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[Beta 20] clones shrinked

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just wanted to say - cool that clones get shrinked a bit, smaller than regular towers :) that was intended - right?

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No, it is not. Tower size is controlled by a trigger which sets the size according to the point value of the tower. This trigger fires on upgrade/cancel. Clones have size equal to scaling value, which is unused (though most scaling values match point values since scaling value is used to determine size of tower in editor). Long story short, we COULD do this or FIX it.


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Kara is suggesting to make the duplicate towers (created by trickery) smaller than the originals. On purpose. Because it's cool. And actually makes telling those apart form the real onse much easier. I'm so for this. :)

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oh, I'm agreed of course. as i first posted I liked the change from the very beginning :) even though it was not intended at first. :D

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didn't really realise this at first.. but making clones smaller definately helps in differentiating between real and cloned towers. so even if not intended, keep it that way..

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the "fix" to make it intended did not work. if a tower is cloned, the clone starts off small and after 0.5 sec it pops up to normal size. with the non intended shrink of b19 it started off normal and after 0.5 shrinked a bit.

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Ya^^ and I pretty much ilked that they were for 0.5 sc the original size. makes you notice really that it is a clone.

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