Any suggestions? Oh and could you do a youst a arrow like thing to all elements, not arrows but so it looks more like: Water -> Fire -> Nature -> Earth -> Light -> Darkness -> Water Instead of: Water -- Fire -- Nature -- Earth -- Light -- Darkness -- Water Do you get my point?
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