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Insane mode

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When someone finishes a wave the next wave will begin immediately for everyone. No seconds before the wave. Made not a fantastic idea, but I still believe it's worth to bring up. And there is probably a better name for the mode also.

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There is a name for it, it is called Extreme Mode (in 4.0). You will see what I mean when you play the next beta. Although the other component of Extreme Mode may scare you.

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Guest Timberwolf

This sounds like something from Soldier TD, called "relentless mode". Literally as soon as one player finishes killing a wave, the next wave starts.

With 8 players it's pretty nuts, and the best mode in that game by miles. This would be a cool addition.

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Gipface requested something like that agas ago, and I second this too. We need a faster mode.

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Guest Sancdar
There is a name for it, it is called Extreme Mode (in 4.0). You will see what I mean when you play the next beta. Although the other component of Extreme Mode may scare you.

Man, I didn't even notice the quick-start part of Extreme. I did like when my testers reported "is this glow thing supposed to happen?" though.

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Yes we do need a gamemode that has no delay between clearing and starting of the next wave.

I just think that it has to be a gamemode that should ONLY be applied if all players play the same difficulty.

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It is no secret, so I will just explain what I had planned for Extreme Mode in the upcoming Beta6.

In previous betas the movespeed was increased by 50 for all creeps, and then there was that glowing triggered by lethal damage thing. In Beta6, I increased movespeed gain to 100 (default creep has 300 movespeed, so from 16.666% increase to 33%), removed that lethal damage thing, and made it so there is no time between rounds like this thread suggests. What this leads to is a much, much faster game (Extremely Fast Mode maybe lol). I want it to be harder, but not impossible. We will see if 33% speed increase is too much.

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If the HP/armour of the creeps are unchanged, this is the GipFace mode. :)

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If the HP/armour of the creeps are unchanged, this is the GipFace mode. :)

Haha, very much true. Reason enough for GipFace to start playing betas.

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