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Guest galace

More Composite or mixed damage towers

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Guest galace

Didn't know where to put this but I would love to see in the next version, more towers that do damage to multiple towers.

For example: A Certain tower that does lets say double damage to light and dark but half or quarter damage to earth and nature. Or just more towers that do 100% damage to everything.

One thing though is that the towers themselves be more expensive then your run of the mill

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Guest galace

how so?

im saying depending on the combo

lets say you get a the elements fire and water

you can then build a non elemental tower taht does damage to Fire Water and reduced to Earth Nature or vice versa or w/e

but it would have to be expensive or harder to get

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Then it would have to be triggered becuase the damage types (piercing, siege) is already taken.

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how so?

im saying depending on the combo

lets say you get a the elements fire and water

you can then build a non elemental tower taht does damage to Fire Water and reduced to Earth Nature or vice versa or w/e

but it would have to be expensive or harder to get

maybe if it was just duals, then it would be manageable. Triples is way too confusing.

100% damage to all, would probably either:

-not as good in random since it's always best to build 200% towers

-need to have their effectiveness reduced overall somehow to offset the greater versatility (meaning they're even less effective in random).

I'm not really considering elements with conflicting strengths/weaknesses because i don't think that's as important.

I'm not saying it's a BAD idea, just saying what it would entail. interesting idea~

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extra memory work.. could be interesting i would say for more experienced players. variety in build design for pick.. could be a advantage or disadvantage in random with double 200%s or 50%s.. But i'm afraid this may confuse newcomers who already have to learn about the pregame settings and the basic elemental damage system... and a new set of towers would lead to more tower balancing which at the moment, not all the duals and triples that are in the game are truely balanced yet.

in development, there was a decision to reduce/remove composite towers. The old roots tower, electricity tower, poison tower just to name a few did composite damage and were changed to their present elemental damage after realising how strong these composite towers were in beta testing.

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Composite means basically: "Why play the game? It's much easier to just mass this composite tower."

In 3.0 Gold or Rainbow could dmg solo the game, allthough rainbow needed a bit of support to do so. That's not exactly playing eletd. :)

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