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A Replacement for Trickery! Finally!

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After long thinking and several ideas scraped I've come up with a replacement for trickery that I think should work for all towers and I think (or do I even have a clue?) would neither be too hard to create/code.

Then nae of the tower I do not know but the tower will, every 15 seconds(just like smith and well) give a 60second buff to towers that equals 25 50 and 100% dps increase.

The concept is dual shot, meaning, every fourth(at tier 1) attack of the buffed tower will be a dual shot. That means, after the tower has done it's fourth attack a bonus projectile will follow about 0,1 seconds after(not exactly at the same time but a little after, so that both arrows/projectiles can be seen and that for example electricity and nova should be able to hear the sounds of the 2 shainlightnings/stomps caused, (they follow their attacks) and not just one big). At tier 2 the buffs will cause towers to do dual shots every other attack, having it's 2nd attack followed by a 3rd attack 0,1 sec just after the 2nd. At tier 3 it would be a dualshot every attack to equal the 100% increase of smith and well.

On quaker and tidal and such the additional shot will ofcourse count towards charging up, just like well would to. Electricity and Nova and other towers that follow their attackspeed will stompt/cast lightning twice whendualshooting.

The tower will only be able to buff any towers that well and smith are able to buff (imo should be what I call damagetowers) and therefore things like corrosion is Not a problem.

I don't know if effect icons are to be imported but I happened to come across one: http://images.wikia.com/gw/images/1/12/Dual_Shot.jpg

I do not know wether if the "changed cooldown time for certain attacks" is a possible thing, so I'd like to hear from ya mapmakers and programmers out there what you think or if there's a better way to make the tower than how I describe it.

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It might prove good.

I don't have much comments but we can only know if we try it out, if it works.

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This one is basically a disguised well effect, but after searching for a better idead for so long, I'm totally for it.

Maybe if it has a cleverly choosen buff effect indicator, noone will ever notice.. :P

But I can't tell if this is codable.

/me prays to the gods of level design and the little horned deamon of jass coding

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This one is basically a disguised well effect

um.. if you use it on a hyperspeed tower like zealout then yes, that might be the same as well, but if you use a t3 trickery(prolly a new name though) on a darkness tower that'd be more alike a t3 blacksmith. So - this one is rather unique imo, at least (by far) enough unique for me, after trying so many trickery variantes that sucked in other ways. I couldn't accept something like an aura shop tower for example which makes random mode soo much easier (regular well and smith aren't geat in random due to sell/rebuild, ie. that this is a "disguised well" is no big deal compared to problems all toehr towers had).

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This brings up another idea: A tower that doubles the damage of another tower for one shoot. Could work better with fire, water and zealot. Hm..

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do you mean doubles damage every 4th shot for 60 seconds? that sounds even more alike blacksmith, especially at tier 3. A 25/50/100% chance for crit hit (double damage) would be better, but I think seeing 2 attows fly makes the first idea most unique and good.

Edit: this would not work with for example electricity(if effect following it's attackspeed) and tidal.

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A dual shot would mean one "bonus" shot would follow shortly after every 4th regular shot (every 5th shot if counting with the bonusshots themselves). The time after would be perhaps 0,1 seconds after, but to be tested to see what looks the best (I'd like both arrows/shots to be seen for example. So, there is a 0,1 cooldown only after every 4th attack. After the 5th attack there is an X-0,1 cooldown, X beeing the tower's regular cooldown. that'd mean after the bonus arrow the cooldown is only 0,9 sec for an arrow tower, meaning there is Always 1 second between every "normal" arrow.

At the 3 different tiers of the tower it would look somehintg like this: (ignore this table if it makes no sence)


Tier 1

Shot number: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10|

CoolDown after attack | 1 | 1 | 1 |0,1|0,9| 1 | 1 | 1 |0,1|0,9|

Total Time after attack and CD| 1 | 2 | 3 |3,1| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |7,1| 8 |


10 shots fired in 8 seconds


Tier 2


Shot number: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |

CoolDown after attack | 1 |0,1|0,9| 1 |0,1|0,9| 1 |0,1|0,9|

Total Time after attack and CD| 1 |1,1| 2 | 3 |3,1| 4 | 5 |5,1| 6 |


9 shots fired in 6 seconds


Tier 3


Shot number: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

CoolDown after attack |0,1|0,9|0,1|0,9|0,1|0,9|0,1|0,9|

Total Time after attack and CD|0,1| 1 |1,1| 2 |2,1| 3 |3,1| 4 |


8 shots fired in 4 seconds[/pre:1yy63mbp]

Ignore this part too if it makes no sence, they're all basicly telling the same thing:

So, the spell would be like: (at tier 2)

after every 3rd attack (beginning with attack 1) decrease attackspeed to X sec/attack.

after every 3rd attack (beginning with attack 2) increase attackspeed to 0,1sec/attack.

after every 3rd attack (beginning with attack 3) decrease attackspeed to X-0,1 sec/attack (X beeing the attackspeed it'd be without this spell).

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