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Challenge titles

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I've been having a word with Karawasa on the chat the other day, and he explained to me that the challange titles are kind of hard to award, as this forum makes it difficult to award custom user titles.

MagicalHacker is working on a sollution for this, but it will take a while.

In the meantime Karawasa allowed me to help out with a temporary fix: I'll be judging the challenge replays and listing all titles here, in this thread, for all world to know.

So here are the challenge winners:

  • akabegformercyy - Challenge 1, 2
  • Cisz - Challenge 1, 4
  • CzarDragon - Challenge 1
  • Dingolicious - Challenge 6
  • energig - Challenge 4
  • GipFace - Challenge 5, 6
  • jolin012 - Challenge 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
  • Psatek - Challenge 7
  • Sancdar - Challenge 1, 2
  • ShaveTheWhales - Challenge 4, 6, 7
  • Teodoric - Challenge 2
  • TuN - Challenge 1, 2, 3

If you have submitted a replay before 22.5.08 and don't find your name here, I must have missed it. Please let me know. <!-- s:wink: --><!-- s:wink: --> If you failed at a challenge, I will let you know.

Edit - this thread is closed now.

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Guest GkJ-mo

erm... actually its very easy to assign custom user titles:

go to admin panel

go to User Management -> Ranks

add the custom titles you need ("Set as special rank" --> YES)

go to User Management -> Management

select user with search-mask

assign the special title at "Special admin-only fields" --> Rank Title

done :)

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Yes, I am aware of that GkJ-mo. The problem is that a title has to be created for each possible combination. There is no dynamic way to add to a user's title, it must be a set one. So, I need separate ranks for 1, 1+2, 1+3, 1+2+3 and so forth, pain in the ass.

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Guest Sancdar

There are several custom title mods for phpBB.

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Guest energig

Dont forget yourself, have you completed them all yet? ^^

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Ah - good point. I don't wanna judge my own replays. Now who has the authority to judge the judge? :)

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Guest energig

Well i watched your VH extreme 50 lives replay so you can add that one :)

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Thnx Jolin012 for the assintance. :)

Edit - titlesl added again.

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All challenges must be played with the 3.0 version. They must be completed under normal game conditions. Very hard difficulty only.

So what about the challanges you cleared at the old forum?

Is it the same ones or is the numbers messed upp?

ex. challange 1 on old forum = challange 4 on new forum?

P.S. is it with the 3.0 version or the 4.0 beta.

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All challenges (with the exeption of your ronal hunt) are 3.0, and the old forums are as if they never existed. :)

In other words: You don't have a title now.

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