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Everything posted by haupty

  1. Have you joined the ele td chat channel? I see people in there now adn then and if you ask, I'll usually hop in to play a game. I've been doing a lot of solo ones too though. Once the new system comes out and more people see the map, they'll fall in love with it.
  2. Anyone miss it? I kinda do, it was nice how it hit so much stuff on a good corner like numpad 8 or 5. But the new radius is fun too. Anyway, curious what everyone's thought are. On that topic, let's hope for some major renewed interest with this arcade business! The best TD needs to be known!
  3. THe towers that send creeps idea is a lot like one of the versions of tower wars we had out a little bit ago, it was you send creeps of the elements that you have unlocked. It could be the same thing except you send creeps of the elements you build instead of unlocked. triples would send a wave of three elements mixed I guess? Or ones of one element but two abilities maybe?
  4. Honestly I was afk for this one, but when I came back everyone else was gone and had said in chat the bosses never summoned. replay attached if it helps. ETD With Bug 41512.SC2Replay
  5. Nice! Laser, polar, and Muck sure needed it I think.
  6. I've seen the trend turning around, more and more often I'm seeing people vote in tower wars, so some people are starting to get into it.
  7. Does afk'ing in game improve the popularity?
  8. I really like the changes, moving the UI to the side was a great idea, and even better the amount and player do not reset each time I change something. I love how you changed income, I really didn't like the idea of "spend money to just maybe make money back depending on how close he put his AOE to spawn because you only get money for what's still alive" Now that they spawn in your base too and you get bounty, it's guaranteed income every time, I get that idea, makes it simpler. Also, now that we get to pick our elements instead of sending what I need, I'm just sending the worst creep I can think of for his build, which is much more fun and feels more like PVP. You were asking about how to simplify the interface but I think the new build has done a great job of it, now simplifying the instructions for new players might be a good step, although when you are still changing so much writing that all up now might be too early. Anyway, that game I did with you I was having too much fun playing it to pay attention to what your questions for feedback were, let me know and I'll tell you my opinion.
  9. I like the buff to level 1 elements, if everyone is going for a 3 or 4 element build that is tons of level 1 element creeps they have to spam so it's good to make them a little more challenging. I had another idea that might help make sure the phase where a few cannon towers can take on anything is not as long. You know how even if you are only sending elemental creeps it still unlocks later tiers of composite ones? Perhaps make it so every time I kill an elemental, one more creep from the other elements unlocks, not a whole tier of every sort of creep like when you kill an elemental of that element, just the next single creep, like when you go to the next wave in classic. That way I'm not sending level 1 creeps for the first half of the game, but instead level 1, then 2, then 3, there is progression. Once you do kill an elemental of that element, then the rest unlock as normally. That way there is progression in the creeps being sent. I'm just not sure if it will make it so you get elements too fast. This might not even be needed as I have not seen it with the new HP buff yet.
  10. Just played my first game too, here's my first impressions: Started off with a full house, all but 2 and me quit in the first few minutes when they couldn't figure things out. Took us a little while to figure out a few important aspects, but we did get them by the end of the first game. Those were: It is pointless to send besides just before the income timers, the guy that figures this out first won. You get elementals by sending a ton of creeps of that element. Creeps will only send if you select all the appropriate boxes, forget to pick a person and I Don't think they will go. I'm sure there is still more for me to learn. The first while we were just figuring it out, no one sent anything to me at all, so I tried to send as aggressively as I could, and didn't get too overwhelmed when the guy next to me quit and all of a sudden I got flooded. One player would send in bursts, he would either send a TON, or nothing at all, so you could not slowly build up, you had to be prepared. I finally got one water element and started with one water cannon tower and one water element tower. At that point both opponents started sending at me an insane amount, and one of them sent nothing but darkness creeps, so I got my ass handed to me as I didn't have time to send tons of creeps to get a new element, and I had spent everything I had on new composites that weren't enough to save me. It seems the cost of deciding on an element is very high, you can't do any normal builds as the waves will be whatever element someone wants them to be, so you probably should not build any element tower unless you can also build it's counter. Next time I'll get water and light before I build anything. This looks like it can be a lot of fun, but it is going to be serious business. Like the real SC2 you have to be on your A-game at all times, paying attention to your base, the enemy, the income timer, and other stuff all at once. It should be fun but I will definitely play the old version too when I want a relaxing casual game.
  11. Yeah it seems a little harsh, but if it can't go negative then I guess its' alright. I often play with my 7 month old daughter on my lap, and if she gets bored or has an issue come up I either spend all my money and hope I don't die while AFK or just quit. Guess I'll just have to know I can't expect much XP. XP really only meant "games played" to me before so I can understand wanting to make it somehow mean skill, that could be cool. The newer players will have to work a lot harder to catch up with the older players though.
  12. You've got my flooding tower! senshi 486 NA server.
  13. Thanks! We appreciate the updates. Yeah hail was overpowered and everyone knew it, needed a nerf. Hopefully it was just the right amount. Nothing to replace resell yet?
  14. haupty

