Karawasa Posted June 20, 2007 Here is an idea I stumbled across, what do you guys think: Not sure what to name it, nor the icon for the multiboard. But here is what it would do: 50% chance to dodge any kind of damage that would normally kill. Go to top Share this post Link to post
Guest mrchak Posted June 20, 2007 So the last hit is harder. YEa, that could be really annoying, but a good challenge. Go to top Share this post Link to post
Guest Sancdar Posted June 20, 2007 Lucky creeps, Last Chance, Miraculous Recovery? I guess Lucky would be the best for describing a group of creeps. It would be a pain in the ass against slow-hitting high-damage builds. Would it dodge instant-kill towers? Go to top Share this post Link to post
Karawasa Posted June 20, 2007 Well, if insta-kill stays in the game, it will only be one tower. For sake of balance, probably won't be able to dodge it. Go to top Share this post Link to post
Guest Issunboshi Posted June 28, 2007 Second chance, 9 lives, 'Just die already!', Overpowered evasion.. I think it's an interesting idea. I don't think I've seen that in any TD I've ever played (closest would be your average evasion, of course). 50% seems like hell though Go to top Share this post Link to post
Twilice Posted June 28, 2007 When do this 50% accour, when the creep would have died? Or like when it has etc 10% of max hp. If it is the last hit only, water would easy kill it with 1 miss then another attack that problary hits and kills it. But if it has 10% of hp its more even for all towers slow and fast. Go to top Share this post Link to post
Guest Sancdar Posted June 28, 2007 I think that's kind of the point, it's easier if you have incremental damage towers but you want to avoid having your huge damage towers focusing on it when it's almost dead. Go to top Share this post Link to post
0rb3r Posted June 28, 2007 How about "persistent" to name it? Strategically it hurts high damage towers and slightly affects splash and AoE skills. I like it. I'm just missing a classification that does the oposite, hurt splash effectivity and easy killable by well distributed high damage towers. For now and in general, splash is stronger then single strike towers, a classification that compensates this is needed. Go to top Share this post Link to post
Guest Sancdar Posted June 28, 2007 I think that's what healing waves are for, ideally. Maybe we need a wave that's a little extra spread out? Go to top Share this post Link to post
jolin012 Posted August 7, 2007 I like that, includes skill to avoid getting killed by those waves. but when adding a third strong classificataion, maybe add some classification like: weak level, or remove some fast/healing. else there will be extra strong lvls too often. However, I like the idea Go to top Share this post Link to post
Guest hyperprimate Posted August 7, 2007 I tought that abilities directly related to firerate (cooldown) was a bad idea? Also, this would encourage massing. Go to top Share this post Link to post
jolin012 Posted August 7, 2007 at these lvls the player asured what this is, would build mpre towers, faster towers and multi target towers(multishot/splash) Go to top Share this post Link to post
jolin012 Posted August 7, 2007 I'd say it encourages skilled players to switch their defenses(if they dare) such as on fast lvl it's better to switch to the slower 2pass(if u play on 2pass. And if not playin on rnd, it requires planning instead. Sorry for double posts, forgot this in the first one^^ Go to top Share this post Link to post
holepercent Posted August 8, 2007 interesting... 50% is kind of high though... how would it work if a tower could kill a creep in one hit? this would encourage overbuilding or spamming of lower level towers for the whole game just to handle this level, especially on pick... this would require some testing to see if it is balanced... Go to top Share this post Link to post
jolin012 Posted August 8, 2007 this would encourage overbuilding or spamming of lower level towers for the whole game just to handle this level, especially on pick... Id say the one doing this does a kinda mistake, killing slownly is bad for healing lvls where u want to kill the creeps as quick as possible, it encourages a player to balance his defense or plan it, for example, maybe build a poison tower on a place where it has only the chance to hit every creep once isntead of a few creeps many times that drains creeps life to 1 and later on the path 2(regular) cannon towers to kill them? (or why not money towers or life towers (or undead). A splash tower that almost kills could work even better(with splash it requires only a 1pass) Go to top Share this post Link to post
Guest hyperprimate Posted August 8, 2007 How would this work with DOTs? Go to top Share this post Link to post