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Posts posted by holepercent

  1. the splash/ST tower balance remains?

    though the elemental damage type balance should be looked at. a few swaps are most likely needed, like LDWE having poor cover for elemental damage (earth being weak against light, almost the entire build is light or earth, with one water). for 4 element builds, there should be at least 2 towers each of 3 elemental damage types (including support towers).

    UPDATE: the key now is elemental damage type balance, following cisz's plan as above.

  2. possible to push tower wars and mini games all the way up?

    doesn't really make sense to select samerandom, chaos, extra short mode then try to select either of those 2 modes.. with the result being either invalid selection or overwriting the earlier selected options..

  3. The Full Rules.


    (coming soon)

    The entire draft can take some time to complete. You MUST be committed to checking the draft thread AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 24 HOURS. Failure to vote after 48 hours would result in votes being randomed by draft host. Also, ensure you have sufficient time to play out the game, typically 168 hours would be given for drafters to submit their best replays.

    About the draft format

    The pool consists of arrow towers (and its upgrades), cannon towers (and its upgrades), the 6 single element towers (and their upgrades), the 15 dual-element towers (and their upgrades), the 20 triple-element towers (and their upgrades), periodic tower of the elements as well as all the elementals, extra investments and pure essences which can be summoned from the summoning centre.

    The draft consists of 3 phases, the tower removal phase, element draft phase and the gameplay.

    Tower removal phase: 5 dual-element towers and 7 triple-element towers are voted to be removed from the pool.

    Element draft phase: The elementals that can be summoned are drafted.

    Gameplay: The drafters would then play the game with the restrictions in place.

    Tower removal phase

    There is no order for this phase. Drafter may post their votes once they have decided on their removals.

    Each drafter votes a dual-element tower of his choice for removal. You are not allowed to vote for a dual-element tower that has been voted for removal by another drafter. 5 dual-element towers would be removed. If there are less than 5 drafters, draft host randomly removes dual-element towers to remove 5 in total. If there are more than 5 drafters, draft host randomly removes 5 from the dual-element towers voted.

    Each drafter votes 3 unique triple-element towers to be removed from the pool. You are allowed to vote for a triple-element tower that has been voted for removal by another drafter. 7 triple-element towers with most votes are removed from the pool. Ties would be resolved through random removals by draft host.

    Dual-element towers removed from the pool cannot be built, not even as intermediates to triple-element towers. Triple-element towers removed from the pool cannot be built.

    Element Draft phase

    The order for this phase would be posted by the draft host.

    Each drafter, on his turn, picks an element / extra investment / pure essence to add to the pool. When you specify a pick, add some comments to it. Each element can be voted a maximun of three times. Extra investment and pure essence can be voted a maximum of three times.

    At the end of the phrase, the picks are combined by the draft host. The number of votes for each element would be the maximum tier that element can be summoned. The order is decided by the drafters in game but only those in the pool can be summoned.

    Gameplay phase

    Drafters proceed to play a single-player game with the restrictions. Game mode is: Very Hard difficulty, pick, non-chaos, non-(extra) short, non-extreme. No other modes to be added.

    Once satisfied with replay, attach your replay via forum PM to the draft host and the draft host only. DO NOT POST YOUR REPLAYS ANYWHERE. Drafters may submit their replay anytime and replace it with another replay unil the draft closes and last call for replays has been made.

    Scoring and winning replay

    Scoring would be decided once the number of players is confirmed.

    Building of removed towers/summoning of elementals not drafted will result in the replay being disqualified. Any instances of bug abuse, known or unknown beforehand and the use of cheats will result in replay being disqualified.

    Replays would be judged on number of leaks, time taken up to wave 60 (ronalds not included), networth and ronalds killed.

    Prizes, such as a custom element td mouspad/t-shirt may be awarded to the winner if the draft meets competitive requirements (as determined by the draft host.)

    Once you have read the rules and understood it, post your nick in this thread. You may post in this thread or PM draft host any inquiries you have on the rules.

  4. Welcome to the Forum Draft Series!!

    The draft in brief. Full rules in next post.

    There are three phases:

    Tower removal: Choose a dual and three unique triples to be removed from the pool. The 5 duals and 7 triples with the most votes are removed from the pool. Removed towers cannot be built.

    Elemental Draft: choose the elementals, investments and essences you want available for summoning in turn order.

    Gameplay: play a single player game with the restrictions in place and submit your replay via PM to the draft host.

    Post any enquiries and your signup in this thread!

  5. alternative:

    same as regular element td, with the following exceptions:

    a player can choose to play solo, or join a team by changing the team number in the pregame screen.

    those players on teams then combine their life total, and are able to blink into their teammates' areas and build in their areas. (suppose this can work burb td style. you can keep the tower and 'steal' your teammate's gold, or donate it to the player who then receives the gold from the tower's kills. tower cannot be upgraded unless controller has the elements. the tower can be sold by the controller.)

