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About GoatAss

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    Focused Element Tower

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  1. This is a good idea, I'll see how to get it implemented somehow. I'd have it replace corrosion tower instead though instead of polar.
  2. @Bercut32 could you add me on steam? It'll help me with balancing the game watching your games.
  3. to reach top 10 frogs, players normally accumulate 350-400k networth. typically on insane/random. you'd have 120-180k networth depending on how you play.
  4. In random, you need a bit of experience to know when to begin building, what to build and where to build. Gotta realize early also when you may have trouble clearing the wave, that's when you shouldn't buy-sell excessively. Each version is different too.
  5. 1. nature/light overly nerfed. i sigh getting them. 2. eph much too weak late game 3. laser weak late game 4. haste strongest ele3 with slows 5. scoring system feels dull/unrewarding towards speed. speed is overly nerfed. 6. tidal should have small buff 7. quake tower weakest ele3. i dont even know what this tower is good for. 8. magic/disease appears fine. 9. hail stronger early. weak against frogs. so to say. only impulse, haste, laser are 'ok' tri towers.
  6. Although im not an express player..... express for what its called should reward speed the most. Nothing wrong with speed being more dominant in a mode meant for speed. Classic is where balance is necessary Frog killing is where economy is dominant Gotta thrive for speed, and get the highest score from speed. Gotta thrive for economy to get the most frog kills.... and gotta thrive for balance for highest score. Problem with this game somewhat is that there's no random factor. There will always be a build that best fits a version. A build that will yield the highest score. This is at least so for non-random. It's all about discovery.
  7. In x.y.z versioning -- y is for major changes, z is for minor changes. The version shouldn't be some math formula that quantifies the magnitude of changes. Do users need to do math to figure out how many changes are made when looking at a version number? y should be mostly about feature additions z are mostly about balancing.. this should rightfully be 1.9.1.... and 1.9.2 for any other small changes... and then 2.0 once you have some new features in.
  8. Alright. I like the overall feel of 1.9 so far. Earth feels better but I cannot do any definite feedback. Faster game is good. 1sec is good in other words. Difficulty is good. Scoring wise, ok you're right. While it's difficult to conclude the balance between frog-emphasis and speed-emphasis, which of the two being more imba... it does appear that both are equally important unlike previous version where theres too much emphasis on speed.
  9. Finally we can feel powerful again
  10. Would be nice if there are statistics for things like - Fastest clear time per difficulty - Highest frog count per difficulty .. im sure we can think of more. I have my own php/sql coder who accomplish this if you do lack resources
  11. Hes right though, its better to create a whole new game. People aren't very accepting of huge changes generally speaking.
  12. Actually, come to think of it, I take what I said back, I think majority of people would actually want more features, more new stuff. When I first started, I was totally oblivious to scoring. But of course it may differ if somewhere during pre-game phase there is a more obvious announcer or list of tables of everyone's highest score. Does make me wonder if majority of dota players play ranked or unranked. Perhaps top 500 players may take pride in the rank they have. Once you're far too low in rank, I don't think anyone would care. rank 5214 and 4999 who cares right? At rank 250, it's already a 1% minority.
  13. this i wouldn't quite so agree. every top played successful game in the pc gaming market were focused on the competitive side rather than fun stuff. but i do suppose there are "fun" games out there..... xcom? but perhaps its just me, i find challenges and scores more fun. maybe someone else should share their opinion on this. we could setup a poll why people play eletd on the main page of eletd.com things can become clearer then. btw, is it possible to setup an in-game poll? would it work at all? perhaps vote at game-end phase or pre-game maptyep selection phase.
  14. The game is fairly new still, all aspects of the game requires improvement. However, if a certain build/strategy is being spammed, well, I do feel some changes need to be brought about. But of course, the essence of any game is reward. If tetris had no measure of improvement or progress (levels or scoring), I don't think anyone would have even know about the game. So I feel. By covering the competitive aspect, the rest should be covered too. For me, the overall competitive balance of the game should be addressed first before all else -- aka before looking into complete tower remakes, new features. At least so for 1.8. Remakes and new features require more development and time. I really would like to strengthen many towers -- atom, disease, water, earth, so many more. Watch them get abused if at all and then we can see how to improve in the next major version. The problem with current version is not that the current build is strong, but rather there aren't really any other viable builds. There's only one obvious route to the competitive side of it.
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