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2 serious bugs. Stop-attack and game crash.

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during the time testing public beta I've several times come across these 2 nasty bugs. One is The "Stop-Attack" bug. Towers just stop attack automaticly. They can get started up again by manually forcing them to attack (and thyey're back to normal) but, That's often too late, when an enitre wave is often leaked. It most often happens with the mushroom tower, but has occured to me with other towers as well.

The Game crash bug has occured about 5 times to me. Offline Singleplayer, Online as host, and Online joining a game. When it happened online all players got game crash/fatal error. What I noticed is that when it happens, it's always in shortmode+random, if I remember correctly samerandom. it happened when the 3 eles are going to be randomized, instead of a the usual minor lag, game crashed. There's no replay as replays aren't saved when game crashes, neither as "lastreplay", but there are many who could confirm it i guess. Maybe it has something to do with those 3 randomed eles? if they random to something the game doesn't like then kaboom?

attack bug.w3g

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Yep I had it today too. It's a pitty that i've lost the replay :S It happened with tree of four Muhsroom-towers.


One time this happened to nullnullnixx an me. I (host) was yellow and he (joined) was blue. Everybody of us took vh-sr-sm-normal-normal, then the game crashed without a message box. It simply crashed.

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Never had the crash on public beta, on older 4.0 though.

Stop attack bug happened lots of times, but i thaught that was blizzard bug.

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