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Guest DevouringOne

Fun Mode

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Guest DevouringOne

I think that Fun Mode will be very good add to eletd.

You will recieve double or tripple bounty from the creeps but they will became harder and harder to kill wit levels...something like that wolfs are at 40hp and then next level to be 60..90...135...and so on...And it must be dynamic 3 sec between the levels and no 1 sec for killing the elemental :).

So it would be fun building every tower you want but it also would be hard to be compleated or it can use diff. levels from the second menu.

What do you think?

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Sounds like a TD. Getting gold, creeps getting harder. Whats new in this? It's allready out there, and called eletd. :P

Or do you mean: "I want the same map, but I want to build everything in each game." Isn't that a bit boring? There are allready loads of td's out there where you have only one set of towers that is identical every time you play.

Or do you mean: "I want an easy mode where I can't loose and can play around." Try cheatcodes, greedisgood should do the trick. Or go for very easy.

Maybe I don't understand what you want to add to the map. Why would eletd need this new mode? To make the map easier? Or, um, less variable (as in "all towers every game")?

Please explain what your mode should achieve. :?

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I understood it like this: gold increases faster and thus you need to add up 30% more towers every level instead of 10%, (or something like that), and same with creep hp.

First of all, I guess most would not find that more fun, and it would affect the game in other ways too. pure builds get weaker than they should and triple supporters stronger than they should(because those ya pay a certain amount for, to beuild one of each instead of like other boosters build one for every 4 dmg towers). and towers with limited placements get weaker than they should too because their aint much space left to build if everyone shall have twice as many towers.

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Guest DevouringOne

No the idea was : you achieve more gold and you will own the game for the first 15 levels

but after that it will start getting harder and harder...and if you don't have a good strategy for spending your gold you will die at lv30(exaple). And you can use this mode for testing

your new ideas for combinating towers and ect. And the last 15levels will be 4x[times]

more harder than VH mode. That was the idea...Starting from NORMAL{?} and finishing

with very very hard levels. This is a test for you how you can use large amounts of gold quickly because the next level will be three or four times harder than previous...

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I\d say its enough of that as it allready is. on VE one can own the first 20 levels on onepass wit hhalf the gold spent but for the endgame most noobs die.

Same for experts who play VH Rnd, most pros don\t leak until like lvl 35/40 but most times die between 45 and 55 anyway.

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Ah, now I get it. Make the beginning easier, and the ending harder. As in "change the curve". Interesting. I'm not really convinced we need this though. You allready can play on ve or vhx to change the difficulty. Hm.

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i think the ending waves of VH are challenging enough.. having harder endgame creeps makes rnd even harder to play.. and it has been seen that it is possible to run out of space to build..

as others have mentioned, we have a range of difficulties to play.. ve is very easy.. although some will still find difficulty in the endgame.. vh for most pros.. extreme if not challenging enough.. and the ultimate challenge is probably vhx rnd.. not forgetting chaos..

so there's not a strong argument for increasing the curve..

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Ah, now I get it. Make the beginning easier, and the ending harder. As in "change the curve". Interesting. I'm not really convinced we need this though. You allready can play on ve or vhx to change the difficulty. Hm.

but the beginning is already so easy, and the end so hard... :lol:

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