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About Bhelogan

  • Rank
    Dual Element Tower 1
  1. Looking forward to this one. SC2 needs some good custom maps
  2. Not from Utah!...... oh well... I guess since I grew up there it can't be that bad. Welcome to the forums.
  3. I like the look a lot. Gives it a 'Magic the Gathering' type feeling Which font are we bashing on though, the fancy font for the subject titles, or the regular text font?
  4. Seems like a nice way to solve the problem. What if the host wishes to have the difficultly he picks be the maximum though? Is the a scenario where this would be the case?
  5. Bhelogan

    Tower Ideas

    How about a tower that creates a portal on both sides of the path. This causes creeps to portal backwards in the maze. Cool down and duration would have to be a function of how close it is to the end of maze, since causing the creeps to re-walk the whole path would be stronger than having them re-walk just one corner.
  6. I would expand on this a little. Heroes cannot target any tower. Towers cannot target Heroes with the exception of your top tier towers (3rd tier dual, 2nd tier tri-elements, or the periodic towers). This would give you some motivation to think out your build to defend against heroes as well as kill creeps. It would also remove the possibility of having an over fed hero wipe out another players towers completely.
  7. Personally, I would love to see this as well. I hinted at it in the post below... https://forums.eletd.com/index.php?showtopi...amp;#entry16449 The custom map generator has not been released yet, and closed beta has only been going on for 2.5 months (since around 12 May), so it may be a while yet until this is an option.
  8. A few left. Invite has been sent.
  9. The NDA for Heroes of Newerth has been lightened, and so I can share a little more information about that this is. HoN was created by S2 games with the goal of recreating the DotA experience without having the restrictions of the WC3 engine. Some of the heroes have been copied over (skill wise) to Newerth equivalents, and there some new unique heroes as well. One of the exciting features of HoN is the expected release of an editor that will allow users to create their own maps and games. You can probably see where this will take the community in the future. I still have more invites I can extend if people are interested in joining the closed beta.
  10. I have another invite available. There is also a game play video on their face book page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Heroes-of-Newerth/63037549101
  11. I have a taker for the invite. If you are interested though, let me know. I can put you on the short list for any future invites I am extended.
  12. I recently got in as a beta tester for a game in development called Heroes of Newerth http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/ I have 1 beta invite I can extend. If you are interested, PM me with an e-mail address I can send the invite to. We have a great community here, so I feel comfortable asking you guys first. I'll post as soon as I get a response.
  13. Bhelogan

    EleTD Logo

    I was helping my kid play spore, and came up with this Idea.
  14. To true. I get cursed at all the time for hosting as VH/SR/Short. Every now and then you find a good player who will wamp on you, but usually most die out before round 25.
  15. Assuming that no more major bugs arrive, what is the release date going to be? I'm looking forward to hosting this on BNET.
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