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Everything posted by 0rb3r

  1. It seems that no one remembers my stackable idea...
  2. Imho I would prefer to do more with mana as it gives additional buff possibilities ( for towers and for creeps ) and have the well tower to recover mana faster with lower speed-buff durance to encourage intelligent tower posting on 2pass locations. Well T should refresh other mana adict towers like magic, sorcery or tidal towers, and the actual role of magic T and sorcery T should be exchanged (instead of giving sorcery a third skill). It always gave me the impression that the skills of sorcery tower are more likely to be in a dual tower.
  3. 0rb3r

    Flesh Golems

    Don't forget that if you base it on damage, VE players would have a disadvantage vs. VH players, as your fleshie would grow much more on harder difficulties. Anyways, I like the idea that the tower starts with limited strenght and grows very strong later time (it's a growth tower at least!); I also like it that even if you build some fleshies later time, they still can make themselfs useful. Shared Damage based xp is an excellent idea imo, but it would sacrifice the usefullness of the tower if you get it later time in random mode (build them on level 50, and they wont get more then 200 hits till game end, and stay with a ridiculous damage of maximum 4000). If you do it this way the tower should need some kind of secondary effect skill (crippling single targets?) to be still useful.
  4. How about "persistent" to name it? Strategically it hurts high damage towers and slightly affects splash and AoE skills. I like it. I'm just missing a classification that does the oposite, hurt splash effectivity and easy killable by well distributed high damage towers. For now and in general, splash is stronger then single strike towers, a classification that compensates this is needed.
  5. 0rb3r

    Make dark better...

    I think Dark is ok in most aspects, it's a slow+dead end role in the game, instant kill is pretty strong if you post your towers well, but you definately leak on undead and mechanical waves. Tech tower D+E compensates it a bit. Maybe some minor changes needed, but thats all imo. I just don't like that Drowning D+W+N and Crypt D+E+N Towers are using a similar skill, thats a change worth.
  6. 0rb3r

    Well Towers

    Well then, just shorter buff durance and lower mana cost.
  7. 0rb3r

    Well Towers

    If you give your towers 0 mana and the skills 0 mana cost, the only thing you encourage is that you can post wherever you want those towers. Limited mana and mana cost encourages intelligent posting of towers, and adds an additional way tu buff other towers. In fact, i think that there are many ways to improve the role mana plays in the game and make some towers more interesting. The well tower should cast speed-up buff when creeps are nearby (this way your welltowers are not spending all of their mana while no creep is around to kill), and make the effect stay no longer than the time creeps need to do half way through the maze (so that, like tidal T does, it makes sense to post the well T on a smart 2pass location).
  8. great idea, it doesn't changes the race concept but leaves you an "airbag" so that you dont have to lose a life if you aren't the first one. If you play it too slow, you realize "how much" too slow you are as you get a bigger penalty on your race. Excellent feedback. Teoretically, if all players play on similar clearing speed, no one loses lives. I love it.
  9. 0rb3r

    Tutorial for noob

    Noobs normally choose easy or very easy. Just activate tutorial by default for those choices. Make the acolyte say twice "type -tut to learn how to play", dont create a general display text (it is more likely to be ignored). It would be neat if after choosing the tutorial, the acolythe autobuilds on his own during the first 6 levels, so while the noob is reading, he can see how it is done and start on his own starting on wave 7. Something like "guided instructions", i.example: "As you see, your acolyte is upgrading tower... bla bla" "The money your acolyte just received is his interest, and depends on..." center image on summoning place "The lumber you just received can be spended..." if you could time it correctly it would be a really great idea.
  10. 0rb3r

