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Posts posted by holepercent

  1. That would do as well. suppose that fruit, once sent is a never ending wave? some restrictions might be needed on sending fruit to a player who is too far behind.

    The idea is to ensure games do end after a reasonable amount of time, rather than players getting more minerals and not being able to win unless everyone leaves.

  2. Proposing that once any player hits the 11th summon, start the countdown for fruit of death, just to make sure the game will end. players can continue to send creeps to each other (while defending against the fruit sent by the game).

  3. It'd be nice if someone can obs and record the game via fraps or something and upload it onto the forums.

    If I have enough disk space I'd be able to do it.... how much do you think a 60min game would take up with fraps. If I remember how, I'm able to significantly reduce the size without quality loss. I think I have the proper codec to do it now.

    Anyways, I'll participate.

    SCII info is in my signature.

    Also a question about matches...

    Say both players make it to the fruit level, is it whoever is the last survivor, or whoever gets the most fruit points wins?

    Up to get the draft going?

  4. Random is the way to go. Getting to fruit isn't too difficult if you're competent unless you get randOOmed, which is part of the fun of -random anyway. However, it is unlikely the build would outlast a planned build in pick. Most players are stuck to one build which does very well in fruit and farming the xp. One possible solution is to modify the xp system to give a better bonus to players who play on harder difficulty/modes.

    Draft league was intended to show off possible builds but no one joined the league to play.

  5. REPLAY CHANGED TO SINGLE PLAYER (online duel is still an option if you so desire). PLAYERS FROM ALL REALMS MAY JOIN.

    Welcome to the Draft Pick #2 League!

    Long time forum users would probably remember some of the epic replays some drafters submitted for the Forum Draft Series. The series returns yet again, this time with a new format!

    The concept is simple. Players take turns selecting the 5 duals and 7 triples each would be allowed to build. The towers you select are the only ones you can build in the game. Triples must be upgraded from one of the duals you have selected.

    A sample draft would go as follows:

    Duals Draft

    Player A 1st: Vapor

    Player B 1st: flame

    Player A 2nd: well

    Player B 2nd: blacksmith

    Player A 3rd: ice

    Player B 3rd: hydro

    Player A 4th: Trickery

    Player B 4th: mushroom

    Player A 5th: electricity

    Player B 5th: magic

    Triples Draft

    Player B 1st: zealot

    Player A 1st: impulse

    Player B 2nd: muck

    Player A 2nd: corrosion

    Player B 3rd: voodoo

    Player A 3rd: Drowning

    Player B 4th: quaker

    Player A 4th: tidal

    Player B 5th: roots

    Player A 5th: laser

    Player B 6th: golem

    Player A 6th: hail

    Player B 7th: flamethrower

    Player A 7th: windstorm


    Player A

    duals: Vapor, well, ice, Trickery, electricity

    triples: impulse, corrosion, Drowning, tidal,laser, hail, windstorm

    Player B

    duals: flame, blacksmith, hydro, mushroom, magic

    triples: zealot, muck, voodoo, quaker, roots, golem, flamethrower

    Interested? Post your nick and realm in this thread!

    Once two players sign up, they'll be paired against each other to begin the draft.

    When the draft concludes, players would have 168 hours to play the game single player. Game mode would be hard difficulty competitive mode with no other modes. Winner would be decided on 4 categories: pre-fruit networth, lives, fruit points and pre-fruit game time.

    Good luck and have fun! May the best drafter win.

  6. Eletd replays for sc2 are bugged (sc2 crashes after a while)..

    probably the only complete VH game is the LWFN build posted here as a video file. The game was played on a slightly older version but the build itself should still work. No interest/resell involved.

  7. Indeed. The basic idea was already in wc3 but it was not well received by the players.

    The idea was there but the implementation left much to be desired. The key is to make the super weapons or whatever it's called a part of the game rather than a 'extra'.

    A tower wars style game (sending creeps to opponents) combined with spells could be interesting...

  8. It is an option. i do -random occasionally in all pick VH games, usually losing to a randOOm. it can be fun albeit stressful racing a pick build with a unfavourable random. On the other hand, a good random can set you way ahead against the pick players.

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