    The Next Step

    Way to fight for the top! The game is so good with endless replayability almost, it's a shame to see what the stupid popularity system does to it. (I've griped about that system on the blizzard forums sooo many times.) Anyway, I think this will mix it up and add even more strategy, so hats off to that. I think I might prefer classic myself but will defiantly have fun with the new mode too. My question is, how do you pick the creeps? If I see my neighbor is going dark heavy, can I just send light creeps/ That would seem too hard. Maybe the element is out of my control and alternates normally but I pick the creep type? But then again I could send the fast/ undead /hardest for his build when I know his weak element comes up. How do you plan on balancing that?
  15. haupty

    Let's Play a Game

    Hah, fun theroycrafting!
  16. haupty

    Muck towers

    Interesting, the way the slow is applied make a difference on how the creeps move. I always assumed they could pass each other and had small collision sizes for the wide lanes. I thought I could be missing something. Thanks!
  17. haupty

    Muck towers

    Is it just me or do the other slowing towers have much better abilities? Ion and Barb do some good damage, but muck doesn't seem to. It's aoe seems slightly bigger, but I don't know how it is applied, so if there is something else about it that I am just missing, please point that out to me. Otherwise, maybe we can discuss how to make it a bit more equal to the other two? Better base damage? A slow effect that starts stronger then tapers off as the "mud comes off" resulting in a longer duration? Chance for creeps to get stuck in the mud and not move for a sec?
  18. Yeah I've had real good luck with it too, I throw two earths in the build and get barb and muck towers to go with them and it's really something.
  19. Glad to hear this, I've been playing ele TD since way back when there were sun/moon/ tidal and even rainbow towers and I love it. The type of game-play interest brings I find very enjoyable. Being an investment ad visor and tax accountant I really like the "making money" metagame, but with resell it seemed like so much busy work. So I'm glad to hear this, also I totally see where you are coming from about making interest a choice, it makes sense that you don't want to make it practically mandatory, and I've done several games where i filled the map with towers so I see where you are coming from with that. Good luck with the balancing and I am happy to try out experiments for you guys (Like his whole resell thing) as I know the game is getting better for it. For example, with 2 elements freed up, I finally made a successful periodic table build! so yeah, keep up the good effort.
  20. haupty

    Super Weapons

    If you include a passive interest increase to tempt us financial types, then include a % based steal option, I will pull my hair out, lol. But yeah I really enjoyed the vs spells in the old Enfo's team survival so this could be some fun variety. I always liked sending aura creeps. Maybe something cool would be the freeze bubble from starjeweled. It could be used to buy time defensively, or used offensively by holding the last few of a wave so they overlap with the next wave, or even better, elemental bosses.
  21. I love the haste tower, I love how it starts off weak, but becomes strong, it gives you the feeling of "oh man, I just need to hold out a little longer, oh please oh please make it to max buildup in time...Ooooh yeeeaah" I used to love money towers because I'm an investment adviser the getting max interest and money towers was really fun for me, but now that interest is nerfed so much I go haste.
  22. Thanks a ton for your work! I've logged hours and hours into the WC3 versions of the game and have always loved it, thanks for bringing it to starcraft 2. hopefully it gets what it deserves on the stupid popularity system. Here's the bug: The player that was the host left either during the loading screen or right after the game started but before voting on anything, for the rest of us players we were stuck at watching the different terrains go by in front of us. We thought it might time out, but after waiting a bit it still never started. All the other players left so I don't know if it was just a long timer, but while I waited for about two or three minutes it didn't start teh game. Hope this helps!
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