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[Beta 14b] Flame tower AI bug

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Very hard to explain, I'll draw the process:

[*] Build one (more if you want to see it better) Flame tower. The tear is irrelevant.[/*:m:1y4s3rr1]

[*] The first enemy of the wave comes.[/*:m:1y4s3rr1]

[*] The Flame Tower attacks it.[/*:m:1y4s3rr1]

[*] The Flame Tower waits very long.[/*:m:1y4s3rr1]

[*] The Flame Tower attacks normal again - with normal delay.[/*:m:1y4s3rr1]


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Guest Timberwolf

I've noticed this too. I wasn't sure if it was a bug, or if there was... you know, a reason.

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Agreed. It seems to have a high dps yet it is hard to place well considering the placements of the slows, buff and debuff towers. >2 at the same area is close to redundant as they don't add extra damage since a creep can only be affected by the spell once. strong in the early game but doesn't hold well in the endgame..

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a creep can only be affected by the spell once

So you mean even if there was 3 creeps and each one of them get flamed together(considering if there was 3 flame towers as well), they didn't receive 3x damage?

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a creep can only be affected by the spell once

So you mean even if there was 3 creeps and each one of them get flamed together(considering if there was 3 flame towers as well), they didn't receive 3x damage?

Short: Yes - but the AI doesn't attack a enemy more often than once. (Even not if there are more flae towers)

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Um, wait.

To be clear:

Each creep can have the flaming debuff only once. So one creep alone can take only one hit by flames debuff.

But each creep can be hit by the aoe of infinite other debuffed creeps. So if you debuff three creeps, you do 3 times the damage of debuffing 1 of the three three times. The key is to spread the debuffs.

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But each creep can be hit by the aoe of infinite other debuffed creeps. So if you debuff three creeps, you do 3 times the damage of debuffing 1 of the three three times. The key is to spread the debuffs.

Ahh... So that's the answer.. I gotta use flame towers then

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You can either try to play them on a very short pass, or micro them. They require the same usage as 3.0's poison.

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Eh? I placed one in each of these spots:




-VIII (if necessary)

Usually, it rocks!

But I always wondering about the damage, whether it can be stacked or not. I got the answers at last, yay!

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