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Build you cant lose with!

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get a few cannon towers and arrow towers at the very end to the right. that strip of land.

then upgrade them a bit and you should hold off waves like mad. kill your normal elementals.

Then just save up and tech to about 3rd or 4th tech then you win =]

works every time for me replay will be posted

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Guest DevouringOne

I have another strategy building up to 5 cannons max upgraded and selling before every interest... this is up to lv 10, and I'm summoning element after element reaching all six elements after that I summon darkness again, nature again, fire, water, and earth... and at the end i make 2 Periodic Towers of the elements, 3 windstorm towers, 3 vodoo, 3 muck(lv2), 3 nova, 3 corrosion tower(lv2), one blacksmith lv2 and one well lv2 powerupping PTotE, and when ronnies time has come i have 100000 net worth and 16000 free gold I use it to do a line of sunbrn towers(lv 2) and the result is this 5000killed ronald on VE, of course. But the most exiting thing in my stretegy is the dmg made to ronnies (the effect of vadoo lv 2 + 2 PTotE is equal to 1 127 465 that is my record, I like the orange numbers with more than 6 numbers appearing on the ronnies heads :D)

And a question how to improve my strategy to reach 20000 ronald kills or more?

I build my towers on the last line of the player's field.

It will be interesting for me to see how this works on VH mode, but I am not so skilled to try it on.

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for the best ronald hunts (all played in VH)


In VE mode, as long as you build towers, you will more or less complete.. selling and rebuilding towers on the interest is done by all pros throughout the game with all towers in random mode..

and do you know that building multiple of the same aoe slow, the slow doesn't stack? To complete the game in VH, you'll need a balance of support and damage towers. periodic basically owns the last 10 waves..

How to complete VH

all 6 elements. you only need to spend 6 lumber..

roots, muck, nova, windstorm

corrosion, voodoo

8X quaker/zealot or mixture of both

12X polar and enchantment in some combination

3X well

3X blacksmith

2X periodic


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Guest DevouringOne

I am building the AoE slow towers on different places one before the line of sunburn one before the periodics, one after them... but with this strategy i sill can't do the infinite ronald counter strike...

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ok so someone just started like a new topic inside of my topic -.-

sounds good lol

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ronald increase in health. "don't feel bad. nobody beats ronald" :) and if you kill so many ronalds and rarely leak, mode onto a harder difficulty, perhaps random mode too ;)

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Guest DevouringOne

I won't die so fast but the stupid windstorm towers... periodics had missed one ronnie(one very fuckin ronnie) and the windstorm had summoned tornado on the other side of the of the path... ARRRRRGHHHHHHHHH... This was unpredictable(for all of the towers and they started to leak... And live counter hit 2! :D... And the next upgrade had come... Hm I noticed that there are few seconds of leaking on every upgrade of ronald and then all towers started to kill them easy again, i think that there is time in which towers are synchronizing... thats very very interesting :D

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Guest DevouringOne

I've played in school on my UMPC :D and i have to save and exit few times, but i can do exactly the same game, really :D. And I will post the replay

P.S. Make windstorm with rally point

PS of P.S I've made really polerful strategy 4 PTotE with 3 blacksmith lv2 well lv1 and all slow towers from the older strategy...(on lv1 of course :) ) and I placed them 5 santimater before tha cave... My saved game is on counter 8000 kills and I think that i could survive to 12000 at least. :)

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Consider this: Some players might be hard to impress. For example, I am so arrogant to consider everything under at least hard as "learning". :P

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Guest Jacob

I totally dont get it, so your saying you beat the game with about 8 composite towers ?.

Ofcourse thats not possible but i dont get it.

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