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Guest Starrzz

More Levels?

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Guest Starrzz

As I am relatively new to the forums and the game, I apologize for anything I post wrong or do wrong.

I have been enjoying them game, still trying to beat hard (level 46 is my record so far) but I would love to see more levels, to make games like Very Easy last a bit longer.

The same creeps over and over again, knowing how long you are going to last kinda bores me >.<

So, maybe level 100? Or maybe a bit less.


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The game lasts one hour. That's to long allready.

How about a suggestion that brings playing time down to 30mins max? :)

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Guest Starrzz

I'm a fan of long term games, so maybe an option to extend the levels or shorten it, like Cisz said.

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My comp wouldn't handle that much levels :evil:

It usually go good until level 45, and after level 55 it starts to freeze-lagg.

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Guest Starrzz

13est : I havn't thought of that yet, thats a really good point =/

I still like the idea of a long term game though =P

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this has been discussed before and every time it goes down. and ronalds is in a way infinate waves. even in very easy, you can see how long you can last in ronalds. do you really know how long you can last in ronald even in very easy? i can say i wouldn't know how long i can last in ronalds in very hard..

As said, the game is already long enough, hence we have short mode in the game.. extended mode? more likely just for single player mode and the player has too much time.

ever tried gem td? games that last 2 hours and most would end up leaving or getting fustrated at the slow pace and the time it takes to play one game.

and very easy is supposed to be very easy. it's just meant as a training ground. as long as the player builds something most likely the game can be completed. if you want to be average you should be playing in normal at least. and very hard is that. very hard. supposed to challenge even the best players.

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Guest Starrzz

Hmm, I guess your right holepercent.

I've been playing more, I can manage to beat normal with around 30~40 lives.

But with more levels, isn't that a sort of challenge to even experienced players? Instead of having the overall settings as very hard, you could see if you see the last wave in a 100 level match on a normal difficulty..

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you're assuming that the difficulty increases as the game goes on. In reality it's closer to having a high difficulty level throughout. Really now, who wants to sit through 50 easy levels twiddling their thumbs before they get to the good stuff?

Besides, think of how much harder it would be to balance. By level 75 the rest of the levels are either way way way too hard and the setbacks start compounding, or they're all easy because you have a great setup and you can just wallow in interest.

Not to mention, the entire map layout would need to be redesigned, otherwise you'd run out of tower space fast...

though, Ronald needs to be changed so we dont have to ronald hunt for 3 hours xD

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Guest Starrzz

DDRKirby : Another good point, I guess I better scrap this idea >.<

But another reason I kinda thought of this is the Ronalds, sitting there watching 100's of ronalds dieing is kinda boring =/

And my friends tell me that Ronald is really anti-climactic, I mean the last level of this epic map is.. Ronald?!?!

He's not even scary!

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And my friends tell me that Ronald is really anti-climactic, I mean the last level of this epic map is.. Ronald?!?!

He's not even scary!

... it's meant to be the final elimination of all players who can complete the 60 waves.. really to leave one player standing..

well. then replay please of you killing 1000s of ronalds in vh rnd. not to be mean or anything but really.. check the ronald hunt for top kills and it's not a lot excluding the 2k plus replay..

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and the 2k+ replays, again, could be shortened significantly if ronald hp rose at something like 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 kills, etc as opposed to at 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000.

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