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Guest Busdriver

Need some help

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Guest Busdriver

I can never make it past lvl 40 and sometimes lower..i usually set it on Normal on all the screens that pop up....and i can never get past them...whats a good like strat to kill all types of people?

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if you want a good strat to kill all elemental types of creeps, consider combining damage towers of different elements.

Attack types

Combining 2 elemental types of damage towers

Either you combine damage towers of 2 elements. if so, you should have 1 base element for damage, and another one of a lower amount to cover it up on it's weaker level. For example, if you afford 4 damage towers you should build 3 towers of one element. let's say uoi build 3 towers of the element fire. Hmm, fire is weak to water, right? Then how to survive water waves? Aha! build a darkness tower, it is extra strong vs water waves! so:

Darkness covers up for the weakness of Fire.

Fire covers up for the weakness of Earth.

Earth covers up for the weakness of Darkness.

Light covers Water.

Water covers Nature.

Nature Covers Light.

If you do deal 75% of your damage Fire and the rest 25% from Darkness your damages will look like this:

Vs a wave of the element:

Earth, Fire or Darkness: 100%

Nature: 175%

Water: 87,5%

Light: 87,5%

Non-Elemental: 75% (80% in 4.1)

This can be done with for example 1 Oblivion tower(D)(D as for Darkness) for every 3 Zealouts towers (F) you have. Or why not a quaker(E) for every 3 obivion(D) towers you have?

Having something like 3 amplified Earth towers and 5 focused Fire towers should also work. (it's the total damage that matter,s not only the amount of twrs)

The other way of doing this is through Attack types of 3 different elements

If so you should have 3 elements that covers each other, equaly much damage from each Element. There are 2 groups of 3 elements that cover each other. One is Earth->Darkness->Fire->(Eart...) and the other one is Nature->Light->Water->(Natu...)

If you do this with 1 Oblivion tower(D), 1 Quaker tower(E) and 1 Zealouts tower(F) it results in this:

Damage vs creeps of the element type:

Fire, Earth or Darkness: 100%

Light, Nature or Water: 116,7%

Non-Elemental: 75%

Which Towers To build(this part is obsolate, it is true only for 4.0 Public Beta)

Allrigh, now you know which damage towers to build. Try out different towers, and see which ones you like the best, then put together a build that you like, consider picking 4 5 or 6 element types for the 11 lumber you will get through the game, (there are 60 levels).

When I say Damage towers, what do I mean? aren't all towers damage towers?

The answer is No, I like to divide them into Damage and support towers, even though some (support towers are stronger in damage than some damage towers).

The support towers are:














(there are some towers I place in between, which I in the other hand, don't think belong to this map, these are for example Ice and Falme tower, flame is a total supporter but still it doesn't belong to the map imo)

The duals cast their buff upon towers (except trickery tower, it's weirdo) every, something like, 10-15 sec, and the buff lasts for 60 sec. That means you should have one of these for every 4-3-5 buffable towers you have, not more.

Of the triples, Nova, Windstorm, Roots, Muck, Corrosion, have a fairily good damage and can therefore be built evenfrom the beginning, while Enchantment, polar and voodoo might have to wait for lategame, (depending on your strategy ofc).

Tower Placement

Check this out;)

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=&quot;http://eletd.com/tower-placement.php">http://eletd.com/tower-placement.php</a><!-- m -->

A guide for tower placement by Cisz. Ofc Every towers should have a different placement, but overall, try to learn the basics there, and play on a "two pass"(explained in guide).

Please, post a replay of yours and we can help you further, playing the 6ele build would be the easiest in public beta 1, while it's been overpowered, but that will hopefully be fixed for next betas, so please do consider learning a 4 or 5ele build (a build of 4 or 5 elemental types picked)

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Maybe u could post a replay...? To review it, at least...

Well, maybe u should try to place tower correctly?


- Impulse belong to position 5 (read tower guide if needed)

- Magic/laser tower belong to 2-pass

- Quaker/zealot on long pass

- etc...

Knowing those tower placement will give you an edge on this game

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