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Guest zercousy

Hi,new here...

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Guest zercousy

i been loitering in this forum for awhile...

i defeat the 6.7k ronald...in VE mode ap

i kno wit was noob.. end with 230k networth...

still killing but come up with a big error...

i wan to play VH but seem i need to work hard on it..

my strat usually all element with no level 3 and lose 1 level 2...which may dark or earth or nature...

plz welcome me thanks....

i got a replay with 3134 ronald kill in easy ap...

but i think its not worth to camapre here....

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Hi there, welcome to the board.

Hey, don't think we are not interested in your replay. I can't get enough of them. :)

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Welcome! Yes, we are interested in viewing your replay :) if you want, maybe we can provide you some helpful feedback and perhaps you can beat veryhard one day ;) If you feel like: browse around the strategy section and read some feedback othe players looking for help got, maybe check out Cisz tower placement guide (located here: http://eletd.com/tower-placement.php ).

Unlike Cisz I can get enough of replays, but that is when continuing to watch after an hour of ronald slaying :P

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Guest zercousy


i had tried play VH but only manage to lvl 55...

anylink can help me to upload the replay?

VH AP 55 lvl lose...tats my best...

i keep leak at some lvl coz keeping too much $$..bad:(

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All you should have to do is, in a post, press ”Browse”, then select the file you wish to upload, and press ”Attach the file”, then it’s just to press submit, and your post will include the file :) The replay should be located in “replay” inside the Warcraft III folder.


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Guest zercousy

i am back...

i manage to kill 800+ ronald and on kill

AP VH but with 6 element and with leaks...(thats my best)

i coun't upload the replay as required its must be in 1.22 version...

sorry for away for long in this forum but i do follow the forum...

i unofficially i become Malaysia top ele td player in garena...cant find lots ppl better than me in Malaysia room ..haha

i often play or host game at td room 1 or 2 for ele td

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