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Competitive Mode -> Super Weapons

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I'm sugguesting to change the name of the current mode "Competitive Mode" into "Super Weapons". Both to make people better understand this mode, and because I think this mode would be rather "noob-popular" or "common in public games" if they just knew it existed. If this is what noobs find fun, then it might lead etd to a great success, cause if they find it more fun, they play it more, and if they learn it, some of them might realize what a brilliant map it actually is, and try other modes after it.

Also We'd have to make some "cooler" and "more fun" spells, that we might aswell change name to into "superweapons" if we want. I'm not sugguesting it to be able to toss an upside down purple sheep on your opponent to destroy all the players towers within a 250 aoe, but I am sugguesting something random public players would (most of them) find fun, and it should still be balanced ofc (aka not destroy all towers within that aoe, perhaps deal 200dmg to each or something). Neither do I want any upsidedown flying purple kamikaze sheeps in the map.. :P perhaps someother big bomb of a more ... acceptable type? More cool effects to this mode ,rather than an invisible guy showing up granting armor, that most won't even notice, all they notice is "crap, I'm schooled, I dunno what I did wrong.. this map sucks". But if they can launch a big molotov coctail on someone elses map that puts all theyr tracks on fire, granting the creeps burning speed, now that's more alike super weapons.

I need to know what ye others think of this, remember, that you don't have to like using this idea yourself, but something to improve reputation of etd, and make ppl play it more/learn the map.

This mode could be a real success and even though the great thing it does is to make it more Competitive, the name is too far-fetched for most to dare trying (not only cause they're stupid, but cause they have 5 sec to read and think :P

So?? what do you say, bigger bombs and more fire, but no purple sheeps or as cisz say it, "bikini ghouls"

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I'd also like to add that I think the fog of war is just stupid(can't even see your own entire map) and the reveal spell should be removed. maybe the money stealing one too now that ya can see who is not overbuilding.

In this post I will post all new spells that I come up with, this post will probably be edited several times. Feel free to sugguest any spells/effects.

1. Toss a giant Ronald (or launch a nuclear missile if you want something more "realistic" and less alike purple sheep and bikini ghouls) to deal 1000(or other amount depending on recharge time) damage to enemy towers within a 300(or other amount) aoe.

2. Launch a Molotov Cocktail(just to make it a little bit more flashy/noob bait, but not to ruin the map) to Set target opponents tracks on fire, enchanting it's creeps walking on it with bruning speed, causing them to run x% faster and losing 0,x%health per second(the health degen might not be nessesary, just to make it a bit more realistic). Lasts 20 Seconds(just a sugguested time).

3. Misguiding spies/counterfeit counsellor (or called something else if better sugguested). send out a spy who makes target opponents tower automaticly sell imidiately. Also visits 4 more towers before disguise wears off. Now your opponent must hurry to rebuild them! (this one needs a better text but the concept is to force an oponent to rebuild his towers. A different number than 5 towers could also be used, and towers are selected with a chainlightning effect from the first selected tower. the former owner of the towers gets all his money back even on pick mode).

4. Summon composite elemental. This spell should cost alot of mana. Summon one composite elemental in each of your opponents' mazes who will steal(perhaps even giving them to the summoner of the elemental) 3 lives for each time he makes it through there mazes until he gets killed. (this one must not be so strong/easy to summon to make competitive mode a big summon Comp Ele War. Perhaps only summoning at target enemys maze, and not everyone's.)

Sounds interesting? please drop by a comment! I'm hoping this mode-change could make it useful and a good beginner-bait. To add something more fun before they have learnt how brilliant the map actually is. Etd is great, has balance replayability and alot of stuff, but "Noob bait" I consider to be one of the few weaker parts of etd, hoping if this would become popular to be a nice way to solve that.

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competitive mode sounds like it's for serious competition players rather than a 'fun' mode..

superweapons give somewhat the impression of something powerful to cause massive damage.. and cooler spells with cool names.. the suggestions are pretty interesting..

also, remove the fog of war (and thus the reveal spell).. It's too costly and really not exactly worth it trying to figure out who/where to hit by revealing every area.. . also, if i'm not wrong, host has vision of the whole map while the players do not.

There'll need to be a control that each player can only be hit by X spells in T time.

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There'll need to be a control that each player can only be hit by X spells in T time.

Now this is a good idead. I played mpdtd (muliplayer desktop-tower defense) on the casual collective with "superweapons" (now thats a pr name) once. I was about rank 2 of the ladder and it felt like I got all the spells.

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Yes, ofcourse the one with most lives will be the target of most spells, that way the mode becomes even more noob friendly allowing beginners to spam spells but not be a target of many. This also encourages players who have learnt the game, to give up suuperweapons and go over to "real" eletd :) and yes, as hole sais, some cool effects on those stuff, like the molotov cocktail idea could drop some of these "infernal stones" on the ground, that will be the ones to set tracks on fire. and not as it currently is with an invisible man ehcnahnting the creeps with speed. and the composite elemental would not just spawn, he would spawn to a cool effect with a threatening sound. perhaps a fearsome giant (lv 18) knight, or something else. And when the sell-spell is launched a ghostly laughing smile over every sold tower, as from, (what's the name of that curse now again? I think that fan of knives lady uses it).

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Thumbs up to keeping the mode, renaming it, and implementing better abilities (and removing that stupid fog).

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Eletd and mpdtd are getting closer and closer. Now we need spawning creeps and they need armour types. :)

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I think one of the most important parts of this mode is that the effects should be really cool and bigger bombs! Must not do a bad first impression on every public player, aka - must not even be too weak if fixed for later versions. Big bombs might lag a little bit but those players who need this mode are not going to care. They don't care for a bit of lag, have myself seen em to these linetowerwars versions where the most money effective strategy is to send 3000 cheap creeps to each other, and that goes below 0,1 frames per sec. So - I'm for as big bombs as possible, as much fire and as much sounds, and as little invisible armor buffers as possible.

As I might've mentioned before, the players who launch the superweapons must feel that they've done something evil rather than that the targeted player shall feel that the map owned him without him beeing aware of why he suddenly died.

Just to make myself clear :)

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Agreed about that "fog"... To be removed, of course

Sadly, most of my friend don't know about this wonderful games... What they only know is DoTA :(

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if we add the big bombs they might get interested in this :) and once they learnt to love the map and it's brilliance, they can learn to play it for real aswell.

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[00:53] jolin012: we need ideas, why not ask you:)

[00:53] Critters: idk, blind someone, make their screen go black for x seconds.

Isn't that a great idea? I like it but I have a suggestion of how to make it even better(imo). How about, to the sound of panda, "Fresh cool ale here" the targeted player/all players get drunk, and their screen begins to switch in colors and zoom in/out. I think i have seen that in another map, I think it was somewhere in some version of uther party.

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Also, kaini suggested that the spell/bomb tower should be located closer, somewhere in your maze, which i totally agree with. It could be placed perhaps behind the tech center being a rather small building 2x2 instead of 4x4 like the research center itself. or perhaps somewhere on the trophy area, or perhaps in the actual maze somewhere.

As for the bomb that is meant to be launched and damage enemy towers I have a suggestion. The research center could launch a slowly moving nuclear missile that flies in the angle of old rainbow tower, but very slowly.

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Also some sort of spell that stuns a tower for a second.

Suggestion is a frost nova that "freezing breath'es" the targeted tower, so they can not attack, be sold or use spell for X second period.

We currently only have sleep builder, but how fun would it be to sleep a tower...

Much funnier to blast a tower stunned, or freeze it.

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