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not on leaderboard

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i have two scores, 221k and 229k and neither of which are on the leaderboard


i am playing solo and my profile is private, do either of these affect leaderboard stats?

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The leaderboard will also do a recalculation for all users every 5 mins in case you are checking it instantly and notice it isn't there just FYI.

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I assume you wont those matches, right? (We are only saving won matches and over 50k score now)

Seems like the match didn't record, we had 500k lobbies in the last days but it seems it some still fail to register. Your full history of matches is here https://getdotastats.com/#s2__user?id=86715129 and I don't see those 2 matches either unfortunately

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a couple of times yesterday my games didn't count, i took a screenshot after it happened the first time



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I guess that has something to do with getdotastats being down temporarily..not sure though

Its probably good to check whether its up or not before trying to make a highscore


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