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beat 14b with wlwlwlnnnff

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i just finished 14b with WLWLWLNNNFF

This is not a recommended order of elementals, but i wanted to test going wlwlwl, (and can in the future refer here and say elementals are not too strong;) )

ice ice baby and light tower to hunt eles, darkness, and mechanicals. Took only a few tries so failed a no leak. but i did it with 49 lives and the only leak was a shreddie with less than 0,1% health hehe. didn't care to replay for that^^. 66 jokers down. Could also have been played other lwn 4ele builds, aswell as lwdX builds.

Don't say, "oh, ice is overpowered" cause it might aswell have been able with other towers, and ice is not that easy to play, need to consider placement( try placing it at upper 5 - where mot noobs place their towers often - and you'll notice placement is needed:P, need to combine with something cool to huunt for eles, cause it can't do itself.

beta 14b lwlwlwnnnff 49l 66r.w3g

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nice replay.. one leak (again).. (reminds me of the one-leak forum draft replays)

i'm quite sure WDWDWD poison towers can be done the same way. and easier with darkness against water..

might even be possible with gunpowder but i guess that needs some support...

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Poison has water damage, so 58 will be a beast. ;)

But yes, great replay, you play 4b14b like it was a 3.0.

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yeah, to solo most of the game with just 2 towers...and here I am losing tons of VHSR games when I am just building so much more :lol:

Those 2 towers definitely have a neat (overpowered????) synergy though--they cover each other so well!

perhaps I am underestimating the strength of tier 3 duals in 14b (and more importantly, not getting to use them in a lot of my SR games due to luck...)...

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tier 3 duals are not to be underestimated. They have 250% more power per dollar(or bang per buck or dmg/sec/gold or whatever you like) of tier 2 dual. and i guess between 150 and 200% more power than tier 2 triple. yet 10% lower than pure. the "extreme" power is needed to make up for all the support towers of a 5-6ele build.

however, something about t3 duals that is important to note that everyone has not done I think, is that 250% more power than t2 dual doesn't only mean a lot of power, it also means that if you have t3 of one dual you should use it even against it's weakness rather than using something that does 100% (unless the 100% tower is t3 or pure). for example, don't use a mushroom tier 2 to cover up the weakness of a gun 3. however, it is ok to use a flamethrower t2 to cover up for gun3 because when gun has half and flamethrower has double damage, that is actually helping the dps up that level. That is why light tower is ok to use in my wnl build. But, not only attack type matters. light tower for example also covers up the weakness of towers such as ice, in terms of bosses, mechanicals and such. meaning, light tower would be ok to use with say disease if playing dln.

Something else about the 250% strength of duals is that t2 stuff that won't be maxed and aren't needed anymore, for example if using gun3 and having flamethrower2 to cover up for it, after lv 54 flamethrower is obsolete, meaning you may now sell the flamethrower, even at 75% (pick mode) because the gun3 is so much more powerful than the flamethrower, except for the nature levels.

Note that this is nothing "bad to the game", just new strategy tips coming up with the changes to the map. So - get rid of the "never ever sell on pick"- habit that i think some of you out there have :P .

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