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Gold Tower

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Currently this tower gives gold based on how much damage it deals. I do not like this setup, it is very hard to find a good balance for this. I have a few ideas that could be used by themselves, or in combination. Curious as to what you guys think.

1. Tower increases bounty received, just like old Money Tower.

2. Tower has an ability that does damage based on how much gold you currently have, the more you have the more it does.

3. Tower has a base damage, then gets bonus damage based on how much gold you have.

4. Tower gives X gold every time it attacks, thus providing a constant stream of additional income.


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first option gives players the familiarity, something of the old in a revised form.

between 2 and 3, i would prefer 3. Both options would encourage minimum building. have as much unspent gold as much as possible. should have some damage even if the player has no gold left.

fourth option might be difficult to balance, short of giving too much gold at the start and being insignificant in the mid-end game. this being a triple with only 2 levels.

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Hmm, number one is u to if we allready have too many or too few towers left from old. But i did like the old setup.

On 2/3 i totally agree with holeercent that number 3 is the better, it must have a base dmg, can't do double damage for double money, if that's how you meant?

ye this might be hard to balance, with well and trickery at lvl 3 would it both do 4x damage and 4x money.

However, I'v not yet tested this one, so maybe my thoughts are different after that..

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Option 4 looks a lot like the beta version, only it's not increased by armour reduction.

2 and 3 open a whole new world of ballance issues, aka problems. :) Would it be possible to win the game with just one tower and a ton of cash, steadily growing by interest?

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What was the problem again? Why is the current beta version hard to ballance?

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What was the problem again? Why is the current beta version hard to ballance?

It may prove not to be, but I am trying to figure out a function of both damage and creep level that is viable. It should become more useful as the game progresses, otherwise the gold gain becomes worthless.

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Guest Sancdar

Options 2 and 3 would be horrible to implement with different levels of gold on different difficulties.

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I've got one of those strange ideas.

Imagine the mine tower is a real mine, there is a bunch of goblins mining inside, melting coins and throwing them just for fun to the mobs.

1. The tower (mine) starts with a certain amount of gold in it, lets say 1750 gold (mana, could be equal to its total cost), the selling price of the tower is equal to remaining gold(mana)/max gold (max mana) x 0,75 (on pick, x1 on random)

2. The mine loses gold each time it attacks (mana), if the mine runs out of gold it will be destroyed (as it is worth 0 gold). You can replenish the mine with gold using a skill (can be an autoskill), the amount of money spended will be taken from your real money. So, the tower works AT THE COST OF YOUR MONEY.

3. The tower increases bounty, a way so that with a lvl1 gold mine you make profit (money earned by bounty increase-money invested in attack) starting on wave 45, and for the lvl 2 gold mine, starting at wave 30.

The concept is that massing the tower too early can ruin you, but after a certain moment late game you start getting substantial profit like the old gold mine did. You have to mass a bit because if the tower is not doing any final blow, you will only run the costs without getting any profit by extra bounties.

4. The money tower upgrades its attack each time it has spended all its maximum gold (if each attack costs 10 gold and the tower maxgold is 1750, the tower upgrades after 175 attacks), each upgrade will increase damage AND cost by 66%. 6 upgrades in total. (this is to avoid the tower have to hit a creep 20 times to achieve a kill lategame, and to avoid micro abuse a bit).

We could use the towers health instead of mana for the amount of current gold stack, I suggested mana because i'm not sure if it would work using the tower healthpoints.

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I gave the current 4.0 version another try, and I have not found a good use for it yet. It's no dmg tower and the profit is not very high.

Is the bonus gold based on the damage taken by the creep? Or the damage of the shoot? Or modified by armour? How does that work?

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Guest Sancdar

Damage taken, it looks like. I was getting 3 gold/shot against a Light level, followed by 0 against a Nature.

The tower would be way better if fractions were saved at the very least - when it's first available you have a big string of levels that give +0 gold per shot. So...you have an expensive tower with low damage and no benefits.

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