    Offensive Towers

    Definately, somebody would. Options: a) Make it an aura creep buffer: Aura would affect too many creeps, just imagine how it would go having 8 players building offensive towers with aura. Uncontrollable Random creep buffer: It would have to affect equally probable all players. But which tower would you choose? dual element? Essence towers come anyways too late. triple element? The time you get them would be ok, but can you find 20 ways to buff other player creeps? c) Uncontrollable Random tower blocker: It would also have to affect equally probable all players. Slow down other players towers could be a possibility as well as short stop, reduce damage, hurt mana and similar. Imo: The only way it could be done is to give triple elem. towers an option to transform itself into an offensive tower (like the darkelf ancients do to be able to move), so that the tower at least is not available to defend yourself as some kind of reversible penalty; and combine options b&c, so that offensive towers affect other players towers or creeps. I really like player interaction, but imagine you play on VH and a VE player starts to build trp.el.towers all on offensive. How would you balance this? In any case, an absolutely must, would be an option to turn this off at game start.
  11. 0rb3r

    Rainbow Tower

    I think its a really great idea, it would make the tower more unpredictable, which is exactly the role it has. L-high Range, D-High damage, N-slow sounds to me more logical, but despite of that its a really nice improvement on my side. I would also like to sintonize furter towers after the first, so that they use same spectrum and attack at the same time.
  12. 0rb3r

    my recommendations

    About lvl 4 dual towers and and lvl 3 triple towers, you would need 8 and 9 respectively fix lumber to spend on, it would reduce the gameplay flexibility. What I like from pure towers is that they only cost 3 fix lumber, giving the game enormous flexibility (you can still get pure darknes after going for a lfwe-strategy). Lets say all people leave and you are on your own with 200 creeps, 2 options: Or you die, which ruins your game, or you kill them and are millionaire in less then 2 Waves, just building towers till you get bored. Doesn't matter how you look at it, your game would be ruined. Additional creeps like bosses that give bonus bounty and dont take lives? Maybe a new possible gamemode. Im still not convinced of it, lets see what other players comment.
  13. I just opened a new topic with a poll on which way sun should be buffed including all options which have been mentioned so far in this topic. Please go and vote, even if you are the author of the idea, it would be interesting to know how many people thinks which is the best buffing option. Sorry ryukira, I was just about to comment your excellent attack ground idea but I waited instead for more comments, you didn't get ignored, just not replyed.
  14. As everyone seems to agree that sun tower needs a buff, i would like to poll how many people thinks which way is the best to buff it. Please vote for which you think is the most important buff that sun needs. Please DO NOT COMMENT HERE, keep up writing your comments in the "sun tower needs a buff"-topic. This is just a poll.
  15. This is a nearby blasphemic topic as mass slow T's are, for obvious reasons, most ppls fav towers. It just bothers that after getting only one of these towers you nearby guarantee stop losing lives. There is a day to night difference between having or not nova and storm. How about reducing the slow effect but make it twice stackable, so that there is at least a good reason to build a second or third tower. At the moment these towers are so powerful that any tower combined with gets immediately a high damage tower. It's a too effective investment (just think about the extra damage you do only thanks to 1 single tower and the low cost to get it). Please vote and comment.
  16. 0rb3r

    How the Game Ends

    The ronald end is taking really interesting perspectives. How about 6 immortal spawns to count your damage and a paulatine increase over time of skill resistence (just to prevent having 20 gemstone towers to totally stop the creeps long term) and a increasing dodge abbility? Each spawn should represent one element. Absolute fairness.
  17. Web autocast, to stop for 0.3 or 0.5 secs those "fast" creeps. It may not affect other not flying spawns.
  18. The reason I mentioned pro AND cons is simple. Classified creeps should be not much harder then normal spawns but make the player leak if he concentrates too much in a certain strategy. There should not exist "predefined" hard levels. Your strategy makes the difference. Like "no element is allmighty, no strategy as well" In ex: Fast : You should use splash to beat them, bad idea to have all towers at the same place. They have higher minimum speed, so they resist better storm and nova, but they stand no chance against armor reducing skills. Avatar : A well posted high damage tower row should be best strat against them with slow (nearby oposite to fast strategy). Small : Easy to beat with splash and slow, resist easily high damage towers or critical strike towers. As it dodges, AoE is generally more effective than single strike. and so on with other class... Healing should have less hp imo to compensate. There should not be any highly inmune creeps anyways, just resistent
  19. 0rb3r

