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[Beta 14b] Level 3 Elements too hard

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Level 3 Elements are very hard to kill. Especially in random in 40.

I suggest reduce the HP of them.

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disagreed. lvl 3 elementals. LVL 3 Elementals. Level 3 Elemental!!! that's a big boss mate. not meant to be no leaked with any build:) and yet it's possible to no leak one as my 5th ele.

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Uhm, with the reduced dual cost and reduced amplified level 3 it shouldn't be to hard. (haven't tested yet thought)

p.s. glad to be back again. much school work now :cry:

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in some randoms it CAN be difficult to kill tier2 or 3 without leaking it. if the build doesn't contain boss-catching towers or due to weakness..

it is possible to kill tier3 as 5th ele but you'll have to deliberately plan for it..

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Ain't the hitpoints of an elemental dependant on both its own level and the wave it is summoned in? So If I delay a boss it gets stronger?

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That depends on in wich flavor you se it, the boss gets stronger.

But you will have more gold and better towers to compensate that. Killing a level 3 at level 40 is harder then at level 50.

Maybe it should be the other way around, since you want your damage towers before your support towers. But you should not be able to get like WNWNWN and use moon well level 3 and lots of amped towers.

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for example, a lvl 3 boss summoned after wave 25 has 150 000 health. one summoned right after 30 instead has 300 000 health. Although, at lvl 25 you have a third of the cash there is at lvl 30, and it's easier when ya have more elements to build greater towers from. therefor, it can be useful to delay an elemental if playing on pick, if you don't need to use it yet. and if you await the lvl 25 elemental to like lvl 29 or before 30 is killed, ya can have moore cash and still a lowhealth boss.

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Ain't the hitpoints of an elemental dependant on both its own level and the wave it is summoned in? So If I delay a boss it gets stronger?
Hm I never noticed :mrgreen:

disagreed. lvl 3 elementals. LVL 3 Elementals. Level 3 Elemental!!! that's a big boss mate. not meant to be no leaked with any build:) and yet it's possible to no leak one as my 5th ele.
Agree - but it shouldn't a killer you can't controll :D (Especially in random)

Uhm, with the reduced dual cost and reduced amplified level 3 it shouldn't be to hard. (haven't tested yet thought)

p.s. glad to be back again. much school work now :cry:

Too much school for me too :|

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