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Open discussion: Corpse explosion, jinx, ice

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Open discussion

Q: How many corpse explosion towers to put into play?

A: 2 towers in the middle of the defense

Q: How best to place ice towers.

A: In the middle of IV and/or VI

Q:How best to place jinx at what radius.

A: At V with radius set to 600. The spot usually reserved for nova is a pretty good spot for jinx also..

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How many corpse explosion towers to put into play?

How best to place ice towers.

How best to place jinx at what radius.

1. Up from 1 to 3 tower will be fine

2. Ice tower is useful on two-pass (Point VI)

3. Maybe on long pass? I dunno about this tower placement either

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jinx would seem great at 5, but I'm sure other things can be done with it...

placing ice seems to be somewhat similar to placing roots...but a little bit difference since the end explosion is important.

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Q: How many corpse explosion towers to put into play?
A: I didn't test them yet.

Q: How best to place ice towers.
A: They work at right IV and at the upper III best. (The helix' shoot directly into the outflowing creeps.)

Q:How best to place jinx at what radius.
I use them on upper 5. Upper(U) has got a range of 350 and lower(L) 450. Maybe the best place is Novas(N) position. I think it is very important that the distance to the creeps is equal for two sides of the tower.


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I also think Jinx at 5 seems to be a good position.

I use about 450 range if I build it correctly it can hit almost constant until the hit the side off other lane.

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According to what you ppl says, the most useful spot for jinx is at point V (long pass)

But what about using it on VII? Anyone tried..?

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For maximum times of passing the creeps, the orbs shall be moving towards the creeps, instead of hunting them (like, to pass as many cars as possible, you should definitely drive on the wrong side of the road :) ) That means, as the orbs go clockwise, and the creeps at 5 don't, perhaps area 7 would do as good, making this a real rushing tower.

In the same way that a poison tower between 2 and 3 (firing upwards) does alot better on it's first pass than a poison between 8 and 9.

Edit: I just found that it goes counterclockwise and not clockwise. therefor area 5 is for sure the best placement.

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