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[On-Going] Super Weapons Mode

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perhaps this is something for development team section, if so, move it.

In the current beta, beta 14b, I would say there are by far too few bombs and cosmetical "awesome cool" effects. If the mode is meant to be a "noob bait", we need more bombs, and I strongly like the idea and do not mind if this mode lags because it's more of a fun mode anyway. Several bomb types have been sugguested, but yet I see none.

Why is that, i felt i didn't hear anyone complaining about the idea really. or, I better put it this way, What do you others think about some fun explosives in Super Weapons Mode, (Such as setting tracks on fire or bombing other towers)?

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I really like the idea of acid rain and meteor fragments all over the screen too. So count me in, bigger bombs please. :)

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I already mentoned in the chat: The 'Effect Building' is too far away... In a Vh Random game I don't have the time to use the effects :?

You are right - I want to have more cool effects too.

Make the screen of a Player black for 10 secounds could be REALLY funny. :twisted:

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yeah, you could say "oh, just hotkey the building", but I'm not sure that's something we want all the newbies to have to do (after all, super weapons mode mostly would appeal to those kinds of players who don't want to have to deal with anything complicated, just lots of explosions and flaming screens)...

(on a side note, the first time i tried this post I clicked on "edit" instead of "quote" and overwrote kaini's post. -_-)

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I have 2 new ideas. They go for placement. I think that the Super Weapons Tower Should be placed upon the Research Center, as for when SW Mode is turned on. Also I think as it is no longer a Spell bringer it should not be named so (perhaps Super Weapons Center), nor use that model. not qute sure myself though of what to use, perhaps something more alike the periodic tower, but not sure. I guess most do not like this idea, but I like and therefore sugguest it. makes the tower closer and easier to use. should not make research center hard to target.

it could look something like this:

The other idea was, to use heroes for research center and/or Super Weapons Center. Meaning they have an icon as if they were heroes, for a quick targeting of them. Would make Noobs not forget to use those Centers and Mid Skill players not need to think about setting hotkeys for them. Also, as heroes show hp and mana on their icon, ya could see when it's time to use the super weapons again.

Would look something like this:

Also - for those who do not fear big change, (not sure if i like this myself but anyway,) it would be possible to make instead of lumber used for summoning, the research center levels up, so that there is the symbol on your hero icon that there is one skill to spend, aka one elmental power, to spend. the hero would though begin without any elemental power, and I've never seen before a hero without any ability spent (although, the center wouldn't have to exist until lvl 5), neither am i sure if it works with random mode, to autospend the elemental powers.



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So I hope this is the right map.

I personally like the sacrifical pit most as it looks like the missiles are spawning from it.

There were some more models but I skipped them but there were some more good models.

I were lasy in doing this so there is no sight trigger, just write ISEEDEADPEOPLE. And I have no idea wy the houses were placed like this. Some saving bugs, since I placed in the editor all 4 houses in a square. So if it looks like a turned wrong z don't worry.


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all those are allready in use in teh game. magic lvl 2. trickery level 2. poison lvl 3/well lv 2. darkness lvl 4.

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Do'h well I will find some other ones.

I had no mind on that we had some models already ingame, just models that could fit :oops:

EDIT: here it is another test thingy, based on what you wanted.

EDIT2: here is the other thing you wanted. I hope it was.


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that rocket! (or perhaps the burning sinning mine). upsized and located (not moving) above the research center. Something like this, (warning for dangerous mspaint mad skills) :


not quite as big as the pic though x)

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(bump sry)

Why are there no big bombs implemented? (or replacing other "spells" that're hopefully to become super weapons.) if preferred discussion could be on irc.

and what to think of a rocket/spinning burning mine as super weapon center, could be placed above research center? I think the idea is brilliant ofcourse.

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You mean demolishers burning oil.

I think it is called demolisher as unit missile.

And with flame it is located at abilitys with the name burning oil I think.

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The superweapons centre really should be in the player's area.. the current one is too far to click and it could be too late to scroll there, click the building, click the spell and click the target.. but there has to be some kind of gap to prevent misclicks between the SW centre and elemental summoning centre..

and yes.. this mode is for fun.. so why can't there be some 'overpowered' spells?

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