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Creep Pathing

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This is the last issue that is making me hesitate on the 4.1 release. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could test the new creep pathing.

Creep pathing? The movement of creeps along the lane.

Here is what is important to me;

-Is the pathing for all 8 areas the same?

-Is the pathing superior to 4.0? Inferior? Why?

-Is the pathing ok with fast units?

-Is the pathing ok with different amounts of slow?

Let's discuss and come to a conclusion about pathing sooner rather than later. That way, I can get the 4.1 out shortly.

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I only had time to test the yellow area (5), and only on normal speed. The pathing is different than in 4.0, but not better imo. The creeps take bends on the long straight sections now.

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Buildability 1- 8 (tested only upper region): Result good

Area 1

Pathing (no slow, only normal creeps): Only slight bends now, so overall good pathing, but there is room for small improvements

Area 2

Pathing (no slow, only normal creeps): A bit better than 1 maybe.

Area 3

Pathing (no slow, only normal creeps): Slight bends, as good as 1.

Area 4

Pathing (no slow, only normal creeps): Slight bends, better than one 1, worse than 2 I guess.

Area 5

Pathing (no slow, only normal creeps): Slight bends, as good as 1.

Area 6

Pathing (no slow, only normal creeps): Slight bends, slightly better than one 1,

Area 7

Pathing (no slow, only normal creeps): Slight bends, about as good as 6.

Area 8

Pathing (no slow, only normal creeps): Slight bends, as good as 1.

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Excellent report, thank you Cisz. I would like to hear what other people think too. This is the last outstanding issue preventing a 4.1 release.

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Buildability: 1-8 tested all of the areas.

Buildability bug 1: it looks like I'm able to build inside the portal of area 5 and 7 (A) but If I do so my tower will autodestruct without refund, giving me less than 70 gold (B.)

Buildability bug 2: at area 5 I can build a tower on the path©. it will entirely block the passage of the creeps so they can no longer move(D). Congratulations, I can beat the game with one arrow or cannon tower (E) :P


Pathing is better, creeps can walk 1-2 laps without auto clumping in all areas. Slight bends don't look too bad.

Didn't test with slowing or fast units yet.

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Tested area 1-8

Maybe I'm not too critical, but I think it's good and no such things as "too strange creep pathing" IMO like on 4.1b1c (forgot where the link for the replay link is)

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