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Guest sandwiches99

New to the game

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Guest sandwiches99

Hello there! Sorry if requesting help on my first post annoys anyone, but I'm really stuck here. I just got the 4.0 beta map the other day from my friend, and I can't even beat it on very easy. I've gotten to level 55 each time with around 45-50 lives I believe, and then they pretty much all get through twice and I die. Maybe it's my tower placement, maybe it's my choice in towers, I don't know, but I do know that I'm terrible at this game XD. The first time I played, I tried LWFD, then the second time I got earth as well so I could get the polar towers (I think that's what they're called, sorry if I'm mistaken). Should I be trying to get pure towers by level 55? I build a lot, so that might be my downfall.

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No problem. Post a replay of your game. That would help us to see what ways you can improve.

Also read up on the forums. Key reading include Cisz's tower placement guide as well as the many other guides by cisz, jolin, myself and others.

One way is to try the 6 element build. Basically, to complete the game, you need a combination of aoe slows (muck, roots, windstorm, nova), tower amplification (well and blacksmith), armour reduction (corrosion, enchantment) as well as damage towers such as quaker and zealot.

Also, you know about the types of elemental damage?

light - 200% to darkness, 50% to earth

dark - 200% to water, 50% to light

water - 200% to fire, 50% to darkness

fire - 200% to nature, 50% to water

nature - 200% to earth, 50% to fire

earth - 200% to light, 50% to nature

fast - creeps move faster

undead- when killed, revives with 1/3 health

mechnical - becomes invulnerable when mana hits 12 for 1.5sec

healing - regains hp

Also, do you upgrade your towers? It's better to upgrade than build a mass of low-tier towers. Pures can be build as early as 52 when you get your free essence..

Hope that helps. Play more and keep asking questions!

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In general yes you need at least one pure tower toward the end of the game (preferably more but one can do as well).

Are you playing all-pick or random? have you read the tower placement guides?

It's better to build too much than too little. However, if you are building so much that it's really overkill, then you will be losing out on a lot of interest, which screws you over later.

Maybe watch some replays and learn from the best of the best ;)

You can attach your own replay if you want us to critique your playstyle more specifically and give better advice.

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Guest sandwiches99

Thank you very much for taking the time to respond! What I've tried is kind of a mix of two-pass and long pass (though I'm probably doing it completely wrong), and other towers in places I assumed would be good. I would post my replay here, but before I do, I want to know if I should bother for the following reason: I used the public beta 4.0 map, and it's named properly, but I just have it in Maps\FrozenThrone, not Maps\Download. Not sure if this is a major problem or not, but I'll wait till someone gives me the green light to bother posting it up. If it's no good, I'll just move the map and try again tomorrow.

EDIT - I've read the tower placement guide, though I still have problems with tower placement, which could probably be remedied by watching replays. Also, I've gone with all-pick, as random seems like it would be a bit more difficult.

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you need to have the map in the right folder. it's in the rules on posting replays on forums.(i'm not sure if posting the path of your map would be accepted. Most leads frown on repeatedly moving the map around just to watch one replay)

watching replays by the best players would help a lot in placement. (although for some special reasons, we may place towers elsewhere occasionally)

you could refer to my new guide (which is a big work-in-progress) for info on placement of selected towers. or ask questions about towers you need advise on...

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Guest sandwiches99

Alright, I used the 4.0 beta map, I put it in Maps\Download, so I believe I can upload this time. I finally completed the game, though I didn't get many Ronalds at the very end. I'll put up my replay anyways, since there are probably a lot of places I can improve.

Like I said, I'm pretty sure I did everything right this time (for the replay), but if there is anything wrong I apologize, and I'll remove my post.


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You replay will help us help you a lot. :)

Sadly my comp broke down and I haven't got evercraft here, so I havn't been able to watch your replay yet.

But still:

On very easy your problem should be choosing the right towers. Placement is not really that important, as long as you don't put your slow towers on one end and you dmg towers on the other end of the map.

The easiest build is taking all 6 elements. There are 4 aoe slowing towers (nova, windstorm, muck, roots), and you should have one of each kind. And you should use damage towers that do splash damage, like quaker.

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also, not use only one type of damagetower is a good trick, cause if you use only quaker for damage, that would result in a weakness against nature waves. try splitting up your damage on 33% quaker 33% zealout and 33% muck:)

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