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[New Tower] Blade tower

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A single sword like blade rotates around the tower, like the beam of a radar. It damages what it touches. Dmg and speed could change. For example: The player could control the speed of the towers rotation; the slower it rotates, the higher the dmg. This should result in a higher dmg/sec over the same area for lower speed, so that only a very slow blade will do significant dmg. Should rotate clockwise (to minimise abuse at 7, would work best at 5 then).

Could be microed to hit the same target multiple times on one rotation, by slowing down and letting the creep pass by, than speeding up again to overtake it, and letting it pass again.

Could also be displayed as a beam of energy (think light saber), a ball and chain like construction, or so.

Edit: For clarification, this tower operates like a fan with only one blade. It hits everything the blade touches.

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Radius has a line dmg, blade has an aoe. Radius rotates fast and at a fixed speed, blade rotates slow, and with a variable speed. Radius can change it's range, blade can't. Most of both towers range is empty, with radius's dmg zone forming a circle that stands still (unless microed), and blade's forming a line or sektor that moves constantly. I personally think the difference between radius and blade is as big as between steam and radius.




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I just noticed, my op was unclear about the shape of the blade. I edited it. :)

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