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Dual Cost Restructure

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At the moment I feel that the higher tiers of duals are simply too cheap, and thus too good of a deal. The 4 element build has become the new king, though of course not like 6 used to be. I'm not posting this to propose a major nerf, but I think something should be done. In my opinion the best option is to adjust the cost factor for upgrades, leaving tier 1 untouched. Here are some numbers to consider,

Currently 2.5x cost factor for upgrades:


Proposed 2.75x cost factor for upgrades:


Not proposed but throwing it out there anyway 3x cost factor for upgrades:


For reference, Triples are 3.33x cost factor and Singles are 3.5x cost factor.


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I think it is nice to have as clear numbers as possible.

But balance wise I think 2,8 times would be better.

Because at sometimes even 3 elementbuilds are really good. (using any of the 200% booster)

P.S. alternate 1500 cost for dual2, and tripple1.

Would fix the problem we got waaaay loooong ago, and just deleted.

It can increase the using of level 2 duals, since now you either go lots of dual 1 (and later uppgrade) or dual 3.

What I meant was the old thing to uppgrade from dual2 to triple2.

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3X is probably too much and reduce the use of duals again.

On a side note: think about whether the imbalance is due to duals too strong. It can be that the tier1 triples are weaker by too much compared to the tier2 duals. Compare playing a 4-element and 5-element build. 4-ele build is mostly dual-based while 5-ele is somewhat more triple-based.

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They have to become more expensive - thats obviously.

I more like 2.5x because duals really suck if you can't update early enough. (Additional it is difficult to kill the T3 element)

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