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Everything posted by m0rph1ing

  1. Ok, my bad, that example wasn't good, I guess DWEL is a better example. There is no darkness damage tower in that build. I guess something basically should be done to balance each 4 element build. Seems like each element should ideally have more than one option for damage.
  2. I think my proposal would help balance the 4 elemental builds in terms of damage types available. Since support duals aren't meant to be used as damage towers, having 2 of the same element damage dual with a support dual really limits damage type choices in any 4 element build using those 3 elements. A good example is any build with WEF. Water damage is really hard to add to those three elements. The tower damage types are EFF and EFFF if you include blacksmith. It can be quite frustrating when you random an element and can't build duals/triples of that damage type. You end up limited to amplified towers and elemental arrows/cannons for that element.
  3. This feels really similar to last draft, so I'm gonna hafta change it up a bit. Essence
  4. This shows the water+nature combo instead of light+dark. Beta18b_WN_Pures_176ronalds.w3g
  5. Looks like we're going to have DEF this draft again. Since I don't feel like picking a 5th element and Devouring One is going to pick light, I'll go with Earth 2
  6. I would like to see the 11k option in action. In 4.0pb, 15k pures took up a large % of your networth. Hopefully 11k can be something in between the current beta and the 4.0pb that works.
  7. Right now, there are three pairs of towers that aren't as balanced since they overlap damage types and the third dual in those elements is a support dual. These pairs are Ice/Poison, Flame/Kindle, and Quark/Electricity. Changing Ice to light, Electricity to Fire and Kindle to Water would fix all three pairs. This is not as appealing from a flavor standpoint though for electricity and hydro, but I think the balance works better. It also gives fire a single target dual.
  8. Dual: Gunpowder Triples: Oblivion, Voodoo, Polar
  9. I'll join just to make things a bit more interesting. Hopefully I get more time to try to complete it.
  10. Single element towers do not require as many elementals summoned as duals and triples. The only single element tower with higher dmg/gold are pures.
  11. meh, ran out of time. =( I'm guessing Kirby used a 3 ele build. Either WLF or WLE.
  12. $$$WWWLLLEEFFDD is the total? Seems like 3, 4 or 5 ele builds could all work. Variety ftw.
  13. Dual: Trickery Triple: Oblivion, Laser, Flesh Golem
  14. Hey, can I sign up also? From watching the past 2 drafts, it seemed that 4 players does not give much build variety. 5 players would make for a better draft.
  15. I picked SR as host and ronalds not race. There were still 2 elementals coming out every 5 levels.
  16. Assigning poison to darkness would definitely eliminate the poison/ice overlap problem. I think the key is to balance the damage types within the builds.
  17. Flesh Golem/Patchwork Abomination do not work in Beta 15. Says so in the changelog.
  18. My bad, ya I meant disease. Death is the level 3 of disease. That got me a bit confused.
  19. I think poison and death can swap their elements and damage types. Poison would be DN and deal darkness damage while death would be WD and deal water damage. Water damage from corpse explosion might be a bit out of flavor, but I think it's better than having 2 nearly identical towers in function.
  20. I don't really know what triggered it, but near the end of the game, my poisons just stopped attacking. Poison not attacking bug.w3g
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