    More settings

    No, in fact it would still be hell, even if you micro until your fingers literally burn; just rememer the huge bountys between lvls 50 and 60. Most of your networth comes from bountys not from interest (including interested bounty). But hey, you could adjust it the way you want. The matter is, would you like it to be able to customize most values or do you prefer to stay on more standard "packages"? Of course if you include customize some noob-hosts will start adjusting crazy settings maybe even destroying the fine game balance. On the other side, customize allows you to slightly increase difficulty as you progress in skill as well as train certain part of your skills like microing (the just mentioned no-bounty example).
  20. Ha ha ha ha ha isnt it the insane slow-talking bread-head from german kids tv? Tell him po and lala are looking for him.
  21. 0rb3r

    More settings

    Wouldn't it be nice to challenge spawns with triple interest and no bounty? Just for fun? To see if you can beat very hard only with overpowered interest? I think I would!
  22. Actually I had an idea about increasing the number of classifications of the creeps (fast, undead, healing, mech,...), which could highly increase the diversity and challenge feel of the game. I also thought about giving the classifications pros and cons. My basic idea: Fast = More movement speed, less armor. Big/Avatar = More hp and armor, less movement speed. Small = Has a chance to dodge attacks but less hp. Heavily armored = More armor but gets extra elemental damage. Mana-shielded = Has mana and manashield. Magic Resistent = Resists lightly elemental damage and resists highly some tower skills like slow or poison skills, but gets extra composite damage. Reincarnating = The unit has mana and revives after 5 secs if it is at full mana on death. Instant kill towers and life towers prevent reincarnation. Healing = The unit regenerates and heals adjacent creeps on death, less hp. Undead (the way it is now). Mechanical (the way it is now). Feel free to comment and add new possible classifications.
  23. Light, but aura makes a little of trouble, so hero need to stay in the middle of my strongest towers to be fully effective. Second choice is dark, just blowing the enemies in a row before the get armor reduced in the passage middle of my main tower strenght is really fun. Normally i don't play hero anyway.
  24. Brilliance autocast (see welltower topic) Mana leak Mana burn Mana steal (give creeps mana!) Sleep Beast Rage (on succesful hit tower increases at. speed and a chance to miss) Stackable release (Remember DiabloII assasines M.A., on hit a satelite is spawned, when there are 5, tower releases a AoE skill) Stackable souls (tower gets a soul from a nerby dead and increases damage. If noone is killed nearby in 5 secs. it loses all bonus) Reapers Scythe (A tower that deals more damage if the current hp% is weaker) Hooking tower (come back 'ere) corpse explosion autocast Down-level (see Moon tower topic) Banish (short banish with extra elemental damage weakness) Malefice (if creeps dies in less than X secs, it returns as a banshee) so far...
  25. 0rb3r

    More settings

    Imo you should choose between using/voting on predefined batterys i.ex: very easy (More interest, 24 spawns, 70% handicap, low min.speed, ...) easy (28 spawns, 60% creep handicap, low min.speed,...) normal (creep random, 30 spawns, 50% creep handicap, interm. min. speed,...) hard (creep random, random, 34 spawns, 25% handicap, interm. min. speed,...) very hard (creep random, random, 40 spawns, 0% handicap, high min.speed,...) extreme (...) only choosing race and hero, as it is now. Or make your own hosted customized battery, choosing spawns, handicap, minimum speed, armour, starting&acquired interest doubled or tripled, Bounty full half or off, and other parameters. If the options are more then 10, a save/load code with favorite settings would be sweet (or like DotA -wtfarem...). A good example of this can be seen on custom hero line wars. I really dislike it when host takes 2 mins. to choose a avalanche of game settings.
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