  6. another 1v1, this time duals and triples drafted together.

    DP #2 1v1 test draft 2

    dvdlesher 1st pick: gunpowder

    draftpick 1st pick: impulse

    dvdlesher 2nd pick: laser

    draftpick 2nd pick: well

    dvdlesher 3rd pick: hydro

    draftpick 3rd pick: nova

    dvdlesher 4th pick: mushroom

    draftpick 4th pick: tidal

    dvdlesher 5th pick: poison

    draftpick 5th pick: hail

    dvdlesher 6th pick: decay

    draftpick 6th pick: ice

    dvdlesher 7th pick: muck

    draftpick 7th pick: electricity

    dvdlesher 8th pick: zealot

    draftpick 8th pick: quark

    dvdlesher 9th pick: root

    draftpick 9th pick: trickery

    dvdlesher 10th pick: enchantment

    draftpick 10th pick: gold

    dvdlesher 11th pick: corrosion

    draftpick 11th pick: windstorm

    dvdlesher 12th pick: quaker

    draftpick 12th pick: drowning


    duals: gunpowder, hydro, mushroom, poison, disease.

    triples: laser, muck, zealot, roots, enchantment, corrosion, quaker


    triples: impulse, nova, tidal, hail, gold, windstorm, drowning.

    duals: well, ice, electricity, quark, trickery

  7. tested a 1v1 with lesher in irc, duals and triples drafted separately.

    DP #2 1v1 test draft 1

    Duals Draft

    dvdlesher 1st: Vapor

    draftpick 1st: flame

    dvdlesher 2nd: well

    draftpick 2nd: blacksmith

    dvdlesher 3rd: ice

    draftpick 3rd: hydro

    dvdlesher 4th: Trickery

    draftpick 4th: mushroom

    dvdlesher 5th: electricity

    draftpick 5th: magic

    Triples Draft

    draftpick 1st: zealot

    dvdlesher 1st: impulse

    draftpick 2nd: muck

    dvdlesher 2nd: corrosion

    draftpick 3rd: voodoo

    dvdlesher 3rd: Drowning

    draftpick 4th: quaker

    dvdlesher 4th: tidal

    draftpick 5th: roots

    dvdlesher 5th: laser

    draftpick 6th: golem

    dvdlesher 6th: hail

    draftpick 7th: flamethrower

    dvdlesher 7th: windstorm



    duals: Vapor, well, ice, Trickery, electricity

    triples: impulse, corrosion, Drowning, tidal,laser, hail, windstorm


    duals: flame, blacksmith, hydro, mushroom, magic

    triples: zealot, muck, voodoo, quaker, roots, golem, flamethrower

    everyone is REALLY impulsive! 3 players (so far) with ideal first pick as impulse in DP #2.. and the tower is almost always voted out as first removal in the original FDS.

  8. Here's a selection of the best replays from the WC3 archives.

    From the guides:

    6-element builds: 6-element build (tier1 darkness).

    5-element builds: LDWNF, LDFNE, LDWNE, LWFNE, DWFNE, LDWEF.

    -random: #257, #258, #262.

    Replay highlights from the Forum Draft Series and (beta) FDS:

    (winner's replay first.)

    Draft #1: jolin012, kirby, Cisz.

    Draft #6: soyamilks, jolin012.

    Draft #7: soyamilks, jolin012.

    Special Replays:

    Double no-leak by cisz and jolin012: In this replay, 2 players complete the game with neither leaking a single creep.

    Ronald Hunting:

    Fanatic Ronald Hunting by cisz.

  9. try working out a distribution that 'looks' balanced. it's not as easy as it seems. remember to take into account elemental damage types. and there shouldn't be a build that looks like it would be stronger than any other build (LWFD of 3.0?).

    start by switching the positions of the damage towers only and see if it works out. keep all the support towers where they are.

    if not, then keep the slots of the support, but the support towers can change position, like DWE is a support but may not be muck.

    any other changes probably results in a whole new (im)balance..

  10. it is one aspect to look at. also how to differentiate the builds, such that each build has a slightly different play style, or the builds all play different enough? maybe a few builds have a emphasis on fast attacking towers, another set focus on high single target damage towers?

    how does the balance change if the dual support are symmetrical around the element circle? in what way it would differ from the current system? elemental damage types? build symmetry?

    next is how would the triple support be distributed? currently there are 4 slows, 2 damage amplification and 2 armour reduction towers.

  11. next in line and sent to random player has already been discussed. FFA makes for more strategic decisions as all other players must be considered. a player has to consider who to attack and when to attack.

    creep blocking is there to minimise a player being mass targeted by everyone else.

    the aim is to increase player interactivity and for players to watch the tactics of all other players to balance creep sending and defences accordingly.

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